Text To Voice Converter

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Text to Voice Converter

Now a days usage of mobiles is very common and the technology is increasing day by day. The communication world is going drastic changes. In this context we got a doubt how a deaf person can communicate with a dumb person?? So we thought of developing a text to voice converter. In this the deaf person will send a SMS. At the receiving end, the dumb person will be having a GSM module interfaced to system with the help of microcontroller and RS232. The data which is transmitted at the transmitter side in the form of text is converted into speech at the receivers. The speech can be heard from the system having LabVIEW software.

Block Diagram:

1. Designing the schematic 2. Preparing PCB and soldering it. 3. Interfacing GSM module with the controller.

Tools Required:
1. Microcontroller IDE 2. Kicad


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