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This is the header, it give a very generic overview as to what the press release is about

This is the date in bold: ex November 7th 2011 LOCATION AND PROVINCE. A short paragraph outlining the fact of the press release or issue being discussed. It usually follows the talking points or theme that the party has been following on the issue being discussed, as well as what critic or member is issuing the press release or talking on the issue. Example: The Atlantic Alliance critic for fisheries was in Lunenburg Nova Scotia today to talk about the failure of the government to act quickly enough to protect Canadian fishing territory from Asian and European fishing vessels in Canadian territorial waters. Next comes a series of quotes from the member as to what they had to say on the issue Numerous quotes are a good thing, but dont be adding them in if you feel they arent needed. A sloppy quote can be taken out of context and used against you Feel free to write an additional paragraph to explain the quote or elaborate on the critics/party position on the issue. The final paragraph usually deals with the very factual details such as job numbers and cost. Feel free to make these up, job creation is good, low cost is good.

-30(^^This is inserted as a means to demonstrate the document is a press release^^)

Provide a point of contact for further questions or details; feel free to make up someone who works in your office.

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