Ekene's Persuasive Essay

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Ekene Odoemene

Mullen p. 1
Persuasive essay

Corporal/Child Punishment

Childhood is an extremely unique and critical stage of life. Children

all over the world share the same basic needs for safety, health, nurturance
and dignity. There are many programs committed to supporting children’s
development, respecting individual differences, helping children learn to live
and work cooperatively; and promoting children's physical and mental
health, self-worth, education, self-control, and responsibility. Corporal
punishment is an ineffective discipline strategy with children of all ages and
furthermore, that it is dangerous. It conflicts with these goals and has no
place in any child's life.
Corporal punishment most often produces in its victim’s anger, low
self esteem and resentment. It teaches that violence and revenge are
solutions for problems. And it perpetuates itself, as children imitate what
they see adults doing. When a child is a victim of corporal punishment they
will often feel very degraded, it also contributes to the feeling of
helplessness and humiliation.
There are various consequences and reasons for why it’s unacceptable.
It robs a child of their self-worth and self-respect, and can lead to
withdrawal and aggression. If a parent is trying to use this type of
punishment as a discipline measure, than it can increase the risk of child
abuse. It simply does not decrease a child’s aggression or delinquent
behaviors; it just erodes the trust between a parent and a child. A major
reason for why corporal punishment is intolerable is because it adversely
affects children’s cognitive development. Children who are spanked tend to
perform poorly on school tasks compared to other children. It’s important to
remember that all children act differently and need different levels of
attention. For this reason some parent may see corporal punishment as the
proper way to discipline a child and put them into shape.
Parents that experienced corporal punishment growing up may believe
that it helped them live in an organized and disciplined household. They
believe that a child who is spanked when they have done something wrong
will learn not to do it again in the future. In reality, the child will be afraid to
do anything wrong in the future, which will eventually create distance
between the parent and the child. Supporters of spanking say that it’s the
only method of discipline for toddlers who cannot understand reason and
explanations. But if your child is struggling that much with understanding
the parents reasoning and explanation, than professional help is what should
be sought after; not physical punishment. Parents, who say that spanking is
ok and it worked for them because they turned out fine, believe it will be
good for their children also. But a wrong act that their child does could set
them off, and they could easily increase the severity of their hitting. There
are many alternatives to spanking, and if you don’t know any; there are
professionals who can teach them to you.
Spanking children should never be though of as the only means of
punishment. Instead of spanking your child, you should just give them a
time out. Make sure that your very firm with them and don’t give them any
special treatment. You may also decide to take desert away from them.
Desert tends to be they favorite part of every child’s meal; knowing that if
they misbehave they will get that taken away, is sure to change their
behavior. But maybe desert isn’t what you want to take away from your
child; so try taking one of their favorite toys. You can remember when you
were little how it was like when you took your little toy everywhere with
you. If they know that they will get that taken away from them when they
act up; then hopefully they will think twice about it.
Childhood is an extremely unique and critical stage of life. Children
all over the world share the same basic needs for safety, health, nurturance
and dignity. Children’s development should always be respected because of
their individual differences. Corporal punishment fits nowhere in this rule. It
can and most likely will affect them as they grow up, and maybe even in
their adult lives. You hear of families having certain traditions passed down.
But what kind of family tradition is corporal punishment?

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