A1midtermreview11 12

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Art 1 Midterm Review 50 NAME:__________________________________ Elements of Art Definition / Types Shape Value Space Line Form

Total Points_____/ Period: _____________ Demo

Observational Drawing List 5 things to remember when drawing from observation: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Blind Contour drawing Contour Line drawing

Linear value


Hatching Crosshatching Random Line Pattern Form - complete a drawing of each

Cube Sphere



Space Complete 2 symmetrical face/vase drawings below. In the 1st box, make the vase positive by shading it in, in the 2nd, make the faces positive and the vase negative space. 1 2

Printmaking define these terms. Linocut Linoleum Edition Printmaking Relief Print -

Portrait Drawing Unit - draw a simple self-portrait paying attention to correct proportion and placement of accurate features. What are some measurements that are important in drawing correct proportions?

Reflection recall the following assignments, what they were and how you completed them. o Shoe/personal object Line Design o Negative Space Plant Paper Cut-out o Hand Drawing from Observation o Charcoal Self-Portrait o Shell Narrative Drawing o Notan Design o White Charcoal Drawing o Scratchboard Drawing Additional Terms: Craftsmanship Composition Rule of Thirds

Cropping Viewpoint Focal Point Balance -

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