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nu BIBLIOGRAFIE OBLIGATORIE Vitruvius, Cele zece carti de arhitectura J.B.Fletcher, History of architecture Matila Ghyka, The geometry of art and life The Routledge Companion to Aesthetics, edit. Berys Gaut, Dominic McIver Lopes - pg. 3-64. Gotic Alain Erlande-Brandenburg, Catedrala, Ed. Meridiane, 1993. Whitney S. Stoddard, Art & Architecture in Medieval France Rolf Toman (ed.), The Art of Gothic Edouard Corroyer, Gothic Architecture A.D.F. Hamlin, History of architecture Robert Harbison, Travels in the history of architecture Jaques le Goff, Evul Mediu si nasterea Europei, Ed. Polirom, 2005 Renastere Andrea Palladio, Cele patru carti de arhitectura (in biblioteca scolii) Harry Francis Mallgrave, Architectural theory, vol. I, Anthology from Vitruvius to 1870 Sebastiano Serlio, Cele cinci carti de arhitectura Mira-Voitec Dordea, Renastere, baroc si rococco in arhitectura universala, Ed. Didactica si pedagogica, 1994. Baroc Martin Shaw Briggs, Baroque Architecture

BIBLIOGRAFIE OPTIONALA Gotic Eamonn Caniffe, The Politics of the Piazza Christian Schaffer, The philosophy of Dionysius the Aeropagite Georges Dubuy, Vremea catedralelor, Ed. Meridiane, 1998 Viorica Guy Marica, Arta gotica, Ed. Meridiane,1970 Jurgis Baltrusaitis, Evul Mediu fantastic, Ed. Meridiane, 1975

Umberto Eco, Arta si frumosul in estetica medievala, Ed. Meridiane, 1999. Erwin Panofsky, Arhitectura gotica si gandirea scolastica, Ed. Anastasia 1999. The new Cambridge medieval history Renastere Barbara Kenda, Aeolian Winds and the Spirit in Renaissance Architecture Charles Burroughs, The Italian Renaissance Palace Facade Grazia Gobbi Sica, The Florentine Villa Peter Burke, Renasterea europeana, Ed. Polirom, 2005. Erwin Panofsky, renastere si renasteri in arta occidentala, Ed. Meridiane, 1974

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