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Journal AAR submission Guidelines

Manuscripts and editorial correspondence should be addressed to: Charles T. Mathewes Journal of the American Academy of ReligionDepartment of Religious StudiesUniversity of VirginiaP.O. Box 400126Charlottesville, VA 22904-4126 USA Authors must submit three hard copies of their document, and a copy on disk (using a standard word-processing program in either PC or Mac format, preferably in Word). Papers should be roughly 8000 words in length (including references and footnotes). An abstract of not more than 150 words must accompany each manuscript. Original hard copies and electronic files (in PDF, TIFF, or EPS) of all figures should accompany manuscripts. Authors should provide full contact information, including e-mail address, with manuscripts. All manuscripts accepted are subject to editorial modification. Copies and disks will not be returned. Upon request, the editor will furnish authors with a style sheet. Books for review should be sent to the book review editor: Kurtis Schaeffer Journal of the American Academy of Religion Department of Religious Studies University of Virginia P.O. Box 400126 Charlottesville, VA 229044126 USA The Journal does not guarantee review of unsolicited books.

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