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The facts and beliefs on the blood types;

By Jonathan K
Have you ever heard of blood type? One of the German scientists figured it out that the type of blood is related to your genes. Therefore, he found out four basic types. Those are called A, B, AB and O. the way how to determine is to look for the existence of antibody and antigens on your red blood cells. Since this topic was very fresh and new, many scientists tried to discover any other details or the other types. The biggest discovery was by two scientists called Karl Landsteiner and Alexander Wiener in 1940 that says about RH type. They were testing antiserum by using a Rhesus monkey. And they named this new type after this participant. This new type was not the brand new type. But this was very complicated, so this caused less work, less doubt for the people who were curious about the truth of their births. And this was discovered after 40 years the basic four types have been discovered. And the funny thing is that there are more RH+ in Asia, and more RH- in West. And the reasons havent discovered yet. The significant of determining types is that the transfusion. Type O can give out to every type but only can receive from same type. The reason why is because of the existence of antibody or the antigens. Type O has none antigens, and exactly opposite thing happens to AB type. Than what would happen if type O receives the other types? The red blood

cells will be linked together by the antibodies and it will cause you to death. What an irony? Receiving blood cause the death. But this doesnt mean you cannot eat biological, or drink different types of blood than yours. In Asia, they believe that each type have their own personalities. Based on this belief, they also believe the love matches. For the most well-known, and ideal match is type O male, and type A female. The main reason is because type O doesnt care about females introspective personality. Meanwhile, the worse match is AB male and O female. Every single time, male hurts his feeling by being quiet. The personality of type AB is somewhere between type A and B, which are thoughtful or straightforward. Thus they are always arguing each other and break up at the end.

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