Case 777

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Ronald Donaldson January 16th, 2011

ANSWERS a. The first alternative is an example of a client-based application architecture. In the simplest terms, this is due to the fact that the application in question is downloaded to, and then run from the clients computer, whereby it is then able to communicate with the server in order to access the stored data. More specifically, this option meets the following criteria for being classified as a client-based application architecture: client computer processes the application logic, the presentation logic, and the data access logic. Alternative two is an example of a client-server application architecture, because in this case, the application is run upon the server, and communicated with by the client through a web-browser. The characteristics of client-server architectures are evident by the client processing the presentation logic, and either some or all of the application logic. b. -Advantages of the first alternative, the client-based application architecture, include a lower cost than alternative two, in terms of personal, maintenance, and hardware. Disadvantages could include the lost scalability advantages of client-server architectures. It could also potentially decrease customer satisfaction because of the increased burden being placed upon the capabilities and specifications of their computer, and not DRUBs. -Advantages of the second alternative, the client-server architecture, include increased scalability, increased development control and response-time to error, and the potential of increased customer satisfaction. While disadvantages include the increased costs of maintenance and development, along with having the burden of a singular point of error. -Recommendation: In either event, all things considered, the single most important factor as far as business is concerned, in my opinion, is scalability, which is the seed of growth and increased profit, for this reason, my suggestion is to go with the second alternative.


1. Electronic shipping label time of delivery = .57 seconds Label (L) = 1,000 bytes = Cell phone network operation speed (NS) = 14kbps = 14,000 bps = 1,750 bytes/sec (L) / (NS) = .57sec = 1.75(L)/sec 2. Electronic shipping label time of delivery = .07 seconds Label (L) = 1,000 bytes = Cell phone network operation speed (NS) = 114Kbps =114,000 bps = 14,250 bytes/sec (L) / (NS) = .07sec = 14.25(L)/sec

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