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1. A person's decision to marry a particular individual is a purely individual decision and is too personal to be influenced by social factors. 2.

The sociological imagination tends to neglect social and historical events. 3. Sociologists believe that our social environment strongly influences our behavior. 4. Sociologists are just as concerned with the individual psyche as psychologists. 5. Sociologists would seek to solve social problems by changing social institutions and roles. 6. Since we live in an individualistic society, it is more difficult for us to see social influences on our behavior. Attempts to explain human behavior by focusing exclusively on an individual's personality, psychology, or physical characteristics are called: Individualistic explanations Physical explanations Sociological explanations The sociological imagination

People's first efforts to explain an unhappy situation such as joblessness tend to focus on the: Individual's personal characteristics Way the individual was raised as a child Person's relationships with his or her family and close friends Socioeconomic situation in the society

According to the sociological perspective, Individuals are not responsible for their own behavior. The subconscious motivates our behavior. Our social environment strongly influences our behavior. Written rules and regulations dictate our behavior.

According to the sociological imagination, social problems can best be solved by: Providing treatment for people with problems

Changing the characteristics of individuals Changing social institutions and roles Imposing new laws

The sociological imagination allows us to see the intersection between personal experiences and: Social and historical events Changes in local climates Genetic inheritance Individual temperament

In American society, the high value placed on _________ makes it more difficult for us to see social influences on our behavior. pragmatism Puritanism individualism capitalism

Because we tend to attribute people's achievements and failures to individualistic explanations, we often overlook which of the following? Broader social trends Psychological characteristics Self-evaluation Our personal decisions

The sociological imagination is the ability to: Imagine how sociologists affect our private lives

Sociologically link our private lives to individualistic actions See the impact of larger societal forces on our private lives Take personal responsibility for our actions

A young woman who believes she is overweight begins to starve herself in the hopes of becoming more attractive. A sociologist would tend to explain the woman's behavior in terms of: A personality defect or mental problem Her lack of willpower or self-esteem Society's valuation of thinness in women Society's valuation of abnormal behavior

Which of the following could be a sociological explanation for differences in test scores among schools? Differences in students' individual intelligence Different rates of hyperactivity Lack of effort among some students Differences in school resources

Sociology emphasizes that: Individuals are not responsible for their actions, because they are so heavily affected by social influences. Individuals' behaviors are determined solely by individuals' freedom of choice. Individuals are strongly influenced in their beliefs and actions by social forces. Individuals should not be held accountable in legal matters if their behavior has been influenced by social factors.

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