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Present Tense
1. Present Simple Tense
Kegunaan : Untuk menerangkan sesuatu yang bersifat ‘kebenaran umum’.
Rumus : Subyek + Verb1 (tambah s, es, atau ies) + Obyek
Contoh : - I read newspaper everyday
- She reads newspaper everyday

2. Present Continuous Tense

3. Present Perfect Tense

4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense

B. Past tense
1. Past Simple Tense
2. Past Continuous Tense
3. Past Perfect Tense
4. Past Perfect Continuous Tense

C. Future Tense
1. Future Simple Tense
2. Future Continuous Tense
3. Future Perfect Tense
4. Future Perfect Continuous Tense

D. Future Past
1. Future Past Tense
Future Past Tense ini sering dipakai dalam kalimat tidak langsung
(Indirect Speech) dan kalimat pengandaian (Conditional Sentence).
Structure: Subject + Should/Would + Verb 1st form.
Exampel : If I had much money, I would go around the world.
I should go to the party last night, but the rain was very hard.
2. Future Past Continuouse Tense
Future Past Continuous Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu
perbuatan atau peristiwa yang akan sedang dilakukan di waktu yang
lampau. Should atau would dalam Future Past Continuous Tense ini berarti
= seharusnya.
Structure: Subject + should/would + be + Present Participle
Exampel : I should be writing my PTR entry at 9 last night.

3. Future Past Perfect Tense

Future Past Perfect Tense digunakan untuk meyatakan suatu kejadian
atau perbuatan yang seharusnya sudah selelsai pada waktu lampau.
Structure: Subject + should/would + have + Verb bentuk ketiga
Exampel : She would have finished her project last week.

4. Future Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Structur : shall atau will + have + been + present participle
Exampel : She will have been dating.

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