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ABSTRACT An assessment is a critical evaluation of information for guiding decision on complex, corporate issues. Assessments reduce complexity and add value by summarizing, synthesizing and sorting what is known and widely accepted from what is not known. One of the greatest challenges that businesses face today is determining the proper path to growth. Growth through investment influx or capital expansion can produce a loss of company control or cash flow crisis. Self-financed, slow growth may result in missing timely, emerging opportunities. They do the preventive things new software, do training; new computing system, do training; send an email; change in

new process, do training; merger or acquisition, maybe training

leadership. They know something isn t working, but cannot point to anything specific. To avoid those complex situations, some form of assessment before candidates can be hired or promoted from within. Companies need to have an objective way to determine the best match for the position, based on factors such as aptitude, emotional stability, ability to accept criticism, and personal integrity. This type of assessment may require extensive interviews, background checks and psychological or physical examinations. The most important and consistent difference between below average, average and above average performers is not education, experience or even intelligence. It s the natural ability of an individual to behave in a manner that s highly consistent with the necessary job behaviors. Many normed assessments can be used in evaluating skills in the primary academic domains: reading, including word recognition, fluency, and comprehension; mathematics, including computation and problem solving; and written expression, including handwriting, spelling and composition. The members of training team perform this assessment to both onsite and offsite employees, the score and the feedback is then complied into a report summarizing the results, as well as a proposed plan for the future, which helps in following: 1. Identify opportunities for improvement. 2. Initial steps to establishing company strategy. 3. Helps interdepartmental communication. 4. Helps determines customer s wants and needs. 5. Increase commitment of employees throughout company.

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