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IIM-A s Connexions discuss ways to make Indian economy better

- Discuss various macro-economic issues on Sustaining India s Growth Engine - Crisis is already here. The financial investors have already begun fretting and are questioning - Who is in charge? - Ajay Bagga, MD, Private Wealth Management, Deutsche Bank - The existing inflation and supply constraints are due to lack of infrastructure and investments- Sajjid Chinoy, India Economist, J.P. Morgan - India is not dependant on USA and Europe for exports-

India, US join hands to fight tax evaders

- Washington is believed to have a wealth of information on tax evaders and the exchange of information could lead to bringing to book Indians, who have stashed unaccounted money in tax havens abroad and made huge investments in the US and some European countries. - FLETC, officers will be involved in the Criminal Investigator Training Programme to be provided by special agents of the US Internal Revenue Service. DCI team s one-on-one with officials of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the International Law Enforcement Academies (ILEA) and some other federal intelligence agencies for exchange of information and future cooperation. - Effectively manage counter-terrorism operations, bust narcotics syndicates, detection of white-collar crimes and other cross-border issues.

DDs over 20k to be a/c payee only: RBI Validity of cheques, drafts cut to 3 months

Lupin challenges NPPA pricing of its two drugs.

- DoP to overrule the regulator s decision - NPPA had raised the bulk drug price of rifampicin by 10% to at . 4,111 per kg - The price monitoring arm has not duly considered the cost of production

Brokers may Deduct 10% Tax on Trading Charges.

- Trading charge is a fee paid for technical services, hence taxable, rules HC


- Institutional Support, Higher Yields Give Liquid Funds an Edge - Liquid funds give better post-tax returns than savings deposits and may not see major exits.

Gold, Realty can be Converted into Fin Assets Mckinsey

Bank Stocks can be Great Value Buy Now

- Many banks are quoting at just two times their book value, making them attractive, say experts.

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