Prossess Paper

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Why did I choose our topic?

I chose my topic, the Vietnam War, not only because it relates to the topic, but also my heritage. As a result of the war, my parents were forced to move to the here, to the United States. By choosing this topic, I have the opportunity to learn more about the conflict, why the United States lost, and its effect on the states. Since I have a basic understanding on the topic, learning and explaining it would not be a difficulty. How did I conduct our research? I began conducting my research by asking my parents how it was like during and after the war. This became my starting point and from there, I built on. I was able to find a couple books about the events. The bulk of the information I found was on internet and databases where I found plenty of primary sources. How did I create and develop our presentation? I decided to create a website because it best shows my creative skills and it would be easier to present the information in a more organized fashion. By having a website I could divide the information into different sections. To make the sections more presentable, I organized it in such a way to make it more appealing. Other things I included were many pictures and music to different sections. How does my topic relate to the theme? My topic the Vietnam War relates to the theme, revolution, reaction, and reform, because first, the war was defined as revolution. The South and North were divided in many ways including politics, one being communist and the other democratic. Vietnam in the end became a communist state. In the United States, over a thousand antiwar movements took place. At first, the war was supported, but it was eventually

unsupported. It is similar in todays situation in Iraq. Because the war was unsupported by the American people, Nixon ordered the withdrawal of troops while training the South Vietnamese army to take command of day to day operations. After South Vietnam lost the war, Vietnam became a communist state. It affected the lives of many and the American idea of war. After the war, reform took place in the United States and it dealt with presidential power in declaring wars. In the War Powers Resolution in 1973, it stated the president needed congress approval for war.

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