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George Tsoukalas 9489010 Ling 373_Phonology Prof.

Madelyn Kissock 12th January 2012 Assignment 1 Problem 1 Step 1

1) amazad 2) leo 3) saxi 4) xena 5) kbis 6) zarali 7) kaa 8) pepea

prettily goal at home joy tooth loss tin butterfly reduce

9) kleba

erthxe hand


11) xeli 12) xoo

13) 14)

however vxleh choli I split wife

Step 2 Consider the following [l] and []: which are two consonants whom have different areas of articulation [l] being Alveolar, Apical and [] being Velar, Dorsal.

Step 3 _ Spread of Distribution


is located in the beginning in 1) is located in the anti-penultimate 13) in the penultimate in 6), 9), 11), 14) is not located in the end

[ ]

is located in the beginning in 1) in the anti-penultimate in 3), 4) in the penultimate in 2), 5), 7), 8), 12) is located in the end in 10)

Chart 1

Initial #__V [l] []


In Between V__V

These phones [l] appears in a #__V and V__V setting [] appears in a #__V and V__V setting

Step 4 These two allophones are in a complementary distribution in such a way that [l] [] through [l] idiosyncratic assimilation. The velarized diacritic / / is a form of coarticulation

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