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Statement of Assets and Liabilities

Statement of

As at


Fixed Property (Registered in my name) Plot no District Purchased price
Rand value

Bonds Bank AMT Outstanding and/or amounts owing under deeds of sale

Rand value

Machinery, plant, etc: (Specify important items only)

With whom

Vehicles, implements: (specify important items only)


To Whom

Instalments payable

Furniture and fittings: Other Assets

Investments: (Private co.shares/loans, etc)

Loans (Including insurance companies) To whom due Interest rate When repayable Amount

Loans (Including insurance companies)

To whom due Amounts Interest rate When repayable

Life policies:(Payable to the undersigned and not to any third party) Company Maturity date Amount Surrender value less loans: Other liabilities (Specify):

Shares: Number held Stock in trade: Book debts:


Market Place: Surplus (Balance in my favour): Specify here contingent liabilities as guarantor, surety or otherwise

Bills receivable (not discounted) Bank balances (Specify) Cash: Goodwill and other assets: (Specify) Note: state if any assets are encumbered: Net annual emoluments form I/We hereby declare that this is a full, true and correct statement of my/our financial position and that my/our assets are not encumbered

Date: Signature


Income and Expenditure Monthly Income

Salary Maintenance Rent Investment Other

Total Income Montly Expenditure

Taxation Pension UIF Medical Aid Rent / Bond repayments Hire purchase instalments Lease agreements Credit card accounts Insurance premiums Transport Childrens clothing / education Loan repayments Donations Entertainment Budgeted savings Alimony / maintenance Electricity and water Rates and taxes Transport (petrol, bus fare, etc.) Groceries Telephone account Doctor / Chemist Maid / Gardener Security system TV rental / M-Net Other Other

Total Expenditure Surplus available for bank loan repayment

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