Grade 8 Term 3 Research Project: Libraries Website Listing of Databases

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Grade 8 Term 3 Research Project

Your assignment for the majority of the third term will be to conduct research on an assigned topic in a group, evaluate sources and extract important information as a group, then draft and revise your paper as an individual.

You will conduct the majority of your research in class using databases accessed through the BPS libraries website, as well as sources found through your own google searches, etc. These sources will be shared with the other members of your table group through the use of a shared Evernote notebook that everyone can access. Your group is responsible for dividing up the research responsibilities so that everyone does their fair share of work. You are required to use and cite at least 6 sources, but ideally you should use 8-10. Either way, at least four of your sources must come from the BPS libraries website listing of databases.

You will write a 4-5 page research paper using MLA formatting. You will be graded on inclusion of important information about your topic, use of academic writing style, proper MLA format, and a correctly formatted Works Cited page at the end. EVERY STUDENT MUST PLAN, DRAFT, EDIT, AND REWRITE THEIR OWN INDIVIDUAL ESSAY. Only the research is being done in groups. Your essay will be submitted to rst as a draft that I will review and provide suggestions on, and then again as the nal, revised version.

Term 3 Research Project !

Assessments You will be assessed ve times for this project, as follows: 1/11/2012 1/17/2012 1/20/2012 1/27/2012 2/10/2012 Research check in (25 pts) Research check in (25 pts) Plagiarism, Evaluating Sources, & Formatting Test (50 pts) First draft due to (75 pts) Final draft due to (100 pts)

You will conduct research in class between 1/9-1/18

Term 3 Research Project !

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