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known as "large chunk" processing. } It states that people form perceptions (or focus attention) by starting with the larger concept or idea (it can even be the concept or idea of an object) and then working their way down to the finer details of that concept or idea
} Also


top-down processor is a type of person who learns new ideas and concepts (or forms perceptions) by starting first with the high-level aspects then working way down to the finer details (general to specific). } Basically that person tends to related new ideas with his prior knowledge (schemata).

so known as "small chunk" processing }Suggests that we perceive elements by starting with the smaller (more fine details of that element) and then building upward until we have a solid representation of it in our minds.
} Al

} Bottom-up

processor people - understands concepts and ideas by starting with the details and then working up to the main idea of overall concept. } Bottom-up processing does not require any "thinking. } take in stimuli from the outside world (letters and words, for reading) and deal with that information with little recourse to higher-level knowledge.

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