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ONET / GAT Vocabulary BY Pariwat 1

English Vocabulary for ONET and GAT

by Pariwat ... isnt his cup of tea a little bit ability abortion accommodation according to accurate achieve acquire acquire admit adopt advertisement advice afraid against aggressive agree allow almost alongside also although amuse announce apologize apply appropriate architecture argue arrange arrest arrive ask for asset assign assignment assume atmosphere attain attempt attend attitude attractiveness authorize available avoid aware Bachelors degree bare behavior below benecial beside between beverage blame on blank blemish boiling book a ticket branch bulletproof cafeteria cancel cancer candidate candidate capability career careful case challenging change chase chew childhood choose circumstance clamoring cliff climax

ONET / GAT Vocabulary BY Pariwat 2

close to clumsy collar combine commercial commission commitment committee common community competition complain completely complexion complicated conceal concentrate condition congure confront confused consequently consider contest contestant continent contraceptive control coolant cottage cough court criminal crowd curbed cyclist dealt death decide decorate decrease defend denite demand department store depend on

depleting depress derisory describe detergent determine determine devise dialogue diet difcult dinner disappointment discrimination disease disguise distract do me a favor dont worry Dont you agree? dormitory (dorm) dramatic dreadful dwelling each earn edge editorial educate education effective elect election eliminate emerge emission emphasize employee employer encourage enjoy enough ensure enthusiastic environment erotic

ONET / GAT Vocabulary BY Pariwat 3

escape ethnic even though except exchange excuse me exhausted exhibition expand expense explore expression extend extend fabric facility fact factory fail fast food fatigue fear feature fever gure zzy exible ight attendant (air hostage) ood u uent forbid force foreign country forest fortunately freedom frustration gain garbage gate get along get off get out government grab

gradual graduate grain gross! guarantee guess hardly hardworking have fun healthy heavy helmet hire How do you like it? hunter hurry up I couldnt agree more I dont mind I dont mind I really doubt it I think so Identify ignore immediately imperfection imply in addition to in order include increase indenite industrial inevitable infect infer initiative innovative insert insight instructor insure intake interact interesting interfere invent

ONET / GAT Vocabulary BY Pariwat 4

involve irregular is able to is like is/am/are supposed to issue its superb join keep my ngers crossed knock knowledge labor force large launderette laundry layer lazy leak Let me see lifestyle liquid look for look like loud luckily madam main idea maintenance make sense management manufacture march marijuana married woman mask Masters degree mature maturity maximum mean merciful mercy mild militant mineral minimum

mistake mixed model mostly moth mournful multimuseum naked naked national necessary neighborhood nephew news niece no comment no kidding no problem no way noise nominate not able to not at all notice nowhere nutritious occasion odd ofcial old-fashioned omit once opinion opportunity opposite oppress optimistic ordinance organize ornamental otherwise ought to overdose overseas overweight

ONET / GAT Vocabulary BY Pariwat 5

painful painless pair pale passage passenger penalty perceive perhaps peril period pessimistic phrase plain pollution population position possess powerful predictor prefer preserve press prevent primitive process process produce proportion proposal provide punishment purchase purpose quality quickly quite radicalism rather reality reason receive receive recent recently reckless

recommend recommendation recruit reduction regret regular renovate repeat repel replace research reserve reservoir response responsibility rest result return reveal reward ridiculous rigorous ripen rise romantic roommate rule salty scholarship sea level seabed secretary section seduce seize select self-motivated semester sentence to prison separate serious settler severe sewage sharp signicant

ONET / GAT Vocabulary BY Pariwat 6

sir sleepy smoke smoker snatch solely sour source spare speech spicy sponsor spot state steam water store straight stress strive struggle study abroad style substitute suburb suddenly sufcient sufcient suggest suitable survey survival swell swing system table take a seat take off Take your time teenager temporary territory Thats out of question thirsty though threaten throughout

tired tiredness total tourist trafc jam trafc rules transfer transform trend trouble troublesome truth underneath unfortunately up to you value vary vending machine verbal communication victim violate volunteer wage wait for a while weapon weather weep weigh weight what a nice occasion whats wrong while whole wild willingness wish you were here worldwide wrapping paper youd better stop youre so mean! youre welcome yuck! **********************************

ONET / GAT Vocabulary BY Pariwat 7

READING SECTION READING 60% What is the main idea of the passage? Which of the following is NOT true? Which word is closet in meaning to ...? ... What does ... refer to? ... ( ) What can be inferred from the passage?

************************** by Pariwat Rattanasiripirom (Non)

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