Summer Test 1 Study Guide

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HY 103 Study Guide for First Exam: Chapters 16

The Stone Age Neolithic Revolution Sumer Mesopotamia Sargon I Hammurabis Code Hittites Assyrians Nebuchadnezzar Bronze Age Cuneiform Ziggurat Polytheism Epic of Gilgamesh Hebrews Monotheistic The Torah Abraham Moses King David King Solomon Phoenicians Indo Europeans Menes Old Kingdom Great Pyramid at Giza Kush Middle Kingdom Thebes Hyksos Ahmose New Kingdom Hatshepsut Hieroglyphics Osiris Isis Horus Akhenaten Tutankhamen Bantu people Harappa Mohenjo-Daro Aryans The Vedas sanskrit Varnas Brahmins jati Dharma Upanishads Moksha Karma The Middle Kingdom Shang Dynasty Mandate of Heaven Zhou Dynasty feudalism oracle bones The Five Classics Achaemenid Empire Cyrus II Cambyses II Darius satrapies Persepolis The Royal Road Xerxes Persian Wars Alexander the Great Seleucids Parthians Sasanids Zarathustra (Zoroaster) Confucius Daoism Laozi Legalism Han Feizi Qin Dynasty Shi Huangdi Han Dynasty Wudi Mandarins Pax Sinica

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