Me Kids August 2011

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AN EARLY LEARNING SKILLS DEVELOPMENT Once upon a time there lived a scholar and a businessman in a village. The scholar was poor. The businessman always made fun of him. “If you don’t have money you are good for nothing. What is the use of having a lot of knowledge?”, the businessman often taunted him. But the scholar never paid attention to his words. He taught the children in the village and earned a living out of his teaching job. Days passed. Soon the rainy season arrived bringing floods along with it. The villagers were devastated by the severe floods. They lost their homes, crops as well as money. One of the most affected among them was the businessman. He lost everything. Somehow he managed to save his life. The villagers escaped to the neighbouring village in boats. When they arrived there nobody was concerned about the businessman. But the scholar was respected by everyone. He had disciples in that village too. They readily offered their help to him. The businessman hung his head in shame when he saw how the scholar was revered by everyone. He then realised that knowledge was a better wealth than money. Dinu K Pai Vipin VV Roshni Sabi Augustin VOL 3 | ISSUE 08 Rakesh George Sh Malik News Agency LLC BS eritarer Geer ond A desert is a place with a very hostile environ- ment. Animals living in a desert have to bear the intense heat. Water scarcity is another challenge they have to face. Still animals live under such conditions with the help of suit- able adaptations. Some animals do not drink water. They ” obtain moisture from the plants and seeds they eat. Kangaroo rat and Addax are exam- ples of such animals. GREATER ROADRUNNER These birds can regulate their body temperature in response to the chang- ing heat levels of their desert habitat. A black patch on their body absorbs the sun’s heat during the day. They can run fast as well as fly for short dis- tances close to the ground. ELF OWL Elf owl is one of the smallest among its species. They are just five and a half inches tall. They live in hollowed trunks of cactus plants in order to hide from | predators. They pretend to be dead until safe from all impending dangers. GILA WOODPECKER Gila Woodpeckers are permanent desert dwellers. In the desert they often make cavities in saguaro cactus. The inside of a cactus provides a Safe, cool place for the woodpeckers. to raise their young ones. They eat mainly insects, but they also eat cactus fruits, mistletoe berries and other sea- sonal fruits.

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