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The next step is interview.

The weightage for interview is 50% As KVPY is installed to promote research, your research aptitude and observational skills will help you to excel in the interview
I am partha sarathy a Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahana Yojana(kvpy) Scholar.Selected in SA stream. I want to share my views about facing the interview . For performing well at the interview: 1)Select the subject at which you are best as your favourite subject. 2)Study about the topics which are a part of your syllabus . But read deeply about them. 3)While preparing for the interview : Maths: See that you have learnt the proofs of many formulae but not just mugged up them.As many of the questions they ask are proofs of some difficult formulae but not solving the problms.

Just be original and update your basics. Your aptitude towards genuine research is more important. Study the field you like in deep and present well. All the best.

As KVPY is installed to promote research, your research aptitude and observational skills will help you to excel in the interview. I suggest the following for preparing for the interview.

Revise your basics. (Especially the basic Mathematical methods and procedures) Think critically on what youve learnt and read. Keep abreast with latest developments in science and technology. Read international science publications like Nature, New Scientist etc from University Library, British Library, Public Library etc. (KV Pattom Library also has a good collection of Indian journals like Resonance) Analyze your interest and find in which field and if possible, on which topic, you would be interested to do research. If you can decide, make an extensive background study of the topic to find what all researches have already been undertaken in the field and what are the findings and what are the scope of doing research in that area. Note down your findings and observations and if your mind permits, try writing a research paper.

Boost confidence, believe in yourself, do regular preparation, Wish you all the best.

They will ask u from the subjects u want but that isn't a must .u should basically be thorough with what u want them to ask u.They will ask u for choice .Well the interview at least in my case wasn't that formal .they asked easy but tricky questions.Maths was alright they asked me from where i had chosen but physics and chem. was completely arbitrary. They asked what subjects i had chosen in +1 which didn't include bio so they never asked anything fro there . What i feel is it's mostly a informal one just to check what u want to do in future...It is the 1st round that will matter the most u can't simply deny 500 odd people scholarship just by a single interview there are only a few tips that I can give you but you'll already have heard most of them Be cool and confident but not a stud.Be polite and try to look as innocent/smart as you can. As for the questions-they are very basic and do not require much class XI knowledge (except maybe a little bit of organic)

Also they don't expect you to know the answer to each question but you should still try as it may be in the right direction and then the interviewees will themselves offer help. Well, The interviewers will ask those subjects (mostly) that you have mentioned as ur favourite subject.. Even if u get stuck at a question, they'll help u to reach the answer.. Dont think that being unable to answer lowers yuor chances.. It makes them look at ur thinking process.. Be prepared to use a whiteboard.. They might ask u to draw graphs, circuits ... or reactions (in org).. I remember I had written phy as my fav.. and one of them asked me quite a lot on mechs and heat and td.. Dont panic.. If you are at the beginning in the day's schedule.. be prepared for the worst (they tend to have longest interviews in the morning abt 1 hr) then on they reduce it to 40 mins.. (I was the last in the days schedule and it got over in 35 mins) the first guy was there for abt 55 mins.. Board is easier I reckon coz you don't have the old foogies staring at your face. Also, I'm a living specimen to prove that the KVPY interview are not designed to test your knowledge alone. If your bloody hell at science, good for you, if not, don't worry, you just need to reach the cutoff through a combination of your wit, communication and rocketmanship

Well yeah board is easier.. u dont have to look at them directly.. In maths they told me to draw the graphs of y=sinx, sin^(-1)x, lsinxl (where in physics have you seen this graph ?), sinlxl.. They also asked me to draw the circuits of full wave rectifier and half wave rectifier

Other questions that I vaguely remember,

What is the blue color when iodine reacts with starch? how is it formed? No. of water of crystallization in Potash Alum (its formula) (luckily this much only)

Bio--they asked one two questions from Xth like what is the digestive enzyme in saliva

Phy - he shaked a bottle and asked if we can increase the temp of the water by heating? How is it possible.

next was to draw the free body diag of the bottle resting on the table.

Is the forces mg and R action-reaction pairs...?

I guess this much only..

I know I created some noise here before it, but when I went there(extremely ill prepared as I was) I was hardly nervous. First they made us sit at the ground floor with all the guardians for an hour or two. Then I saw my friends who had their interview in the morning session coming out. Thats when I understood why I didn't get any replies to my frantic calls and smses about the interview. would be taking soooo long. Anyways, we went upstairs. There were 3 of my friends from CMS along with me in that interview slot. I thought we'd be taken to some sort of spooky hall, but surprisingly it was just a bedroom. And there was a young madam there. She told us to sit and wait for our turn. It was 1:30-2 then. She told us all to relax and cheer up. Then she gave us the transportation reimbursements. After that she opened her laptop and started I never imagined that the interviews

chatting on gtalk and opened a RNBDJ video on youtube(Hell! There LAN connection was FAST) with intermittent comments like 'arrey yahan bolney ki manahi nahi hai! Thodha tez bolo, hum bhi suney....' She was really the cheerful types and greatly diffused the atmosphere and all of us sorta intermingled and started having fun cracking jokes and discussing all kinds of stupid things like the roadies interviewers and what not! All expect Ritwik...(ULTIMATE PADHAKOO! Never done anything in life except studying literally...hardly any friends or anything) Anyways, my turn was the third. After another fellow CMSian. There were two rooms. One with bio and other w/o bio. So the first two guys went for their interviewers while I waited for my turn. Oh, btw I was the only one in full formal dress there Anyways, finally the call came about 20-30 mins later probably. I was hardly nervous

then...I was actually feeling really funny and giggly. So the peon led me to the room and turned away instantly. I got confused coz there were two doors there. For a moment I wondered if it was a part of the

test lol, then ran back and cought the peon on his way downstairs and asked which door. So I opened the door and asked 'may I come in'. I went in gracefully and closed the door. So far so good. Then, though I'm not too

sure of it, I believe I said ''Good morning ma'am, good morning sirs" at 3 pm!

Anyways, I didn't

realise it at the moment. I went and stood behind the chair with a big folder of certificates and all. They asked me to relax and sit down....

(To be continued....Watch this space for edits around 2 1/2 hrs from now) So then the bio sir asked for my Self Appraisal(3 pages printouts) teacher recommendation form(I wrote it up for my teacher, my mom copied it down and sir signed it at school :p )and study certificate. Thankfully not the board marksheet But they refused to have a look at my PILE of certificates and all. After that the

physics ma'am asked me where I was from. I told her city and school. She said, 'Oh! CMS, they have a robotics lab and stuff na?' I accidentally said, 'Yes ma'am, in LDA branch' though it is in Gomti Nagar one. Side effect of our INMO training camp in LDA branch I guess :p Then she asked me about the subject which interests me most. I said physics, especially nuclear physics. And I am aspiring to become a great nuclear scientist and help in the development of nuclear fusion as a clean inexhaustible and economicaly viable energy sources. Then a small discussion ensued on the topic and I commented on its necessity in the wake of environmental problems and energy crisis. After that they asked me what was nuclear fusion. I told them about both nuclear fusion and fission in a lil detail. Though I accidentally said 'evolution' of energy instead of 'release'. Maths sir also initially objected when I mentioned the role of mass defect in fusion as well, but then I explained a bit more and cleared up. Somehow the word nucleon was uttered by me and physics ma'am asked me what a nucleon was. I said, nucleon refers to the particles that exist inside the nucleus of an atom. ie protons and neutrons. And basically there are twelve types of particles and anti particles. Among the particles, 6 leptons and 6 quarks- up down strange charm bottom top in increasing order of their masses. They have charges plus or minus 2/3. Then ma'am quickly smiled and said 2/3? And I said no ma'am I meant +2/3 and -1/3 And then I went on a bit about hadrons and fermions and how the nucleons came about. At that moment, the interviewers were VERY impressed. Then they asked me if I read any ther books outside the school curriculum. I said yes ma'am, I'm very fond of reading scientific boks and magazines like science reporter and am currently reading a brief history of time and origins and gave a brief description of the authors of origins. I also added I'm very lucky to have great friends and we are always discussing complex scientific questions and I'm a member of online scientific communities like art of problem solving etc.

Phew!! What a day(10th JANUARY 2009) it was. I'm not going to forget it for the rest of my life but I thought(or rather my mother thought) that I should keep a record of it.So here it is: Well the day began with excitement and anxiety running through me as I got up in the morning(though very late almost 9:30). Anyways I didn't have much time to waste as we(me and my father. My mom could not come as Andu(my sister) was ill) were to leave by 12:00 as the reporting time at the venue(which happened to be the physics lecture hall of the JNU) was 1:30pm and we didn't actually know the route. Throughout the route I was very nervous and found it extremely difficult to gulp down my lunch. Anyways we reached by 1:10(pretty early).I had seen the list that my name was at the 8th place out of 18 and was speculating that my number would come soon enough(seeing that they had to finish by 5:30). 2 other of my fellow schoolmates(Aakansh and Anand Vibhore) also had their interviews on the same day. We had some great intellectual talks(thanks to Vibhore) outside the building waiting for the interviews of the morning batch to get over. We were called in at about 2. We along with our parents were asked to sit in a big lecture hall which had heaters(good too as it was pretty cold at that time). Our names were called 1 by 1 to submit our forms(a big bundle). Then we were addressed by Prof. Rupamanjari Ghosh(the dean of the department) who apologised to us for having had to wait.She explained us the procedure that the candidates were divided into 2 groups and both had to visit different rooms. But this meant that I was almost the last(and in fact it turned out that I was in fact the last person to attend the interview). Due to the two room scheme both of my fellow mates had their interviews much before me(though Vibhore's or rather Anand's name came after me). I kept waiting and revising my NTSE camp notes(which proved to be really useless) till the very end and was beggining to be restless and the interviews in my room were going particularly slowly. I was finaly given a call. I stood up,gave a last check to my clothes and walked away. But it turned out that I was being taken to another waiting room only, till the previous interview ended. I was soon joined by another candidate,ABHYUDAI NOUNI, who also(even I was one) turned out to be a VMCian and we chatted away to lighten our moods. He was called before me and was left alone(I was actually the "very" last). I was called in too(at last!!). Shaking with nervousness I picked up the file of my achievements and headed towards the interviewers' room. I stuck my head in and asked for permission to come in. Of course they allowed me in. The room was a spotless white room and in the middle was a drawing room table holding glasses of water and a plate full of biscuits( of my favourtes). There were sofas around the table on which four teachers were seated(one for each subject)-two male ,two female(one was the prof. herself). I was asked to sit down on a sofa myself my back facing the blackboard. It looked a very informal affair but was very very formal. They asked me to cool down and drink some water and asked me to become comfortble. The bio teacher read my self appraisal and read out that I liked maths the best but he speculated on his own that I might also be liking Physics as well. In my reason for liking maths I had written that it offers challenging brain teasing problems therefore he asked me to illustrate one and I illustrated the famous box puzzle where you have to fill all digits from 1-9 and keeping the sum same in each row,column,diagonal. She also mentioned some strange figure and asked if I had ever thought about filling it in a similar way. When I said No she said that it was not a problem and said that it was good that I had not tried it because it is very complex.

When he(the bio teacher) asked the maths teacher to begin she handed the responsibility to Prof. Rupamanjari Ghosh(who was looking quite fresh and in a mood to atack even after the long day though the other teachers were obviously tired). She began her question saying, "I know one thing that when my car parked outside in the sun becomes hot after some time.What according to you is the reason for this." (I really messed up this question). I said that metal body of the car is a conductor therefore car becomes hot. To this she said that metal is a conductor both ways then why is the inside of the car hotter than the surroundings. I guessed that even in the inside of the car we have metal parts and so maybe they were storing the heat. But telling me this was wrong she asked me to think more. After a few moments when I could not say anything she gave me a hint to think about a Greenhouse. Even then I could not think of the correct answer and said that in a greenhouse green cloth was used to pass green light for greater photosynthesis to which the bio teacher interrupted saying that this was not true. Then finally the correct answer dawned on me and I said that it is the property of glass to allow shorter wavelenghts to pass through it and not the longer ones and hence sun rays are trapped inside the car. Again I had made a mistake - glass actually allows longer wavelenghts to pass through it but still she accepted my answer and we moved on. Then she said that nowadays everybody's talking about the depletion of the ozone layer. She asked me how was it getting depleted. I said that it is getting depleted because of the use of CFCs which react with ozone giving back oxygen. To this she said that wasn't it good that we are getting oxygen. What was bad about it. I replied that sunlight contains harmful UV rays and the ozone layer protects us from it by converting free oxygen into ozone. Then she asked me that what harms are caused by UV. I answered that it causes skin diseases, depletion in crops etc. Then she said "I do not expect you to answer this but can you guess why is UV harmful" I said that light is a form of energy and maybe UV light has more of it. She now asked me the reson for this. When I couldn't answer she asked me what light was made up of.I said that light has a dual nature and can be both a wave or photons. She asked me to assume light was made up of photons and then think of the answer. Then I said that maybe UV had more excited photons than normal light. She accepted this and handed the charge to the Mathematics teacher. She began with my fascination for IT and asked if I knew about binary numbers. I said that it is machine language and composed only of 0s an 1s. To this Prof.R Ghosh interrupted and asked that why was it necessary to build a new language for the machines. I said that machines work on electricity and only understand its presence or absence and that 1 denotes the presence and 0 denotes the absence. She asked how do we get the machine to know what is 0 and what is 1 because we cant't directly talk to the computer. I said that maybe we can feed the computer to understand the crest of an electronic wave as 0 and the trough as 1. She was very impressed by my answer and said that this is actually what happens and said that she had not expected me to know this. Then coming back to maths the teacher asked me what is the slope of the line. I said that it is the tangent of the angle made by the line with the positive X-axis. Then she asked me that if I was given a circle and the slope of a line then could I draw a tangent to the circle wuth the given slope. I said yes and added that two such tangents would be possible. Then she asked me to go to the board and gave an equation of a circle as well as a slope and asked me to draw the tangents choosing any suitable scale I liked. I drew it and then she asked me if I could draw a unique triangle if its angles are given. I said no and added that infinite such triangles would be possible. Then she said if sides are given will it then be possible. I said yes so she gave me the sides as 5,3,8 and asked me to

construct it by chhosing a suitable scale as I had done earlier. I started the job. Little did I realise that it was a trick question and that such a triangle was not possible as 5 + 3 = 8. I drew it approximately though of course it was wrong. While I was drawing it Prof. R Ghosh asked if the triangle was a right angled and I had said no as 5^2 + 3^2 is not equal to 8^2 . Actually she was giving me a hint that I needed to check the dimensions of the triangle but I did not realise it. When I finally drew it, she asked if it was actually possible. Then I realised that it was not and gave the reason(that 5+3=8) but how embarrasaed I was..but they said there was no need to be sorry.These things happen. Now was the turn of the Chemistry teacher the subject I dreaded and it actually turned out to be dreadful.He first asked me what I had studied the latest in chemistry. When I told him that I had studied nomenclature he replied that it was miserably less and asked me to try about some futher concepts of organic chemistry. He asked me to draw 3 structures on the board and tell which was the most acidic along with reason. As I didn't know the further concepts well I messed it all up and whatever I said turned out to be wrong. Finally while I was still thinking they asked me to leave. I picked up my stuff and started towards the door saying Thank You. As I reached the door prof. R. Ghosh offered me a biscuit which I took and left the room eating the biscuit. Outside I met my father and telling him about the interview we headed for home.

I too got selected for SA interview. Search Google you will find some useful blogs. Here are some Do you know the dates for interview? How many marks u got in aptitude test? Please contact me at

Friday, January 22, 2010

KVPY(PHYSICS) interview questions

KVPY(PHYSICS) 1. What are the orders of drift velocity for normally applied potentials (0 to 5V) and that of random thermal speed at room temperature say (300 K). Ans. The drift velocity is of the order of 10m per second whereas random thermal velocity of electrons is of the under of 105 metre per second. 2. What is the conventional direction of flow of current in a metallic conductor ? Ans. The conventional direction of flow of current is taken as the direction of flow of positive charge from higher potential to lower potential. 3. What is meant by ampere hour capacity of a cell ? Ans. It is a measure of the electricity capacity of a cell, i.e., how much quantity of electricity a cell is capable of supplying. It is measured by the product amperes x hours. 4. What do you mean by 10 A h ?

Ans. 10 A h means, the cell will supply 1 A current upto 10 hours. 2 A current upto 5 hours or 0.5 A current upto 20 hours. 5. Which one is greater -e.m.f. or terminal p.d. across the cell ? Ans. The e.m.f. is greater than the potential difference across the cell e.m.f. 6. Is it possible in any case where p.d. > e.m.f. of the cell ? Ans. Yes, at the charging of the cell 7. Can you measure e.m.f. of a cell with a voltmeter ? Ans. No, because it requites some current from the cell for its reading. (it is measured by potentiometer) 8. When is the Wheatstones bridge said to be most sensitive ? Ans. When all the four resistances P, Q, R and S are of nearly the same order of magnitude. 9. Define figure of merit of galvanometer ? Ans. The figure of merit which is defined as the current required to produce a deflection of one division in the ). galvanometer. ( k = I/ 10. Define current sensitivity and voltage sensitivity. /I and voltage sensitivity = Ans. Current sensitivity = /V 11. How can you measure alternating current ? Ans. Heating effect of current, Q = I2.R.t. is independent of the direction of flow of current because I2 would always be positive. Therefore, Hot Wire ammeter is used for this purpose. 12. Suppose you have been given two tuning forks of the same metal on which marks of the frequency have disappeared. How will you detect the one with higher frequency ? Ans. The one which has smaller prongs will be of higher frequency. 13. What do you mean by a note ? How does it differ from a tone ? Ans. A tone is simple sound resulting from a pure simple harmonic motion. On the other hand a note is a complex sound made up of a complex periodic motion as obtained by the superpositions of a number of pure simple harmonic motions. 14. If the prongs of a fork are rubbed with a file slightly or prong of tuning fork is loaded with wax than what will be the change in frequency in both the cases. Ans. Frequency will decreases in both the cases. 15. If you set your watch by the sound of a distant siren, will it go fast or slow ? Ans. go slow, [because, sound take some finite time to reach you] 16. When we start filling an empty bucket with water the pitch of the sound produced goes on changing, why ? Ans. Bucket used like a closed pipe = fundamental tone, 4L u L 1 So, L decreases, increases and pitch is also increases then 17 A tunnel is drilled across earth passing through the centre. An object is dropped in this tunnel. What will be the time period of this object. Ans. It will oscillate about the centre of earth, its time period will be T=g R = 86.4 2 minute 18. If tunnel is drilled across the earth and it does not pass through the centre of earth, then what will be its time period ? Ans. T = g R = 86.4 minute 2 . If we 19. Time period of a simple pendulum T increase the length (l of the pendulum then what will be the maximum time period ? Ans. T = g R = 86.4 minute 2 20. the ball of a pendulum is hollow and filled with water. A small hole is made in the bottom of the ball, water comes out from it. How the time period of pendulum will effect.

Ans. First it will increase then decrease. 21. If we increase the current drawn from the cell then what will be the effect on potential difference across the cell ? Ans. V = E Ir, it will decrease 22. A car is moving towards north direction with speed V. What will be the induced emf in the axle of the car. If it is moving towards east, what will be the emf induced in the axle. Ans. (i) V is towards north emf induced due to BH So, e = 0 )j = H B j v .( i emf induced due to BV V ) k B ( j v .[ i v = BV (ii) Car is moving towards east so, emf due to BH e = 0 )j = H B i V ( j due to BV = V e = )] j ( B i V [ j 0 23. What are soft and hard x-rays ? Why are they so called ? Ans. 0.1 to 1 hard x-rays, 1 to 10 soft x-rays 24. On which experiment Keplers laws are based ? Ans. Tycho brahes experiments 25. If the earth is at one-fourth of its present distance from the sun, then what will be the duration of year ? Ans. 1/8 the present year T (r) 3/2 Sol. T = 8 1 4 1 3/ 2 = 26. Who was the first to introduce MKS system ? Ans. Giorgi 27. A liquid boils at a temperature of which its saturated vapour pressure becomes ? Ans. Equal to the atmospheric pressure. 28. What will be the value of C in an adiabatic change TC ? for a monatomic gas P P = TC = T P = T Ans. P1 ) /1 T( P= 3 5 1 5/3 T C = = T5/2 5/2 29. What will be kinetic energy of molecules of 1g He gas at 100C ? Ans. 1200 joule 30. A particle of charge +q is dropped from rest above a height h from the surface of a uniformly charged sphere of charge +Q and radius R. When will be the particle hit the surface of the sphere ? Ans. Hit the surface only if h is large enough. 31. If a piece of iron is wound around by a coil and an AC current p is passed, it gets hot. Why ? A. Hysteresis and Eddy current if the frequency is slow. 32. A mercury barometer is surrounded by a big cylinder. What happens to the level of mercury, if air is slowly removed from the cylinder ? A. Steadily falls.

33. A solid cylinder of diameter D is mounted on a frictionless horizontal axle. A string is wrapped around it. A heavy mass suspended by the string strikes the ground with a velocity V. How V depends on D ? A. V is independent of D 34. Water rises to a height of 1.25 cm in a particular capillary tube. If the tube is cut at a height of 1.0 cm. What will happen to the level of water ? A. Water will stay at the top 35. Optical fibres make light travel along curved lines by. How ? Ans. using multiple total internal reflection. 36. If a prism is cut into two pieces separated at very small distance then, what will be the change in angle of deviation ? A. Will always remain the same 37. An observer looks at a tree of height 15m with a telescope of magnifying power 10. At what distance the tree will appear to him ? A. 10 times nearer 38. If radium and chlorine combine to form radium chloride the compound will be radioactive or not. A. As radioactive as the radium content. 39. An ice cube is suspended in vacuum in a gravity free room. What will be the shape of ice cube after some time ? A. Ice acquire will be in spherical shape 40. What will be the dimensions of radiation pressure in case of an electromagnetic wave ? A. Energy density Sol. Area Displacement Force Displacement Area Force == Volume Energy 41. What is the common name of h used in the formula R = 2 h 6h 2 + ? Ans. It is called sagitta 42. What is the difference between a clock and a watch ? Ans. Clock has a bif size its least count is 1second. Watch has smaller size its least count is 0.1s/0.25s 43. The planets whose orbits are smaller than that of the earth are called ? Ans. Inferior planets 44. Which is lightermoist air or dry air ? A. moist air(dry air + water vapour) 45. What is hoar frost ? Ans. Change of the substance from gaseous state to solid state without changing into liquid state is known as hoar frost. 1. How many times the speed of earth about its axis is increased so that weight of an object at equator becomes zero ? (A) 10 times (B*) 17 times (C) 27 times (D) 30 times 2. Lo is the satelliteof : (A*) Jupiter (B) Mercury (C) Venus (D) none of these 3. Two soap bubbles of different radii are connected by a small tube. then : (A*) Air flows from the smaller bubble to bigger bubble (B) Air flows from the bigger bubble to smaller bubble (C) Air will not flows in any direction (D) None of these 33. Can a substance contract on heating ? If yes then give one example.

A. yes, ice 34. Two thermometers are constructed in the same way, except that one has a spherical bulb and the other a cylindrical bulb. Which will respond quickly to temperature changes ? A. Cylindrical bulb (has grater surface area). 35. Why the brake drums of a car are heated, when it moves down a hill at constant speed ? A. Kinetic energy remains constant. but potential energy decreases and its converted into the heat energy. 36. Why a gas has two specific heats ? A. In case of gas, volume and pressure change on heating so, specific heat of gas defined either at constant volume or constant pressure. 38. If a door of a working refrigerator is kept open for a long time in a closed room, What will be the effect on room temperature ? Ans. Warm 39. Animals curl into a ball, when they feel very cold. Why ? A. the total energy radiated by a body depends on the surface area. [low surface area produced, low radiation of heat] 40. On which stroke the otto engine does work ? Ans. Compression stroke 42. Define resonance. 43. How can bats see in darkness ? Ans. Bats, produced ultrasonic waves of very small wave lengths (high frequencies) the reflected waves from an obstacle, give the direction, nature and size of obstacle. 44. Two solid pieces one of gold and the other of silver weigh the same in water. which will weigh more in air ? Ans. The silver piece will weigh more. Posted by nilesh at 9:14 PM 4 comments Links to this post

Labels: kvpy, KVPY Fellowship, kvpy interview


KVPY(CHEMISTRY) Interview questions

KVPY(CHEMISTRY) 1. Arrange the following compounds in increasing order of dipole moment, toluene (I), o-dichlorobenzene (II), m-dichlorobenzene (III) and p-dichlorobenzene (IV ). Ans. IV < I < III < II 2. Arrange CN, CN+ and CN in increasing order of relative stabilities. Ans. CN < CN < CN+ 3. In which solvent NaCl has maximum solubility ? Ans. H2O 4. Indicate wether glycine (NH2 CH2 COOH) is an acid or a base or both. Ans. Both (Since in this -NH2 is basic and -COOH is acidic) 5. A reaction between AlCl3 and NH3 is called Sol. Neutralisation 6. Which metal is not found in meteorites ? Sol. Ag, Au 7. What is use of Hall-Heroult cell ? Ans. Purification of aluminium. 8. What is the difference between corundum and carborundum ? Ans. Corundum is Al2O3 and carborundum is SiC. 9. In which climate tin cannot be used as structural metal ? Ans. In cold climate because in cold climate tin becomes brittle. 10. Oxide of which metal is used in sun screen ? Ans. ZnO 11. What is the chemical formula of fools gold ? Sol. FeS2 12. When an impurity in metal has greater affinity for oxygen and is more easily oxidised than the metal itself, then which process is used to refine the metal ?

Sol. Cupellation 13. Which compounds act as propellant for rockets ? Ans. Liquid hydrogen + Liquid oxygen 14. How many H-bonds are formed by a water molecule ? Ans. 4 O H H 15. What is the volume of O2 liberated at NTP by complete decomposition of 100 ml of 2M solution of H2O2 ? Ans. 2.24 L Volume strength = 11.2 M = 11. 2 2 = 22.4 L 1000 ml = 22.4 L 100 ml = 1 100 1000 22.4 = 2.24 L 16. Zinc gives H2 gas with conc. H2SO4 and conc. HCl but not with conc. HNO3. Why ? Ans. NO3 ion is reduced to NO2 in prefercence to H3O+ ( hydronium) ion. 17. A compound of mercury which used in cosmetics, in Ayurvedic and Yunani medicnes and known as Vermil lion.s Ans. HgS 18. Bordeaux mixture is used as fungicide. Write its composition. Ans. CuSO4 + Ca(OH)2 19. Name the metals present in insulin, haemoglobin and vitamin B12 respectively. Ans. Zn, Fe, Co 20. A substance X is a compound of an element of group IA. The substance X gives violet colour in flame test, X is : Ans. KCl 21. Why is Na2S2O3. 5H2O used in photography ? Ans. To remove decomposed AgBr as a soluble complex. 22. What are the products of electrolysis of concentrated common salt solution ? Ans. NaOH, H2, Cl2 23. What happenss when a standard solution of NaOH is left in air for a few hours ? Ans. Strength will decrease of NaOH solution. 24. Which impurities in crude common salt are responsible for its hygroscopic nature ? Ans. CaCl2 and MgCl2 25. CO2 gas along with solid (Y) is obtained when sodium salt (X) is heated. (X) is again obtained when CO2 gas is passed into aqueous solution of (Y). (X) and (Y) are : Ans. NaHCO3, Na2CO3 Na2CO3 + H2O +at He 2NaHCO3 CO2 (X) (Y) 2NaHCO3 Na2CO3 + H2O + CO2 (X) (Y) 26. On heating a mixture containing 1 mole each of Li2CO3 and K2CO3 ------- mole of ------- gas(es) is/are formed. Ans. One mole of CO2 Sol. Li2CO3 decomposes while K2CO3 is stable and does not decompose. Li2O + CO2 Li2CO3 1 mole 1 mole 1 mole 27. There is loss in mass when mixture of Li2CO3 and Na2CO3.10H2O is heated strongly. The loss is due to : Ans. Both Li2CO3 and Na2CO3.10H2O Li2O + CO2atHe Sol. Li2CO3 Na2CO3at He Na2CO3 . 10H2O + 10H2O NH3 . The metal (M) is -O H2 Nitride 28. Metal (M) + N2 Ans. Li, Mg

29. Na2O2 has light yellow colour. This is due to : Ans. Presence of trace of NaO2 . 30. Water is added to calcium carbide and the evolved gas is passed through dilute H2SO4 containing HgSO4. Which organic compound are formed ? Ans. CH3CHO C2H2 + Ca(OH)2 Sol. CaC2 + 2H2O CH + CH HOH 24 4 H SO CH = CH 2 HgS O OH CH CHO 3 31. The nitrate (A) can be confirmed by flame test. The colour imparted by the salt to the flame is Ans. Green 32. Why Gypsum is added to portland cement ? Ans. To slow down the process of setting. 33. A colourless gas which burns with blue flame and reduces CuO to Cu is Ans. CO 34. Carbon has valency four in CH4. What is its valency in acetylene ? Ans. 4 35. Why H2SO4 is not used for the preparation of CO2 from marble chips ? Ans. Calcium sulphate is sparingly soluble and get deposited on marble chips and stops the reaction. 36. Which type of glass has the smallest coefficient of thermal expansion ? Ans. Pyrex glass 37. How is colour is imparted to glass ? Ans. By adding metal oxides 38. In the ring test for nitrates, the ring formed is due to formation of Ans. FeSO4. NO 39. Oxalate + MnO2 + dil. Gas. The gas evolved is :H2SO4 Ans. CO2 40. A gas is evolved which burns with blue flame when the mixture is heated with conc. H2SO4. The mixture contains : Ans. Oxalate/Carbonate 41. Which metal sulphide is yellow in colour ? Ans. ZnS / PbS 42. A mixture when rubbed with organic acid, smells like vinegar. It contains : Ans. CH3COO acetate 43. All ammonium salts liberate ammonia when Ans. Heated with caustic soda Sol. 2NH3 + 2NaCl + 2H2O 2NH4Cl + 2NaOH 44. Which of the following gives green colour to the flame ? (i) BaCl2 (ii) CaCl2 Ans. BaCl2 45. Which of the following compound does not dissolve in hot dil. HNO3 ? (i) HgS (ii) PbS Ans. HgS 46. What is nesslers reagent ? Ans. K2HgI4 47. An object is located at a height of 5 km from the surface of the earth. The object is located in which part of atmosphere ? Ans. Troposphere 48. Which gases are absorbers of IR-radiation ? Ans. Carbondioxide and chlorofluorocarbons. 49. Write formula for tear gas. Ans. CCl3NO2 50. Which metal is used for drying organic solvents ? Ans. Na

Posted by nilesh at 9:12 PM 3 comments Labels: kvpy, KVPY Felloship, kvpy interview

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KVPY(BIOLOGY) 1. Why are the enzymes activate in a specific range ? A. Enzymes are made up of proteins which usually activate in 5c 45c. Below 5c enzyme become freezed while at more than 45 c temp they become denatured. 2. Why plants can do photosynthesis in visible light ? A. Because two kind of photosystems are present in plants which

KVPY(BIOLOGY) 1. Why are the enzymes activate in a specific range ? A. Enzymes are made up of proteins which usually activate in 5c 45c. Below 5c enzyme become freezed while at more than 45 c temp they become denatured. 2. Why plants can do photosynthesis in visible light ? A. / Because two kind of photosystems are present in plants which are known as PS- P700 & / P680 that PS can absorb only 700nm & 680nm light respectively. 3. How we get innate immunity ? A. Innate immunity is present from birth. This kind of immunity is obtained from immunoglobin G & A. gG can pass through the placenta. Specially 4. What is the difference between antibiotics and antibodies ? A. Antibiotics are specific chemicals which are obtained from microbes but antibodies are specific immunoglobins which are formed inside the living being against a specific antigen. 5. What will happen if we provide O+ve blood to an Ove person at first time ? A. No effect i.e. the person can survive because antibodies are not formed in sufficient amount against inserted antigen. 6. Why cant we see in normal light just after coming from high light intensity ? A. There are 2 reasons i) due to the change in lens shape / focal length.

ii) In high light intensity Rhodopsin has been dissociate in Retinene & Scotopsin. Rhodopsin in Light In dark Retinene + Scotopsin + Energy & A little time is required to sysnthesize rhodopsin again. 7. Is there any relation in body size & heartbeat ? A. Yes, if body size is small then heart beat will be greater because of quick circulation in small sized body. 8. What will happen if lungs are replaced by balloon ? A. It will burst due to absence of strech-receptors. 9. What will happen if we put shoot tipless potted plant towards an open window in a dark room ? A. It will never bent toward the light due to absence of rich auxin. 10. What will happen if we cut the cardiac nerve ? A. First the heart beat become irregular & after a short time it will be rhythmic. 11. Why cant restriction enzyme cut its source DNA ? A. Restriction enzymes cant cut bacterial or source DNA because it is methylated. 12. Why does the people live at high altitude have reddish skin ? A. Because at high altitude atmospheric pressure is low in compare to plane area and haemoglobin is not able to bind with sufficient O2. So number of R.B.C. (amount of Hb) increase to make balance in the body state. 13. Why the plant cloning is easier than animal cloning ? A. Because plants have more totipotent cells in compare to animals. 14. Why organs have specific functions although the whole animal body is made of a single cell zygote ? A. Because during embryonic development gene switch - off & switch on mechanism occur which leads in differentiation. 15. How do migratory birds identify their way ? A. They use earth s magnetic field & angle of sunlight which is

coming to their eye, to identify the way. 16. Why is CO harmful for humans but not for the insects ? n A. human blood haemoglobin work as respiratory pigment which having the highest binding capability with CO but in insects respiratory pigment is absent so diffusion of gases do not interrupted. 17. How can animal recognize their infants ? A. Animals like cattle identify their infants by their pheromone which they apply on them during lapping. 18. What will happen if we eliminate all the secondary consumers from a food chain ? A. Number of tertary consumers will decrease due to absence of their food & Number of primary consumers will increase because of the absence of their predators. 19. Why do only specific microbes can do nitrogen fixation ? A. Because of presence of nif-gene. 20. What will happen if a person having blood group A receive the blood of blood group B. A. A - Blood grouped person having b antibodies which can recognize B antigen of blood group B. So antigen antibody reaction occur which result in agglutination that leads in death. 21. Why lymph is called middle man of the body ? A. Lymph constitutes the internal medium in which the tissue cells are bathed. During respiration, nutrition & excretion cells draw in O2 & nutrients & expell excrete waste from the lymph thus tissue fluid / lymph act as middle man of body. 22. Which organ is known as traffic police man of body & why ? A. Epiglottis a leaf shaped cartilaginous flap of the skin is known as traffic policeman of body because it prevents the food from entering the glottis to cover it while swallowing. 23. Can an unfertilized egg form a new organism in the sexually reproducing type of organisms ? & Name the term which are associated with it.

A. Yes, an individual can be developed from an unfertilized egg as in honey bee (as drone). Parthenogenesis & Parthenocarpy are the terms which are used for it. 24. If sexual reproduction was removed from the entire living world , what will be the consequence in the term of evolution ? (when mutation is also absent ). A. If sexual reproduction was removed from the entire living world there would be no variation and no new species will be formed. However variation is necessary for evolution & therefore evolution will stop. 25. How does Plasmodium inserted in human body ? A. When female anopheles sucks the human blood, it inserts its saliva in human blood to stop clotting thus Plasmodium which is present in the salivary gland of mosquito released in human body. 26. Why do the water bodies get polluted by loading of nutrients ? A. Due to excessive of nutrients there will be high growth of algae at water surface which is known as eutrophication. Due to the exceed growth, Algae make a physical barrier between atmosphere & hydrosphere . So light & gases are unable to insert in hydrosphere and there will be no photosynthesis as well as no liberation of O2 & due to absence of O2 all the plants & animals will die thus the water body get polluted. 27. A farmer floods his field every day thinking that watering in this manner will result in a better yield of his wheat crop. What will be the result of this action of the farmer ? A. The soil is likely to get water logged which is unfit for the growth of wheat plants. 28. Why insectivorous plants catch insects ? A. These plants grow in N2 deplete area so to get N2 they catch insect & digest their body protein to form their own proteins. 29. Why some animal show hibernation ? A. Cold blooded animals are unable to adjust their body temprature in

variable environment. To survive in low temprature they under go in long winter sleep where they minimize their metabolism & utilize rest of the energy to warm up their body. 30. Why the wall of ventricle is thicker than auricle ? A. Because ventricle have to supply the blood in whole body parts while auricle have to receive blood. 31. Why do we feel high temprature in grainery ? A. Grains are stored in grainery. They do respiration in which energy is librated out as heat that raise the temprature of grainery. 32. Where should wax applied in a submerged plants leaf to slower the transpiration rate ? A. No need of it because they have inactive stomata & submerged plants cant do transpiration. 33. Why salt is used in pickle as preservative ? A. Because of salt, the solution become hypertonic where microbes get plasmolysed & pickle can be preserved. 34. What will happen if we apply the wax on an insects body surface ? A. Insect will die because of the closure of spiracles. 35. Why the plants leaves fall in autumn ? A. Because vascular tissue is blocked due to callose deposition & simultaneously ABA concentration will raise which form abscission layer at the base of leaves. 36. What will happen if we provide another stimulus before the ending of previous stimulus ? A. Response will be the result of the addition of all the stimuli according to the law of summation. 37. Why does a drunker stumble ? A. Alcohal affect the cerebellum which make the balance during walking. 38. Haemoglobin bind with O2 but this process is not called oxidation, why ? A. Because in haemoglobin Fe present in Fe+2 state after addition of

O2 there is no change in the oxidation number of Fe so its not oxidation.This is called oxygenation process. 39. Why vein appear blue in colour ? A. Because it reflect blue colour of light. 40. How can insect survive after sucking various kind of blood groups blood ? A. Because in insects the blood goes to digestive tract where it is digested but in human it insert into circulatory system. 41. What is rigor mortis ? A. During muscle contraction actin binds with myosine and form actomyosin. But for the muscle relaxation, ATP is required to break the bonding of actomyosine. After death ATP is not available, so the muscles found in contracted position and this phenomenon is known as rigormortis. 42. Why cant lysosomes digest its own wall although it is known as sucidial bags ? A. Lysosome contains hydrolytic enzyme which are functional only in the persence of H2O . But inside the lysosome H2O molecules are not available so they are inactive. 43. Two species of a community can live in a same niche. This statement is correct or incorrect and why ? A. In correct because according to Gause hypothesis there will be the higest intraspecific struggle because of same basic needs. 44. A man with type A blood has a wife type B. They have child with s it possible, if yes than how ? type O blood. A. Yes, If both the parents having heterozygous genotype for their blood groups. 45. A student covered a leaf from a destarched plant with a black paper strip & kept it in the garden outside his house in fresh air . In the evening he tested the covered portion of leaf for presence of starch. What the student was trying to show ? A. Light is necessary for photosynthesis.

46. What will happen if grana will removed from chloroplast ? A. Light reaction will not happen. 47. What is the significance of plasmodesmata in tissue system ? A. Plasmodesmata work as a protoplasmic connection, for example it is present in between sieve cell & companion cell by means of this companion cell control the whole activity of sieve cells. 48. A certain tissue in a green plant somehow gets blocked and the leaves wilted. What was the tissue that got blocked ? A. Xylem. 49. UV rays are leathal because they inactivate____components of body. A. Protein, Nucleic acid & pigments. 50. Why are the small number of surviving tigers a cause of worry from the point of view of genetics ? A. Because their gene will eliminated from the gene pool , which harm to biodiversity

Posted by Sreyasi Nag Chowdhury in Me-myself-my life.... Tags: 2009, Engineering, kvpy, KVPY Fellowship, kvpy interview, KVPY interview pattern, KVPY project ideas trackback Now, there are certain very frightening stereotype ideas about KVPY interviews! I tried speaking to some KVPY Fellows prior to my interview, and the picture I got was terrifying! Attending the interview changed my idea which Im going to share with everyone for the benefit of future KVPY applicants. The reason is that everyone heading for it wants to know how the general procedure is and the best way to find an answer now is Google. So they start searching frantically with as many various combinations of words as possibleI did toobut unfortunately did not come up with satisfactory results. Dr. Pranab Chatterjee showed up always (everyone who has googled with kvpy will agree). Although his experience gave us some idea, it was specifically for candidates in the Medical stream and typically for the boys (sorry about this Pranab, but thats what I felt. Although it is a fact that boys outnumber girls largely here, but you could have given equal footing to both. Anyway, Ill do it.). He suggested I should write for the future Engineering candidatesso here I amI hope you find this in time.

Id say the interview was easy goingnothing to be tensed about it. It is more of a cordial discussion with the interview board regarding your work rather than a tightened question-answer round. For every one of us this time, we were asked to explain our project to the board. They just wanted to see how well we can deliver our work across the table. They listened very attentively when we spoke and cross-questioned here and there to clarify some points. We werent asked very probing questions or high level subject based questionsjust the basics. When the Head of the KVPY Cell of IIT Bombay introduced us to the system at the beginning, he said that selecting a limited number of applications from the bulk was very careful and strict, but now all they want to figure out is whether the project is genuinely done by the candidate, how well he/she is versed with the work, and whether he/she possesses the potential for a career in research. Now I want to clarify some biased conceptions about the interview. 1. It is not a job interview. So how you dress doesnt matter as long as you are decent enough to present yourself before the respected Professors. This is not what I have to say, but the Head of the KVPY Cell of IIT Bombay himself said this in his initial interaction with us. So, I need not have dressed in a formal suit, a decent salwar-kameez would have been okbut, yes, respect for tradition is always preferred. Pranab Chatterjee wrote in his blog that the board has a hawks eye to everything about you-how you walk, talk, look etc. Maybe that is true for the Medical students, but believe me, for the Engineering people its just casual. Definitely a confident body language has its own merits, but that cant be considered to be of utmost importance. What is important is your knowledge about your work and the genuineness of your project. Your English might not be fluentso what? That shouldnt crush your confidence! Professors themselves said we could be free to deliver in any languagenot all though its practically impossible to accommodate all Indian languagesbut Hindi and most of South Indian languages were welcomed. The Professors in the interview board were very friendly and made us feel easy. There were smiles and jokes. In fact I was offered biscuits after my interview was overso informal it is! Average time of interview per head was 20min. There was this guy from IIT Kharagpur, Sarbartha, who was the only one to stay in the board for 45min. Questions will be asked from your project onlyat least that was the case this time. A KVPY scholar frightened me by saying that we may be interrogated from any field as varied as history and geography. This completely freaked me out! I was relieved to find out otherwise. Whatever I said was my experience at IIT Bombay. Venue of the Interview changes every year, and so might be everything related to it. I dont mean to frighten you by saying this; I guess itll be more or less the same. My suggestion is that you should be extremely well versed with your project. The rest is a matter of chance.






Regarding project topics, application based simple projects rank higher than theoretical ones. So, think of your day-to-day life and how you can solve some problems often faced. For example, this time there was this guy Rohit, who worked on automatic drainage of waste that often plugs the basins and sinks in our house. Jose Dominics project was to improve the four legged walker for the crippled and aged to make it suitable to climb or descend a flight of stairs. Soujanya designed a soft keyboard for typing in Tamil. My project was a bit higher upit was on how to store Hydrogen gas in a cost effective manner to use it as future fuel. Lakshmis was a similar project on bio-diesel. Ish had a theoretical project on optimisation of power for energy conservationit just didnt penetrate my brain box! Some guys like Utkarsh and GV had pure maths projects and they had one-to-one interview and the Professor somehow told them that theyll get a Mentorship.

Anyway, the post is becoming too long, Ill stop here. Thats all I had to say about the legendary KVPY interviews. All the best if you are an applicant. Probably I did not miss out on anythingif I did I promise to include it later on. All Id say is make right use of the opportunity, enjoy, make friends and treasure themthis is a life-time experienceand a life changing one too. Take care!

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