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2-2: Logic: Statements, Negations, Compound Statements


A ___________________ is a sentence that can be judged as true or false. (It has a truth value.) Examples: George Washington was the first president of the U.S. is a true statement. 6 + 9 = 16 is a false statement. * He is twelve years old. is not a statement because it cannot be judged to be true or false, since we do not know to whom he refers. A ___________________ is a statement that has the opposite truth value and the opposite meaning of the original statement. Examples: Statement: Today is Saturday. (false) Negation: Today is not Saturday. (true) Statement: Gumby is not orange. (true) Negation: ________________________________________________ (______) Statement: 4 + 7 = 9 (false) Negation: ______________________ (__________)

Symbol: ~ If the letter p represents any statement, then ~p: (not p) has the opposite truth value. Truth Table: p T F Compound Statements A __________________________ is 2 or more statements joined by the word and p: Today is Tuesday. q: This month is May. Symbol: Truth Table: pq p T T F F Today is Tuesday and the month is May. q T F T F pq Conclusion: A conjunction is true when: ________________________ _____________________________. ~p

A ________________________ is 2 or more statements joined by the word or Symbol: Truth Table: p T T F F Examples: p q q T F T F Today is Tuesday or the month is May. pq Conclusion: A disjunction is false when: ________________________ _____________________________.

p: Albany is the capital of New York q: Gumby is green. r: Mozart was a famous painter.

Determine the truth value of each of the following. 1. p q 6. q r 2. q r 7. ~ r 3. p q r 8. ~ p q 4. ~p 9. ~ p ~ r 5. ~ p r 10. ~ q r

The truth values of the first 2 statements are given. Determine whether the 3rd sentence is true, false or uncertain. 11. The grass is green. (T) The sky is blue. (T) The sky is blue and the grass is green. ____ 12. Today is Tuesday or it is fall. (T) It is fall. (T) Today is Tuesday. ____

13. Gumby is green. (T) Pokey is purple. (F) Gumby is not green or Pokey is purple. ____ 14. Sue went to the movies and Joe stayed home. (F) Joe stayed home. (T) Sue went to the movies. ____ 15. Sue went to the movies or Joe stayed home. (F) Joe stayed home. (F) Sue went to the movies. ____ HW: Pg 101 #1-5 odd, 11-21 odd, Pg. 104 #50

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