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Name_________ #_______ Due Date: _______ SPELLING CONTRACT

Spelling Pretest1. 100% on pretest= 100% for Fridays test and no PB pgs or no contract, but must study Spelling Bee Words 20/20 reg. words. 2. Missed less than 5 on the pretest- must complete PB pgs only!! 3. Missed 5 or more- must complete PB pgs and Contract Choose three (3) activities from the following options: Write your words in ABC order. Write your words in reverse ABC order. Use 15 of your words to create a word search on graph paper (include a word list) Create a crossword puzzle using 15 of your words (include clues). Divide your words into syllables. Write each word 5X each. Write your words in order from longest to shortest. Sort your words into at least 2 categories (eg. nouns, verbs) Use 10 words and arrange the letters of each word in alphabetical order (eg. factor= a, c, f, o, r, t) Use 10 words and determine the value of each word if each letter was worth 1 point. A= 1 pt, B= 2 pts., C= 3pts, and so on, all the way through Z= 26 pts. Take a Practice Test with the help of an adult. Make corrections and have the adult sign the Practice Test.

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