Drug Study

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DRUG ORDER Generic name: o Potassium Chloride Other name: o Kalium Durule Classification: o Drugs for fluid and electrolyte imbalance Dosage: o 1tab Route: o Oral route Frequency: o BID MECHANISMS OF ACTION Replacing Potassium and maintains potassium level. INDICATIONS => To prevent hypokalemia ADVERSE EFFECT CONTRAINDICATIONS OF THE DRUG Contraindicated in patients with CNS:Paresthesia severe renal impairment with Of limbs, oliguria, anuria, or azotemia; listlessness, with untreated Addison confusion, weakness disease; or with acute or heaviness of dehydration, heat cramps, limbs, flaccid hypokalemia, hypekalemic paralysis. form of familial periodic CV: Postinfusion paralysis, or other conditions phlebitis, linked to extensive tissue arrhythmias, heart breakdown. block, cardiac arrest, ECG changes hypotension. GI: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea. NURSING RESPONSIBILITIES PRECAUTIONS o Teach patient how to prepare powder and how to take the drug. o Tell patient to take with or after meals with full blast of water. o Report for any adverse reaction noticed. o Warn patient not to use salt substitute concurrently.

DRUG ORDER Generic name: o Tramadol Other name: o Tramal Classification: o Opioid Anlgesic Dosage: o 50 mg I cap Route: o Oral via NGT Frequency: o Every 8 hours



A treatment of mild A centrally acting to moderate pain. synthetic analgesic compound not chemically related to opioids. Thought to bind to opioid receptors and inhibit re-uptake of norepinephrine and serotonin. .

ADVERSE EFFECT CONTRAINDICATIONS OF THE DRUG Contraindicated in patients who .CNS: dizziness, are hypersensitive to drug and headache other components of opioids. CV: vasodilation EENT: visual disturbances GI: constipation, nausea, vomiting GU: urine retention Musculoskeletal: hypertonia Respi: RR depression Skin: diaphoresis and rashes

NURSING RESPONSIBILITIES PRECAUTIONS o Advise if any of the adverse reaction had occurred. o Strict monitoring of intake and output.

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