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Introduction to Wastewater Treatment Processes R. S. Ramalho LAVAL UNIVERSITY QUEBEC, CANADA @ ACADEMIC PRESS New York San Francisco London 1977 ‘A Subsidiary of Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers Comnacnr © 1977, ny AcageENNC PRESS, INC ACADEMIC PRESS, ING. |, United Kingdom Edition published by ACADEMIC PRESS. INC. (LONDON) LTD. Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Ramatho, Rubens Sette, Introduction to wastewater eatment processes Bibliography: . Inches index 1 Sowage-Pusfication, Tile TDS Rx 16-26185 {-toomedd ot Contents Preface INTRODUCTION 1. Introduction 2. The Role of the Engineer in Water Pollution Abatement 3. Degrees of Wastewater Treatment and Water Quality, ‘Standards 4. Sources of Wastewaters 5. Economics of Wastewater Treatment and Economic Balance for Water Reuse 6. Effect of Water Pollution on Environment and Biota 7. Eutrophication 8. Types of Water Supply and Classification of Wat Contaminants References CHARACTERIZATION OF DOMESTIC AND INDUSTRIAL WASTEWATERS. 1. Measurement of Concentration of Contaminants in Wastewaters 2. Measurement of Organic Content: Group 1—Oxygen Parameter Methods. ‘Measurement of Organic Content: Group 2—Carbon Relationship between & and Ratio BOD,/BOD, Environmental Effects on the BOD Test Nitrification Evaluation of Feasibility of Biological Treatment for an Industrial Wastewater 10. Characteristics of Municipal Sewage 11. Industrial Wastewater Surveys. 12. Statistical Correlation of Industrial Waste Survey Date Problems. Rafarancas eexnooe 10 “ 2 25 26 2 SSeese 6 65 “ Contant Contents wl 3. PRETREATMENT AND PRIMARY TREATMENT 5. lationship for Optimum Setting Conditions of Sludge 185 . 6. Experimental Determination of Parameters Needed for Dasion + ttroduetion x of hoodie Biologia Reecrs 199 2. Screening m 7. Design Procedure for an Activated Sludge Plant 205 3. Sedimentation 7 8. The Michaelis—Menten Relationship 219 4. Flotation ww 8. The Concept of Sudgo Age 26 5. Neutralization (and Equalizat 10. Kinetics of Continuous Treatment Systems: Plug Flow, Problems 123, Complete Mix, and Arbitrary Flow Reactors. 230 References ws Problems 234 Raterences zs 4 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF AERATION IN WASTEWATER TREATMENT 1. rtrodvetion wz 6 SECONDARY TREATMENT: OTHER AEROBIC AND ANAEROBIC 2. Stops involved Inthe Oxygen-Transter Process 1% WASTEWATER TREATMENT PROCESSES 2. Oxygen-Traneler Rete Equation ta + Introduction wa 4 Determination ofthe Overall Mass-ranslerCoefficlent Ka by i ration fo Tosl Oxidation Proves Unsteady Stats horton ot Top ter es 2. Extend Asraton or Total Oxietion Proves) ae 5. fategraion ofthe Ditarental Equation for Oxygen Transfer 4. Other Modieationsof Conventional Activated Sludg yetween Limits ih ‘Shay 6. Unsteady State Aeration of Activated Sludge Liquor 13 Process: Stge Aeration Complete Mix Activated Sludge 2. Stondy State Determination of Kafr the Retiveted 5. Aerated Lagoons 28 Siudge Liquor 14 ; WestewaterStabization Ponds se 8. Oxygenation Capacity (OC) 138 Trickling Fitters. Pond 268 ‘9. Corrections for K,# and Oxygenation Capacity (OC) with A bic Tr 282 ‘Temperature and Pressure 135, \naerobic Treatment 10. Transfer Efficiency of Aeration Units 137 Problems. 293 11, Effect of Wastewater Characteristics on Oxygen Transfer 138 References 294 12, Laboratory Determination of Oxygen-Transfer Coefficient « 140 13. Classification of Aeration Equipment—Oxygen-Transfer 0 1 tone Bren nts wa 1 nedtn a restore ‘ 3 Pinon Soe is nares te 4 Dowty Ses by Yeu Fon ms ® hens Pn i @ contigetan ia 5 SECONDARY REATIMNT: THE ACTHATED SLUDGE mOcesS © te = 1 tvetton ws & Pedrming Tennent of Sage me 2 Matec Mag of evs Sage Pca 2 Sige Dips i + hin ntonctp s rte Pa + rarer Retain ‘ rates a

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