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Ienttying a hydrated salt Introduction For this Practical Task you are given fll instructions forthe practical procedure, which must be followed carat. tis your responsibity to work safely and to organise your time etficenty ‘Yu have one procedure to flew which you wll cary out twice. + You will heat a hydrated salto remove the water of crystallisation and to form the anhydrous sal From the resus, you wil identity the hydrated salt Part 1~ Action of heat on the hydrated salt, ‘You ar provid wth the flloing ‘+ Two waighing bottlos, each containing approximately 2,0-2.59 0 te hyseated sal. a Record all your readings inthe tables on page 3. Experiment 1 1. Weigh one ofthe empty erusibles. “Tp the nysrated salt from one ofthe weighing bots provided ino tho weighed crucibie. Weigh the crucible with the hydrated eat 3. Using a ppe-clay triangle, support the eruciie and contents on a trped. Hoat the cruibi and contonts gently for about one minute. “Thon heat strongly fora further theee minutos. 4. Leave the crucible and residue to coo! frat least ten minutes, White tne uci is cooing down, go on to Experiment 2 '5. When tho cructte and resave aro cool, weigh the cructle and residue Calulate the mass of residue abizined Experiment 2 1. Repeat Experiment + using the other crue Follow exactly the same procedure Readings experiment | experiment 2 mass of erucible/g mass of crucible + hydrated salt/a of crucible + anhydrous sait/g fo) Calculations ‘Complete the iste colrms inte able below. Inthe final column, calculate the mean masses, to twe decimal places, from your to experiment ‘experiment | experiment2. | mean mass ((02 decimal laces) mass of hydrated salt used/g ‘mass of anhydrous salt formed/g ‘mass of water removed i} Calculate the mean amount, in moles, of H,O removed when you heated the samp of the hydrated salt. ‘mean amount of HO removed: mmol (11 Part 2~ Identification of the hydrated salt ‘Show your working nal questions + The hydatod compound isa sat of a matalX + The hydrated salt has the formula XSOyH,0. (2), Write down the formula of th postive ion and the formula of the negative in in the hydrated sal Use X to represent the metal positive ie: egative fo mn (©) Construct an equation for the change i Include state symbols. nm (6) Doduce the mean amount, in moles, ofthe anhydrous salt formed when you heated the ‘samples ofthe rycratod sat. You will need to use: + your equation in ) and ‘+ the mean amount, in moles, of HO removed that you calculated ‘ean amount of anhydrous salt formed mol (1) (@) Calculate tho motar mas In gmol" of tho anhydrous salt, Hance calculate the molar mass of X {Give your molar mass of X to one decimal place. ‘molar mass of anhydrous sal amor ‘molar mass of K = ‘gmor* (9) (0), Daduce the identity of Xin the formula ofthe hydrates sal, XSO,-SH,0, ‘Note that Xs in he d-bock ofthe Periodic Table, Xie mn (Total 15)

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