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Garment Logistics and Operations

Executive Summary Global garment manufacturing company 25,000 staff in 19 factories in eight countries at 14 locations supplying many famous brand names Results Profitability increased over 100% Manufacturing cycle time reduced 43% Challenges Improve profitability Improve productivity Leverage vertical integration business model Create strategic partnerships Maximize return on assets Productivity increased 20% Inventory holding days reduced 39% Right first time performance increased 60% Order on-time delivery up from 60% to 99% Sample on-time delivery improved by 46% Customer satisfaction improved by 25%

The Thomas Group Resultants helped us respond faster to our customers and achieve better financial results CEO

Garment Logistics and Operations, contd

How Achieved
Selected, trained, coached, and mentored 24 internal resultants to work along side the TG resultant team BIT and CFTs installed entitled processes, measurement systems and AIP management Newsletters and pictures were published monthly on the intranet Web site to drive communication throughout the organization More than 1,000 employees were trained in TCT methodologies Set a vision of entitlement for sales and marketing, material and inventory, supply chain management, and operations Cost reduction objectives and action plans were established and budgeted to entitlement with regular reviews to track results Quality concept changed from inspection to high FPY with less inspection needed An inventory management system, measurements, and mindset was established Set up Sales and Marketing CFT in partnership with selected customer accounts to achieve improvement across the supply chain, resulting in faster market response and lower costs Implemented standard cellular manufacturing process at all seven sites

Profitability increased over 100% Manufacturing cycle time reduced 43% Productivity increased 20% Inventory reduced 39% Right first time performance increased 60% Order on-time delivery up from 60% to 99% Sample on-time delivery improved by 46% Customer satisfaction improved 25%

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