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For writing your letter

To raise prayer support for your ministry and financial support as the Lord provides.

1. Do make your letter personal. Be yourself in your writing expression, We

encourage you to write why you are going and what you hope to see God do in and
through you.

2. Do make it spiritual, but please be sensitive. Avoid preaching, sermonizing, or

outlining biblical passages.

3. Do use one or two verses that are appropriate to what the Lord is teaching you and
doing in your life. Verses that support what you are trusting the Lord to teach you
are good.

4. Do be specific and try to limit the letter to one page.

5. Do check your grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Have someone proof your letter.

6. Do make the letter appealing to the eye, original, and easy to read. Artwork,
headings, and space will help the reader understand the message.

7. Do find out where the checks need to be sent and how they should be designated
from your church and/or agency.

8. Do mention your financial need.

Example: “The cost of this mission trip will be $1,500 if your feel the Lord leading you
to share in this ministry, you can make check payable to Frontline Missions and enclose a
note designation to your name/name of mission trip i.e. Johnny Smith – Landmark 2009

9. Do mention the date by which you need your support to be raised.

10. Do mention where to send support, checks should be mailed to you.

11. Do remember to include your return address on your prayer letter.

12. Do make a copy of the letter for your team leader.

13. Do start meeting weekly for prayer with a partner or another team member.
Details for Landmark Christian School’s Mission Trip to
Honduras 2009

Date: April 3 - April 11, 2009

Location: Olanchito, Honduras
Ministry Focus: Drilling a well for water
Medical Clinics in remote villages
Medical/Dental in local villages

Total cost: $1,600 due by 3/14/07

$200 non-refundable deposit 12-05-08
$625 more by 2-13-09;
and the remaining $775 by 3-13-08
It is important that Frontline Missions has credited to your
account a total of $825 by 2-13-09 and a total of $1,600 by

<<Address 2>>

Dear <<Name2>>

I am writing to share some exciting news with you regarding an opportunity to share the
message of the Gospel. This Spring break, I am joining with a group of high school
students from my school to travel to Honduras for a short-term missionary trip.

We, the youth and adult team from Landmark Christian School, will be leaving on April
3rd for a nine-day trip focused on evangelism while performing free medical/dental
clinics in this nation. The people of Honduras are very open to the Gospel. The past
years, Landmark Christian School was instrumental in planting new churches and seeing
hundreds of people come to the Lord.

In preparation for departure, I am seeking support, both financially and in prayer. I need
to raise $1,600 to make my trip possible. Will you consider a gift of $100, $50 or $25 or
more to make my dream a reality? There are so many people who have not heard the
Good News of Christ, and I will have the chance to share the message of His love as we
give out the medical care. What a responsibility, but also what a privilege!

I appreciate your consideration of support. Included is a return envelope for your use. I
sincerely appreciate your prayerful consideration in helping make my mission trip



P>S> If you have any question about the short-term mission trip, please feel free to
contact me at <<number>>. I thank you so much for your faithful prayers and financial
support. Please make checks out to Frontline Missions with an attached note with my
name and LCS Honduras 2009 on it. Please leave the memo line blank on your check.
Send this to my address please:


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