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Organizational Effectiveness: A case Study of Telecommunication and Banking Sector of Pakistan.

Course: 21st Century Mangment Practices Coached by Sir Dr.Bahauddin G Mujtaba Superior University, Lahore Student s full contact Information Muhammad Imran Sharif, Roll No 12131, Contact # 0343-9898898, Email: a student of MSBA, Superior University, Lahore Date of submission: 24.12.2011 Submitted on 07.01.2012

Paper summary This paper addresses organizational effectiveness an important factor in Telecommunication and banking sector of Pakistan. This tells that organizational effectiveness is influenced by employees performance and their motivation and also by organizational environment. Though organizational effectiveness is complex and abstract topic and required further research so that it could be measured in more realistic format. From the Paper Introduction Organizational effectiveness has effected by a list of different variables includes employees performance, motivation, organizational environment, managerial expertise, creative synergy whereas performance and motivation further effects from rewards and some other important variables. The main objective of study was to describe factors which influence on organizational effectiveness. Employee performance further depends upon performance appraisals, employee motivation, employee satisfaction, compensation, training and development, job security and organization structure and other. Employee motivation is getting people to do their best work even in not good circumstances. Maslows theory of need tells that lower level needs must be satisfied before the next higer level need would motivate employees, others like Herzberg and Vrooms theories tells more about motivation. Organizational Environment determines the manner and extent to which roles, power and responsibilities are delegated and how information flows between levels of management. The organizational environment can be divided into two main parts internal environment and external environment. Methodology and Area of Selection The study was done in four cities of Punjab, and adopted quastionare used, simple random sampling used with a sample of 103 variables. Results and Discussion Discriptive statistics shows organanizational effectiveness having mean of 3.86 with 1.63 variance and of organizational e

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