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Steps in Prototype Model

Ravi Kumar .A

The concept of Prototyping in System Development Process

A prototype is basically a scaled down model or working version of product. The prototype is put through various tests, before it is converted into a polished, sleek product. It is consisting of building an experimental system rapidly and inexpensively for the end-user to evaluate.

Steps in proto-typing:
Step 1: Identity the users requirements Step 2: Develop the initial / working proto type Step 3: Use the proto type for further refinements Step 4: Revise and enhance proto type

Steps in Prototype development method

Identity Known Requirements

Develop Working Model

Use Prototype

Review Prototype

Prototype Done ?

Advantages of Prototyping: Ability to tryout idea without incurring large/huge costs Lower overall development costs when requirements change frequently The ability to get a functioning system into the hands of the user quickly Reduced application development time to achieve a functioning system Effective utilization of scarce human resources

Disadvantages of Prototyping: Prototyping is better suited for smaller modular applications Rapid prototyping can gross over essential steps in systems development The performance may be rather inefficient As the system can be changed easily, documentation may not be kept up-to-date

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