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Ying and Yang Theory

Yin and Yang may be the most important theory in Chinese Medicine . The concept of Yin and Yang is simple and at the same time vast in nature. The relationship of Yin and Yang can be represented in the famous Tai Ji symbol that is shown above and below. This symbol

is called Supreme Ultimate, describing the profoundness of Yin and Yang. Although Yin and Yang are opposite stages, they form unity and are complementary. Yin contains a seed of Yang, and Yang contains a seed of Yin which is represented by the dots within each color. The symbol is showing that nothing can be totally Yin or totally Yang in nature. Yin is constantly changing into Yang as Yang is constantly merging in to Yin. Calligraphy Master Jin Huai Wang once explained to me these concepts of Yin and Yang. He said, The mountain has a Yin side (shaded) and a Yang side (sun drenched), and each of those sides contain Yin qualities and Yang qualities, just as the river, just as life (translation). The most beautiful part was how he described Yin and Yang, from the tone of his voice to physical movement he was just as he performs his calligraphy a true expression of Yin and Yang. Cyclical Motion The earliest origin of Yin and Yang must have come from the observation of day turning into night and night turning into day. Since the day time is the time of activity it is attributed to Yang. At night or yin time, involves a time of rest and inactivity. The Yin Yang symbol below relate to the first correspondences of Yin and Yang.

Transformation An example of transformation of Yin and Yang: Yang relates to creation and activity, which can transform into expansion that rises. Yin relates to condensation and materialization which can create contraction which descends.

Four Aspects The Opposition of Yin and Yang: Yin and Yang are opposite stages of a cycle. However opposition is relative, not absolute. The Interdependence of Yin and Yang: Yin and Yang are interdependent of each other. Yin can not survive without Yang and vice versa. There cannot be activity without rest. Mutual Consumption of Yin and Yang

The Inter-transformation of Yin and Yang Yin and Yang transform into each other. Yin can change into Yang and vice versa. Summer changes into winter, day turns into night and life turns into death. Body Structure Every part of the Human body can be labeled as either Yin or Yang.

Opposition The opposition of Yin and Yang can be seen in the opposing Yin-Yang structures of the human body, the opposing Yin-Yang characterization if the organs, and in the opposing symptomatology of Yin and Yang.

Clinical Manifestations of Yin and Yang

Yin-Yang and Eight Triagrams according to the Book of Changes

Figure 4.4-5 is a symbol that has been used since ancient times in China to symbolize the subdivision of the earth into the '8' stages in the cycle of the moon. This is the written symbol for 'space' in the fourth dimension. The square and the circle are the '2' symbols of the '4' dimensional 'area'. The square is a symbol of subdivision (Yin). The circle has no distinct sides, but seems to have only '1' (Yang) side. The circle is a symbol of unity (Yang). Because space is Yang, the written symbol of space uses only '1' (Yang) symbol of the 'area'. The symbol is in the form of a circle, which symbolizes the Tai-Ji, the Chinese symbol of unity (Yang).

Figure 4.4-5 There are '8' symbols that make up the written symbol for space. Each of these symbolizes '1' of the '8' fingers. Each symbol has '3' rows. Each of these rows symbolizes '1' of the bones of the fingers. Half of the segments are composed of '1' (Yang) unified (Yang) segment, and half of the segments are composed of '2' (Yin) subdivided (Yin) segments. (Figure 4.4-6).

Found Here:

Yin-Yang and Eight Triagrams according to the Book of Changes The Book of Changes is an ancient Chinese book of divination dating from the Zhou dynasty (1100 B.C.-221 B.C.). The Taiji is the symbol of the Tao School, popularly known in the West as the "yin-yang symbol." Taiji evolves into the Eight Triagrams. The Eight Triagrams is a prehistoric diagram thought to disclose the changes of the course of nature. Eight Triagrams multiplied by Eight Triagrams is 64 changes. Each of them has a meaning.

The relationship between the site of Chang'an City and divinatory symbols. The image above shows that the site of Chang'an City had a gentle downward slope from the southeast to the northwest. According to the geographical altitude, it could be divided into 6 levels. After calculations using Book of Changes, each level corresponds to one of the 64 changes. From the best to the

worst, the order of each level in the area was ascertained, then the function of each area was decided by the virtue reflected from the meaning of each change.

Which Way Up should the Tai Chi (TaiJi) go ? by Dr. Mark Shackelford

This is the famous Tai Chi symbol, representing many of the basic ideas of Taoist philosophy, some of which are outlined below. However, one question that often arises is "Which way should one draw the Tai Chi?". Taking a look at the wide range of books, magazines, internet sites and other publications, one soon finds a whole host of different orientations of the Tai Chi, such as those shown here:

So, which is the correct one ? Or indeed, is there a correct one ? To understand the answer we must first find out what the Tai Chi is intended to represent. The following sections outline some of the meanings inherent in the symbol. Yin and Yang Yin is the dark, cold, female, introvert, passive side of life, shown as the Black area. Yang is the light, warm, male, extrovert, active aspect, shown as the White area.

The Tai Chi symbol means that everything in the Universe (the "Ten Thousand Things" of the Tao Te Ching) contains both light and dark, good and evil. These are complementary aspects rather than conflicting. The two small dots within each area indicate that Yin contains the seed of Yang, and Yang contains the seed of Yin. The Cycles of Life Much of Taoist philosophy is based on the idea that everything goes in cycles - the years, the months, the seasons, even human life itself. These cycles are represented by the Circle of the Tai Chi, and the flow of time is indicated by the way the Yin and the Yang areas increase and decrease as they progress around the symbol.

The Seasons The four seasons - Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter - are not only part of the Cycles, but are also linked to Yin and Yang. Spring the time of new growth increasing Yang Summer the time of greatest heat highest Yang Autumn as the year cools increasing Yin Winter the coldest time highest Yin In the Tai Chi symbol, the seasons are mapped to the appropriate areas of Yin and Yang:

The Chinese Compass Directions Like the Western magnetic compass, the Chinese compass is based on the four main directions - North, South, East and West. In Chinese philosophy each direction is linked to a season: East to the Spring the time of new growth South to the Summer the time of warmth West to the Autumn the time of coolness North to the Winter the time of cold and snow The Tai Chi symbol is linked to the compass directions, through the seasons:

In China the South is considered to be the main direction and is shown at the top of their compasses, unlike in the West where we place North at the top of our maps and compasses. The Tai Chi Orientation

If we agree that the Tai Chi symbol is a representation of all the aspects discussed above the Yin and Yang, the Cycle of Seasons and the Compass Directions - there is only one Correct orientation of the Tai Chi, being the one used here. Any other orientation may well represent the Yin and the Yang, but does not properly represent the philosophy behind the symbol

Heaven Energy of the Sun and Moon

Martin Eisen, Ph.D.

Sunset at the North pole with the Moon on top 1. Introduction The Outer Forces of Heaven are manifested through the Three Treasures: the combined energy field of the sun, moon, and stars. The sun and moon are the primary Heavenly manifestations of Yin and Yang Qi. The sun is Yang and is considered the Spirit Soul (Hun) of Heaven, while the moon is Yin and is considered the Corporeal Soul of Earth. The sun and moon cyclically change their relative degrees of Yin to Yang at different times of the day, month and year. These changes affect the Earthly Yin and Yang energies as well as the Qi in the body. The most easily observed changes in the stars energy, which affect life on Earth, are from the North Star, the Big Dipper, and the 28 constellations. Stars energy will be discussed in Part 5. Some of the Five Elements correspondences between Heavens Treasures and the environment of Earth appear in Table1.

Table 1. Some Heavenly Five Element Relations

Ele mentYin Organ Yang Organ Wood Fire Earth Metal Water Liver Heart Spleen Lungs Kidneys Gall Bladder Time Early Dawn Season Spring Summer Late summer Fall Winter Direc tion Planet East South Center West North Jupiter Mars Saturn Venus Mercury

Small Intestine Noon Stomach Colon Bladder Mid- aftnoon Late Dusk Night

The bodys biorhythms are influenced by the cyclic energy changes of the sun, moon, and stars. For example, certain hormones, temperature, blood pressure, blood amino acids, etc. exhibit a cyclical variation during the day; womens emotional and menstrual cycles, usually 28 days, follow the changing phases of the moon. The Physical Cycle is 23 days long. The first 11 days produce an increasing feeling of good strength and endurance, while the second 11 days produces a decreasing feeling of strength and endurance. The Intellectual Cycle of 33 days has similar properties with the positive half being the first 16 days. The bodys clocks can be altered by food, drink, drugs, and abnormal sleep. Biorhythms also influence the time and severity of illnesses and the effects of drugs. Therefore, herbal, qigong and acupuncture therapy can be prescribed at specific times to enhance their effect. Familiarity with the cycles of Heavens Qi enables the Qigong doctor to utilize it to regulate and balance the patients Qi. 2. The Suns Cycles The Earths revolution about the sun causes seasonal energy changes in the organs and meridians of the body. In each of the 5 seasons a pair of organs reaches an energetic peak, as shown in Table1. The Earths revolution on its axis causes similar daily energetic maxima in the time period also shown in Table 1. The daily cycle of Heat, Blood, and Qi flow along the bodys twelve Meridians, Organs, and Skin Zones according to two hour time periods appears in Table 2. For example, from 3 5a.m. maximum energy flows along the Lung meridian, making the Lungs more responsive to treatment. The fluctuations of Qi in Heaven and Man during the hours and months can be described by the Twelve Pi Hexagrams shown in Table 2. A hexagram consists of a horizontal stack of 6 Yao, a solid or broken line. A solid line represents Yang and also exhalation. A broken line represents Yin and inhalation.

The Yin Yao Cycles The hexagrams from Gou to Kun indicate the gradual increasing of Yin Qi and decreasing of Yang Qi. This time period is called the time of dead breath. This is the best time for nurturing and restoring the Kidneys Yin Essence for people with deficient Yin Qi. The Yang Yao Cycle The hexagrams from Fu to Qian represent the gradual increase of Yang Qi and the decrease in Yin Qi. This time period is called the time of living breath. This is the best time for emitting external Qi and training for treating insufficiency of Yang Qi.

A Qigong doctor can use the Yin and Yang Yao Cycles to prescribe for a patient by adjusting his breathing according to the applicable hexagram. For instance, when practicing during the period of the Fu hexagram, there is more Yin than Yang, so to nourish Yang requires longer inhalations (Yin) and shorter exhalations (Yang). The Gou hexagram shows that there is more Yang than Yin at this stage. To balance Yin and Yang, the practitioner should use shorter inhalations and longer exhalations during this time period. Practicing Qigong during the four following time periods aids increasing internal energy in harmony with the energy changes in nature. 1. The Fu Time Period (Midnight) is related to the beginning of the Yang cycle and is ideal for gathering Yuan (Prenatal) Qi 2. The Dazhuang Period (Sunrise) is when natural Yang Qi increases due to the rising sun and so does the Yang Qi of the body. Practice during this period promotes the vigorous growth of Yang. 3. The Gou Period (High Noon) is when the Heart meridian exhibits its energetic peak. Since the Yang energy Yaos decrease, practicing during this period helps the growth of Yin energy and suppresses the hyperactivity of Yin energy. 4. The Guan Period (Sunset) is when the environmental energy changes from clear to dark. Practicing during this period encourages increasing primordial Yin Qi and the conservation and nourishment of Yang energy. The four seasonal peak transitions of energy, in the northern hemisphere, corresponding to the four time periods, appear in Table 3. Table 3. The Four Seasonal Peak Energy Changes
Name Palace of Eternal Frost Date Suns Position Description Time Period

Winter Solstice Furthest south Maximum Yin or Midnight December 33 from equator darkness, 25 shortest days; longest time of cold Spring Equinox March 21 Crosses heavenly equator Light & darkness, Sunrise Yin & Yang balanced. Yang Qi is growing. Noon

Golden Gate

Palace of Summer Solstice Furthest north Maximum Yang Universal Yang June 21 23 from equator or brightness; longest days & times of light & warmth Gate of the Autumn Equinox Crosses

Light & darkness, Sunset


September 22


Yin & Yang balanced. Yin Qi is increasing.

Further seasonal transitions periods appear in (1). Ancient Qigong masters practiced Gathering the Suns Essence Meditation to gather pure Yang Qi and to strengthen Zheng (Gathering) Qi. This helped to eliminate pathogenic factors and prevent premature aging. Details can be found in (1). 3. The Moons Cycles According to ancient Qigong masters, the sun has a Yang nature radiating hot, thermal energy, while the moon is Yin and emits a much cooler energy by reflecting the energy of the sun. The amount of energy reflected depends on the phase of the moon in its lunar cycle as it revolves around the earth. The lunar month begins with the new moon, when the moon is between the sun and earth. Sunlight strikes the half of the moon which is not visible from the earth and so no light is reflected towards the earth. When the moon travels about 1/8th of its orbit around the earth, the sun begins to illuminate part of the moon which reflects some light to the earth and the moon is called a waxing crescent After traveling of the way around its orbit the moon appears as a half illuminated circle. Some phases are shown in Table 4. The bodys Qi and Blood varies with the amount of reflected light and also with the gravitational pull of the sun and moon, just as the tides. Thus, the ancient Qigong masters specified times for tonifying and purging. For example dont tonify when the moon is full since Blood and Qi are turning excessive due to the amount of reflected light and also because the suns and moons gravitational pulls are acting together in concert. Table 4 helps in designing the proper Qigong treatment during certain phases of the moon. Table 4. Qigong Treatment According to Phases of Moon
Phase of Moon Reason New Tide Qi & Blood Deficient Regulation No Purging

Moon between Spring. Max. sun; earth. Start Sun; moon pull of orbit together Spring. Max. Sun; moon pull together

Waxing Crescent Moon between sun; earth & 1/8th around orbit First Quarter

Turning excessive

No Tonifying

Moon is 90 deg. Neap. Min. Sun; Deficient to sun & 1/4 moon work around orbit against each other

No Purging


Moon opposite Spring. Max. Excessive sun & 1/2 around Sun & moon pull orbit together

No Tonifying

Last Quarter

Moon is 90 deg. Neap. Min. Sun Turning DeficientNo Purging to sun & 3/4 & moon work around orbit against each other Spring. Max. Deficient Sun & moon pull together No Purging

Waning Crescent Moon between sun & earth & 7/8th around orbit

During a full moon, the bodys Blood and Qi fill the Baihui point at the top of the head. At the new moon, the bodys Blood and Qi gather at the Huiyin in the perineum. Following the moons cycle, the bodys Qi completes a full revolution, flowing up the Governing Vessel to the Baihui, and down the Conception Vessel to the Huiyin. Since the top and bottom o the Taiji Pole are activated at the full and new moon, these times are considered the most productive times for Taiji Pole Qi practice. Ancient Qigong masters also practiced Gathering the Moons Cream Meditation. The vital essence of the moon is called Cream or cool light. It is used to nourish the Kidneys, Jing, Marrow, and Brain, while contributing to longevity. This meditation is practiced only three days before, during, and after the full moon, a total of nine days. These days are the brightest days of the month. It is not practiced other days because there is insufficient vital moon essence to gather. This meditation is described in (1). 4. Proper Directions for Practicing Qigong The proper directions for practicing Qigong have been emphasized since ancient times (see Table 1). For instance, the practitioner faces the sun and moon when practicing sun and moon meditations. Patients with a Yang deficiency should face east or south. Those with Yin deficiencies should face north or west. Those with a Kidney, Liver, Heart, or Lung deficiency should face north, east, south, west, respectively. Patients with a spleen deficiency should focus their attention on the center (Earth). Note that although these directions are effective, a Qigong master chooses the place and direction using their intuition. They slowly turn until they feel their body filling with Qi in a specific direction. They cannot stand or sit comfortably unless they are facing that direction.

The concept of Yin and Yang is one of the most fundamental and profound theories of Feng Shui. It is the Chinese perspective of balance and continual change. Many Feng Shui practitioners claim they have a deep understanding of this concept, yet they cannot even represent the image correctly. In fact, this is a good indicator of the depth of knowledge a master possesses. Many times these practitioners call themselves masters, yet their printed materials contain an incorrect Tai-ji (The name for the Yin and Yang circle) representation. How can one call themselves a master of Feng Shui and not even understand the basics of this deep and extremely significant diagram? Yin and Yang is a foundation theory for Feng Shui that supports many other theories including the Five Elements theory and the Environment. Hopefully by reading this, you will be better informed on what Yin/Yang theory is in Feng Shui. What the Western version might be ?

Yin and Yang are dependent opposites that must always be in balance. The opposites flow in a natural cycle always replacing the other. Just as the seasons cycle and create a time of heat and cold, Yin and Yang cycles through active and passive, dark and light, etc. Yin and Yang evolved from a belief of mutually dependant opposites that cannot live without the other. The Eastern view of opposites is, if you will excuse the pun, opposite of a Western view. If Yin and Yang are balanced and flowing in the East, in the West (if a similar philosophy were adopted), it might look like the image to the right. We in the West tend to look as things as black or white, right or wrong, etc. There is separation and unrelatedness in the Western perspective. Whereas, the Chinese view opposites as evolving and cycling. There is neither right or wrong, but rather there is balance, transformation, interaction, and dependent opposition. We need both to maintain a balance. Symbolism After the Yellow Turban rebellion (184 A.D.), the Han dynasty emperors commissioned scholars to re-examine the ancient texts. The principles of which Dong Zhongshui (179-104 B.C.) and others interpreted the ancient texts were derived from the early philosophy of nature, the complementary alternating forces of Yin and Yang, dark and light, female and male, which maintain the balance of the cosmos, and which had been a thought pattern of the Chinese before any philosophical schools came into being.1 Meaning, that Feng Shui and Yin

and Yang concepts were evolving from cosmological and environmental sciences before Daoists philosophy adopted it. Many people believe that it was a Daoist invention. Within Yang, there is a small piece of Yin. Within Yin, there is a small piece of Yang. Just as in the heart of winter, a seed lays in wait to become life, so is Yang waited within Yin for its turn. In a hot summer, a sudden desert storm can bring coolness. This too is an example of how Yin is found in Yang. Again, there are no absolutes, just cycles in time. Understanding a small piece of the true nature of the Tai Chi symbol

These Han dynasty scholars examined the ancient texts and discovered that their forebearers already had a logical and cyclical explanation for the Yin and Yang beyond the morality and philosophy. The first initial observations were of the changes of the seasons. Then expanding these observations the directions were explained. Then cycles in nature were further explained as the cycle of the Five elements. From a solar perspective, the Sun rises in the East, reaches its peak overhead and sets in the West, then the symbology of the Tai-ji can be represented as right. Furthering that; Spring gives way to new wood, Summer brings fire and heat, Autumn cools like metal, and lastly snow (frozen water) brings the coldest time or Winter. It can also be seen that heat rises and coolness settles. From a directional perspective, in the Northern Hemisphere (and from a Chinese perspective) the hottest direction is the South and the coldest is the North. Meanwhile all of this occurs with Earth being the center point. An elemental perspective is a productive cycle of five elements. Creating this productive cycle of elements we see that:

Wood burns producing Fire. Fire leaves behind Earth. Earth is the source of Metal.

Metal liquefies into flowing liquid like Water (or another explanation is that Metal when cooled it creates condensation, such as a car left out on a cool night). Water then becomes the nourishment for the Wood.

Tafsir Telinga Berdenging

Telinga sebelah kanan berdenging antara pada jam 06-07 pagi hari bermakna akan mendapat kabar buruk antara jam 07 - 08 pagi hari bermakna akan difitnahkan orang yang menjadikan guncingan orang antara jam 08 - 09 pagi hari bermakna akan berencana pergi jauh dan entah itu sendiri atau bersama orang lain antara jam 09 - 10 pagi hari bermakna akan ada berita yang kurang menyenangkan tentang keluarga antara jam 10 - 11 pagi hari bermakna akan ada penghalang dari rencana perjalanan anda sebaiknya ditunda atau dibatalkan dulu antara jam 11 - 12 siang hari bermakna akan ada khabar yang kurang mengenakkan yang datangnya bersamaan dengan surat yang akan diterima dalam waktu dekat antara jam 12 - 13 siang hari bermakna akan ada saudara jauh yang datang dengan membawa cerita lama antara jam 13 - 14 siang hari bermakna akan ada ajakan maka-makan antara jam 14 - 15 siang hari bermakna akan ada sesuatu yang membahayakan anda dalam waktu dekat antara jam 15 - 16 sore hari bermakna akan ada berita dari keluarga yang entah itu yang menyenangkan atau menyedihkan antara jam 16 - 17 sore hari bermakna akan ada perjalanan jauh yang akan anda lakukan dalam waktu dekat antara jam 17 - 18 sore hari bermakna anda sedang menjadi pembicaraan banyak orang antara jam 18 - 19 sore hari bermakna akan ada sesuatu yang berharga pergi meninggalkan anda antara jam 19 - 20 malam hari bermakna akan mendapat berita buruk dari kalangan sendiri antara jam 20 - 21 malam hari

bermakna akan ada keberuntungan yang besar untuk anda antara jam 21- 22 malam hari bermakna akan ada yang mengancam anda antara jam 22 -23 malam hari bermakna akan ada berita yang baik datang kepada anda antara jam 23 - 24 malam hari bermakna akan ada seseorang yang jatuh cinta antara jam 24 - 01 pagi hari bermakna akan ada sesuatu wejangan yang diberikan oleh orang tua antara jam 01- 02 pagi hari bermakna akan ada perselisihan antara kerabat sendiri antara jam 02- 03 pagi hari bermakna segala perjalanan yang ada kerjakan akan selamat sampai tujuan. antara jam 03- 04 pagi hari bermakna akan ada yang sesuatu yang hilang yang anda nilai sangat berharga antara jam 04- 05 pagi hari bermakna akan ada sesuatu yang merugikan anda jika anda seorang pekerja anda akan diberi peringatan dari pimpinan antara jam 05- 06 pagi hari bermakna akan ada orang yang akan mencelakakan anda Telinga sebelah kiri berdenging antara jam 06-07 pagi bermakna akan ada tamu yang menguntungkan dalam waktu dekat. antara jam 07-08 pagi bermakna akan melakukan perjalan jauh dalam waktu dekat antara jam 08-09 pagi bermakna akan kedatangan keluarga dekat antara jam 10-11 pagi bermakna akan selamat dalam perjalanan yang akan datang antara jam 11-12 siang bermakna akan kedatangan keluarga dari seberang lautan antara jam 12-13 siang bermakna akan terserang penyakit dalam waktu dekat antara jam 14-15 siang bermakna akan kedatangan tamu antara jam 15-16 sore bermakna akan bepergian jauh baik beurusan usaha atau urusan kerja, sendiri atau bersama-sama. antara jam 17-18 sore bermakna dalam waktu dekat akan mendapat keuntungan besar bagi usaha dagang yang dirintis dan dalam waktu dekat akan naik pangkat bagi pekerjaan. antara jam 19-20 malam bermakna akan menerima pernyataan cinta dari seseorang dalam waktu dekat ini. antara jam 21-22 malam bermakna akan menerima undangan perkawinan dari teman dekat antara jam 22-23 malam

bermakna akan kedatangan pencuri antara jam 23-24 malam bermakna akan menghadapi penghalang dalam mengurus perkara yang sedang dihadapi antara jam 00- 01 dini hari bermakna semua cita-cita akan yang direncanakan akan segera tercapai antara jam 01- 02 dini hari bermakna akan menerima kabar yang sangat menyengkan antara jam 02- 03 dini hari bermakna akan ada perseturuan dalam keluarga. antara jam 04- 05 pagi hari bermakna and akan mendapat usaha pekerjaan baru antara jam 05- 06 pagi hari bermakna akan ada musyawarah dan mufakat dalam setiap persoalan yang dihadapi oleh anda sebagai jalan keluarnya.

Teori YIN dan YANG

Dalam ilmu Akupuntur, teori Yin Yang adalah dua karakter yang ada di alam semesta ini yang memiliki dua muka (positif dan negatif) yang saling bertentangan, saling bergantung, saling tarik menarik, saling bertransformasi, membentuk kesatuan, pasang surut dan relatif (tidak mutlak). Sesuai konsep holistic, Yin Yang tubuh manusia dipengaruhi oleh Yin Yang alam semesta ini. Jadi untuk mempertahankan keseimbangannya manusia harus menyelaraskan/menyesuaikan dengan keadaan lingkungan dimana ia tinggal. Dalam Yin selalu ada Yang dan dalam Yang selalu ada Yin. Contoh Karakter Yin Yang : Yin : Air, dingin, Malam, Gelap, Utara, Istirahat, Pasif, Lapar, Kurus, Bawah, Gelap, Sedih, Miskin, Kurang/hipo. Yang : Api, Panas, Siang, Selatan, Terang, Bekerja, Aktif, Gemuk, Kenyang, Kaya, Gembira, Hiper/Berlebihan. Contoh Yin Yang dalam Meridian : Yin : Paru-paru, Perikardium, Jantung, Limpa, Lever, Ginjal Yang : Usus Besar, Sanciao, Usus Kecil, Lambung, Kd. Empedu, Kd. Kemih Contoh Yin Yang dalam tubuh manusia : Yin : Bagian dada, Perut, Tubuh bagian bawah, Organ Cang, Sie, Li Yang : Punggung, bokong, Tubuh bagian atas, Organ Fu, Ci, Piao

Contoh Yin Yang dalam kondisi penyakit: Yin : Kronis, Diam, Dingin, Lembab, Regresif Yang : Akut, Gelisah, Panas, Kering, Progresif Contoh Yin Yang dalam organ tubuh manusia : Yin : Paru-paru, Limpa, Jantung, Perikardium, Hati, Ginjal Yang : Usus Besar, Usus Kecil, Kandung kemih, Kandung Empedu, Lambung, Sanjiao Bila kita bicara tentang ORGAN CANG dengan fungsinya yang khusus, yaitu membuat dan menyimpan zat-zat pokok dan energi vital tergolong ORGAN YIN. ORGAN FU fung meneruskannya lagi ke organ Fu lain untuk diolah lebih lanjut, tergolong dalam ORGAN YANG. Meridian yang bersifat Yin meridian berakhir pada organ yang bersangkutan. Misalnya Organ Limpa, diawali dari ujung ibu jari kaki bagian luar dan berakhir pada titik di depan organ Limpa. Meridian yang bersifat Yang jalur meridian akan mencapai kepala. Seperti meridian Lambung, berawal dari bawah mata dan berakhir di ujung jari manis kaki. Masing-masing organ Cang Fu memiliki sifat Yin dan Yang. Misalnya organ ginjal memiliki sifat Yin ginjal dan memiliki juga sifat Yang. Demikian juga dengan organ limpa, lambung dan organ-organ lainnya. 6 Kondisi Keseimbangan Yin Yang

Yin dan Yang seimbang/normal Yang Ekses (kelebihan Yang) Yin Ekses (kelebihan Yin) Yin Defisiensi (kekurangan Yin) Yang Defisiensi (kekurangan Yang) Yin Yang Defisiensi (Kepunahan)

Fungsi Teori Yin Yang :

Merupakan bidang mendiagnosa suatu penyakit yang diderita oleh pasien, adalah 2 bidang diagnosa dari 8 dasar diagnosa terhadap penyakit. Merupakan bidang penentuan terapi,

Jika kondisi pasien Yin dilakukan terapi Yang Jika kondisi pasien Yang dilakukan terapi Yin Jika kondisi pasien Defisiensi dilakukan terapi Penguatan/Tonifikasi

Jika kondisi pasien Ekses dilakukan terapi Pelemahan/Sedasi Jika kondisi pasien Dingin dilakukan terapi Pemanasan/Moksibasi Jika kondisi pasien Panas dilakukan terapi Pendinginan

Merupakan bidang penilaian/Prognosa setelah dilakukan penanganan

Dalam keadaan normal pertentangan-pertentangan antara Yin dan Yang ini tetap memelihara adanya keseimbangan relatif (harmonis), tetapi dalam keadaan abnormal akan terjadi ekses (kelebihan) atau defisiensi (kekurangan) Yin dan Yang. Apabila dalam proses saling melebur tampak ada gejala hilangnya relatifitas antara Yin dan Yang dan kegagalan untuk memulihkan keseimbangan itu, maka akan timbul keadaan ekses atau defisiensi dari salah satu Yin atau Yang. Hal ini merupakan faktor penyebab terjadinya penyakit, yaitu bila Yin atau Yang terdapat dalam keadaan ekses atau defisien. Misalnya Yin ekses akan menghabiskan Yang, dan keadaan Yang defisien di pihak lain juga akan membawa pada keadaan Yin ekses, yang masing-masing dapat mengawali timbulnya sindrom dingin. Sebaliknya keadaan Yang ekses akan menghabiskan Yin, tapi keadaan Yin defisien juga akan mengakibatkan keadaan Yang ekses, yang masing-masing dapat membentuk sindrom panas. Sindrom-sindrom dingin atau panas yang disebabkan oleh faktor-faktor berbahaya yang berlebihan dikaitkan dengan kondisi Shi (Se, ekses), sedangkan sindrom-sindrom yang timbul akibat dingin atau panas karena menurunnya resistensi umum dihubungkan dengan kondisi Xu (Si, defisien). Kedua jenis sindrom ini berbeda sifatnya, oleh karena itu prinsip-prinsip pengobatannya juga berbeda; yaitu sedasi (pelemahan) bagi sindrom-sindrom ekses dan tonifikasi (penguatan) bagi sindrom-sindrom defisiensi. Karena terjadinya penyakit disebabkan ketidak-seimbangan Yin dan Yang, maka semua pengobatan harus merujuk kepada kedua aspek ini (Yin dan Yang), yaitu pada pengembalian keseimbangan relatif antara Yin dan Yang ini. Dalam pengobatan akupunktur, titik-titik disisi badan sebelah kanan dapat dipilih untuk mengobati gangguan-gangguan di sisi badan sebelah kiri dan sebaliknya, sedangkan titiktitik Akupunktur di bagian badan sebelah bawah dapat dipilih untuk mengobati gangguangangguan yang terletak di bagian badan sebelah atas dan pula sebaliknya. Semua cara ini berdasarkan pengertian bahwa badan merupakan kesatuan organik yang utuh dan tujuan pengobatan ialah untuk menyeimbangkan kembali hubungan antara Yin dan Yang dan untuk meningkatkan sirkulasi Qi dan darah.

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