Bible12L37 57

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Bible 12


37 Read 87-89. Study Matt. 7: 13-14 for oral verse quiz in L40
38 Read 90-94. Study for ovq in L40
39 Read sections 4.17-4.18. ovq is tomorrow
40 Read 95-99. Study 2 Cor. 6: 14-15, and 17 for oral vs quiz in L44
41 Read 100-102. Study for ovq in L44
42 Read 102-104. Study for ovq in L44.
43 Review sections 4.17-4.20. Prepare for OVQover 2 Cor. 6:14-15, 17
in next lesson.
44 Read 105-110. Study 1 Peter 2: 19-20 and Gal. 6:7 for L48
45 Read 110-112. Study for OvQ in L48
46 Prepare for Content Quiz 4 in the next lesson. S
47 Review sections 4.20-4.21 . Prepare for OVQ in next lesson
48 Read 114-118. Study Isa. 41:10 and 43: 2 for OVQ in lesson 52
49 Read 119-122. Study Isa. 41:10 and 43:2 for OVQ in L52
50 Read 123-127 . Study for OVQ in L52
51 Review text sections 5.22-5.24. Prepare for OVQ tomorrow
52 Read 128-130. Study Isa. 45:22 and 48:18 for L56
53 Read 130-134. Study for verse quiz in L56
54 Read 136-138. Prepare for Content Quiz 5 over ch 5 in the next
lesson. Study for OVQ in L56
55 Review section 5.22-5.25. Prepare for OVQ in next lesson
56 Read pp. 138-141. Study Isa 53:1-6 for OVQ in L60
57 Read pp. 142-146. Study Isa 53:1-6 for OVQ in L60

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