2012 Form 5 Scheme of Work

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17 4 Jan Feb 17

Theme 1 : People Chapter 1 You and Your Personality Chapter 2 Unsung Heroes Chapter 9 Striving For Safety

Students should be able to : 1.1 Make friends and keep friendships by (b) taking part in conversations and discussions. (c) talking about self when others talk about themselves. 2.1 Obtain information for different purposes by (b) interviewing and using questionnaires. 2.2 Process information by (b) extracting main ideas and details. (f) drawing conclusions. 2.3 Present information to different audiences by (a) writing letters. (i) using appropriate format, conventions and grammar when presenting information. 1.0 Interpersonal Level 1 iv. Asking questions politely and responding politely to questions asked. Levels 2 and 3 iii. Interviewing people to get more information on topics under study. Level 2 viii. Identifying main ideas in the text read. ix. Listing important details. Level 2 iv. Expanding notes and outlines.

Simple present tense (pg. 11) Simple past tense (pg. 12) Adjectives of quality (pg. 12) Comparison of adjectives (pg. 28) Present perfect tense (pg. 29) Active and Passive Voice (pg. 148) Articles (pg. 241 242)

1. Asking and responding to questions on future plans (pg. 233) 2. Reading about Siti Nurhaliza (pg. 6) - Reading for details. - Reading for main ideas. - Making inferences.

2.0 Informational

3. Write a curriculum vitae (pg. 243) 4. Further practice: SPM Past Years Questions - 1119/2 Summary writing - 1119/1 Continuous writing

Chapter 15 Your Career

2.0 Informational

WEEK 1-3 4 Jan 20 Jan 2012

Literature Component : POEM Nature

Students should be able to: 3.1 Listen to, read, view and respond to literary works by c. explaining the message the writer is trying to convey and discussing how this relates to ones life. d. understanding other peoples cultures, traditions, customs and beliefs. 3.2 Express themselves creatively and imaginatively by b. retelling the poem and presenting it in another genre

3.0 Aesthetic

Level 1 i. Reciting poems with feelings and expressions and with the correct pronunciation, intonation, stress and rhythm. ii. Finding out the meaning of unfamiliar words by using contextual clues and the dictionary. Level 2 ix. Talking about how events, characters and the poem remind one of events in real life. Level 3 vi. Composing simple poems Level 1 i. Reciting poems with feelings and expressions and with the correct pronunciation, intonation, stress and rhythm. Level 3 xi. Talking about the message the poet is trying to put across in his/her poem. xiii. Understanding some of the figurative language of the text . .


Talking about disasters and difficulties in life. Reading the poem (chain reading) and describing the mood. Vocabulary games e.g. unscrambling words, bingo, Rewriting the poem in other forms e.g. prose, haiku Discussing criteria for future spouse. Completing worksheet(s).

23 Jan 10 Feb 2012

Literature Component : Novel POEM Are you still playing your flute

Students should be able to: 3.1 Listen to, read, view and respond to literary works by e. reciting poems with feeling and expression. 3.2 Express themselves creatively and imaginatively by c. composing simple poems.

3.0 Aesthetic

Reading the poem aloud. Relating the situation in the poem to real life. Identify emotions related to the poem. Completing worksheet(s) e.g. Treasure hunt, Word explosion Composing a poem

8 12 20 Feb 30 Mac 2012

Theme : Environment Chapter 5 - Its Raining Acid! Chapter 10 Earths Fragile Future Chapter 11 What A Waste! Chapter 13 Seas Of Oil Chapter 14 The Gracious Citizen

Students should be able to : 2.1 Obtain information for different purposes by (a) listening to spoken texts. 2.2 Process information by (b) extracting main ideas and details. (f) drawing conclusions. 2.3 Present information to different audiences by (a) writing descriptions and explanations. (g) summarising information.

2.0 Informational

Levels 1, 2 & 3 i. Listening to and understanding a variety of texts. Level 2 viii. Identifying main ideas in the text read. ix. Listing important details. Level 2 v. Summarizing ideas in a text. Level 3 vi. Writing reports on specific topics.

Connectors (pg. 79) Phrasal verbs (pg. 162) Adjective + Preposition combinations (pg. 164 -165) Adjectives with prefixes il and bi (pg. 181) Prepositions of direction (pg. 210) Indirect / Reported Speech (pg. 223)

1. Listen to a description of an experiment and complete worksheet. (pg. 71) 2. Reading Unhealthy fish and vegetables (pg. 72) Acid rain (pg. 74) - Reading for details - Reading for main ideas - Making inferences 3. Writing - Write a summary (pg. 79) - Write about how people can reduce the occurrence of acid rain. 4. Further practice : SPM Past Years Questions 1119/2 Comprehension 1119/1 Continuous writing 1. Discuss sales tactics. (pg. 52) 2. Role play (pg. 54) 3. Text Quest The Armchair Shopper (pg. 55) - Reading for details. - Reading for main ideas. - Making inferences. - Understanding meaning from context. - Moving beyond the text. 4. Writing - Substituting an expression with a word (pg. 60) - Writing a formal letter

1.0 Information al

2.0 Informational

13 - 16 2 April 27 April 10

Theme : Social Issues Chapter 3 Youth Power Chapter 4 The Smart Consumer

Students should be able to : 1.2 Take part in social interaction by (a) listening to spoken texts. 1.3 Obtain goods and services by (b) making complaints and responding to complaints. 2.2 Process information by (b) extracting main ideas and details. (f) drawing conclusions. 2.3 Present information to different audiences by (a) writing letters. (g) summarising information.

1.0 Interpersonal

Levels 1, 2 & 3 i. Listening to and understanding a variety of texts. Level 2 viii. Identifying main ideas in the text read. ix. Listing important details. Level 2 v. Summarizing ideas in a text. Level 2 iv. Expanding notes and outlines

Present Continuous Tense Past Continuous Tense Gerunds (pg. 43 45) Question tags (pg. 62)

2.0 Informational

of complaint (pg. 63)

7 -11 13 Feb 23 Mar 2012

Literature Component : Novel Step by Wicked Steps Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Theme : Health Chapter 6 Smoking: The Silent Killer

Students should be able to : 3.1 Listen to and respond to literary works by (a) understanding and telling in ones own words the story read, and giving ones opinion of the text. Students should be able to : 1.2 Take part in social interaction by (a) carrying out a variety of language functions. 2.2 Process information by (b) extracting main ideas and details. (f) drawing conclusions. 2.3 Present information to different audiences by (a) writing instructions. (g) composing, revising and editing drafts; and checking accuracy of spelling, punctuation and grammar.

3.0 Aesthetic

Level 1 iii. Retelling the story in ones own words. Level 2 v. Narrating the sequence of events. Level 1 i. Asking about ones health / physical state.


1. Complete summary of events.

17 21 30 Apr 15 June 2012

1.0 Interpersonal

Present Perfect Tense (pg. 98) Modals (pg. 115) Auxillaries (pg. 116)

2.0 Informational

Level 2 viii. Identifying main ideas in the text read. ix. Listing important details. Level 2 v. Summarizing ideas in a text. Level 2 iv. Expanding notes and outlines.

Chapter 7 Self-esteem

2.0 Informational

1. Talk about advertisements. (pg. 106) 2. Role play Enquiring about ones health (pg. 108) 3. Read Battle For Freedom (pg. 110) - Reading for details. - Reading for main ideas. - Making inferences. 4. Writing - Ways to boost selfesteem. - How to lead a healthy lifestyle. (SPM Past Years' Question) 5. Further practice : SPM Past Years Questions 1119/2 Comprehension 1119/1 Continuous writing

12 -15 26 Mac -20 April 2012 16 18 23 April 11 May 2012

Literature Component : Novel Step by the Wicked Steps Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5

Students should be able to : 3.1 Listen to and respond to literary works by (a) understanding and telling in ones own words the story read, and giving ones opinion of the text. (b) recognizing elements in a story such as characters. (c) explaining the message the writer is trying to convey and discussing how this relates to ones own life.

3.0 Aesthetic

Level 1 iii. Retelling the story in ones own words. Level 2 v. Narrating the sequence of events. Level 2 vi. Describing characters and writing s paragraph or two about them. Level 3 x. Discussing the theme and message of story.


1. Plot events on a graph. 2. Sequencing events / pictures. 3. Character bingo 4. Character grid

14 25 May 2012

Mid-Year Examination

26 May10 June
21 11-15 June


Discussion of Mid-Year Examination Questions

22 24 18 June 6 Jul 2012

Theme : Science & Technology Chapter 8 Transport Tomorrow

Students should be able to : 1.2 Take part in social interaction by (a) carrying out a variety of language functions. 2.2 Process information by (b) extracting main ideas and details. (j) making short notes. (a) skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas. (d) getting the explicit and implicit meanings of the text. 2.3 Present information to different audiences by (a) writing instructions. (b) describing (g) summarizing information

1.0 Interpersonal

Level 2 vi. Pronouncing words clearly and correctly and asking questions and making statements with the correct intonation, word stress and sentence rhythm. Level 1 iv. Taking notes of the text heard. iii. Scanning for details. Level 2 viii. Identifying main ideas in the text read. ix. Listing important details. Level 2 v. Summarizing ideas in a text. vii. Writing articles on specific areas.

Simple Future Tense Present Continuous Tense (pg. 133) Nouns functioning as adjectives (pg. 194)

1. Talk about future forms of transportation. (pg. 123) 2. Listen and respond (pg. 124) - Listening to a news bulletin (pg. 124) - Fill in grid (pg. 124) - Making enquiries after reading advertisements (pg. 124) 3. Text Quest (pg. 126) - Reading for details. - Reading for main ideas. - Making inferences. - Understanding meaning from context. - Moving beyond text. 4. Writing - Writing summary (pg. 130) - Describe new forms of transportation. 5. Further practice : SPM Past Years Questions 1119/2 Summary 1119/1 Directed writing -Story Telling -Complete grid

Chapter 12 Robot : Friend Or Foe?

2.0 Informational

2.0 Informational

21 -24 11 Jun 6 July 2012

Literature Component : Novel Step by Wicked Steps Chapter 6 Chapter 7

Students should be able to : 3.1 Listen to and respond to literary works by (c) explaining the message the writer is trying to convey and discussing how this relates to ones own life.

3.0 Aesthetic

Level 2 viii. Discussing values explored in the text. ix. Relating events, characters and values to ones life.

25 -30 9 July 17 Aug 2012

Characters Themes Moral Values








31 33 27 Aug 14 Sept 34 35 17 Sept 28 Sept 36 1 Oct 5 Oct 37 - 38 8 Oct 19 Oct 39 41 22 Oct 9 Nov SPM Trial Examination Discussion of Trial Examination Papers 1119/1 and 1119/2 I ICC Programme/1119 : Revision Paper 1 and 2 : SPM 2008/ Trial exam Papers from other states ICC Programme/1119 : Revision Paper 1 and 2 : SPM 2008/ Trial exam Papers from other states ICC Programme/1119 : Revision Paper 1 and 2 : SPM 2008/ Trial exam Papers from other states CUTI AKHIR TAHUN 2012


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