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P. Timbaa*, E. Muiuanea, H. Saezea a Dept. Of Geology, Eduardo Mondlane University, P.O. Box 257, Av. Mozambique Km 1,5; Maputo - Mozambique *Corresponding author e-mail:

In the present work an attempt is made to put into the perspective the hydrogeological characterization in Machaze, located in the southern area of Manica Province. This District is one of the most problematic, especially in the groundwater quality aspects, i.e. very high salinity (up to 3500 S/cm) and relatively very deep depths (up to 150 m of water table and piezometric levels from 133 m) to groundwater associated with very low annual precipitation rates (average: 500 800 mm/year). Unknown factors may determine deep aquifers, high salinity, occurrence and distribution of water resources in Machaze. In other hand there is no detailed hydrogeologic map for this area instead of the 1/1.000.000 Hydrogeologic map of Mozambique of 1987 what makes difficult groundwater research. To carry out the study, a field work program (in 2 different periods: October 2009 and June 2010) was undertaken where data from 77 existing boreholes were collected (borehole depth, water levels and borehole yield) and some water quality features like electrical conductivity. This information was processed in a GIS environment, combined with specific software (Surfer and ArcGis). First, the technical boreholes data was plotted on a map and statically processed for predicting areas of groundwater occurrence. These results were compared with others 19 boreholes made in 2010 and some geophysics studies which took place recently in the same district and in neighbour areas. Moreover, these results allowed us to delineate areas for potential groundwater exploitation through boreholes and in other hand areas where others alternative technologies like wells, dams, dikes can be employed. The results obtained through statistical prediction are not conclusive mainly in areas where there are few data (North and South of the District). In the central area of the District there are more consistencies. Key words: GIS, Groundwater, Hydrogeological Characterization, Kriging, Machaze District.

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