Miracle of Mother Vailankanni

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There was a miracle in Vailankanni Church, India in the 16th century. `Til today nobody have heard about the church of Vailankanni. One Sunday, Mother Mary appeared to a man in a form of an infant. She told him, dont be afraid, have faith and listen to me. I am to this world, Print 200 leaflets in my name and distribute to the people and spread the message to wash away sins and receive goodness in life. Do it in my name. Saying this, Mother Mary ( who was in a form of an infant) disappeared. A man in Vishalatnam, upon hearing this printed 515 leaflets and distributed the message in his town. After a few days, the man received the blessing from our Mother Mary and got 50 rupee taks by lottery. *In Agra, a man printed 615 leaflets. Within 24 days he got a pot of gold coins through the blessing of Mother Mary. *A poor man who thought of printing this message was blessed by Mother Mary and got a job. Later, he printed 1000 leaflets in thanksgiving. *Another person who did not believed and mocked and destroyed this leaflet. The disbeliever lost his son. Don`t be afraid when you receive this message thinking that something bad will happened to you. No, our Mother is not at all like that. She`s just reminding us to pray.Blessings will shower upon us if we remain LOYAL to God. The Holy Rosary is the most important weapon to fight against evil. Evil is everywhere and praying the Holy Rosary will be our shield against it. Pray everyday! The Holy Mass is the most perfect form of prayer! For each Mass we hear with devotion, Our Lord sends a Saint to comfort us at death(this is revealed by Christ to St.Gertrude).The Holy Mass would be of greater profit if people had it offered in their lifetime, rather than having it celebrated for the relief of their souls after death(Pope BenedictXV). PLS. PRAY THE ROSARY AND HEAR MASS EVERYDAY IF POSSIBLE. HOLD ON TO YOUR FAITH AND NEVER LET GO NO MATTER WHAT. OUR GOD IS A LOYAL GOD, HE WILL NEVER LEAVE US ALONE IN WHATEVER STRUGGLES WE ENCOUNTER IN OUR LIVES.KINDLY SPREAD THIS MESSAGE TO ALL! MAY GOD BLESS US ALL!

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