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1995 Dallas Cowboys 43 Page 1 DALLAS COWBOYS DEFENSIVE PHILOSOPHY Principles of The Dallas Defense 1 _ This is the first and foremost principle of our defense. Great swarm prevents scores. In the final gnalysis, the effectiveness ot a defensive tear) Proveured by the rumber of points scored against it. This is also the best way to ‘intimidate’ an offense. “Out Physical’ the Opponent ~ Every Sunday, our opponents must fear the idea ee ‘There is a direct correlation of laying ig and our swarming abilty. This aigo pertains to being a great tacking team. We must tackle in 20 ‘aggressive, wrapping fashion. Missed ‘aes willnct be tolerated. Missed tackles 27° the disease that can completely cripple a defense. assignment Cae very defense and exec, 101 Soe ability, each play. respons On ta afore by en weve can ey ea 2 8 estan el ail ee al a eae Wo Lang Buns x Passa - Trough tam et We At OOD SHEN or mi Long Buns ng run oF pass fF @ Sor, of fore an oferse Sot or turnover. = When we break the huddle, we are confident in what we are doing. Eonfidence is contagious. Cockiness ‘stupidity. We have a confident, fearless attitude about playing this game. ‘We will be a great defense. Page 2 9 PNOw WHAT MAKES A SUCCESSFUL TEAM DEFENSE Each individual must believe in our defense. Each individual must have confidence in himseff - ‘I, personally, will not let the ball over the goal line!" On every offensive play or pass, eleven defensive men have an assignment to carry out. if one man fails, all eleven fail. Pursuit and gang tackling are the two most important parts of our team defense. A. tis difficult for the ball carrier to get loose when § or 6 players are trying to get a piece of him. 8. Demoralize the ball carrier. Aggressiveness must be developed and maintained. Anyone can play; defense is reaction, movement and hitting. We must STOP the THIRD DOWN play. We stop all teams. inside our 10. They shall not score! Overall team speed, quickness and lateral movement must receive top priority. Each defense has its strengths and weaknesses - KNOW THEM! When a SUDDEN CHANGE or HURRY-HURRY situation occurs, we must mentally arise to the occasion. THE KEYS 1. MAKE THINGS HAPPEN. FORCE TURNOVERS! 2, TAKE CHARGE OF THE SUDDEN CHANGE AND HURRY-HURRY. 3. NEVER ALLOW THE BIG PLAY AGAINST US. 4, MAKE THE GAME BREAKER. 5. PROPER KICK-OFF COVERAGE. 6. NO MISTAKES ON PUNT RETURN. 7. TEAM UNITY. 8 PRIDE AND POISE.

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