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19 Ways To Raise Your Vibration

Category Exercises, Feeling, Healing, Love Lets talk about something awesome. Feeling amazing! Raising your vibes! Improving your mood! Raising your level of consciousness! I encourage you to try out the ones which excite you the most, try them out and let your experience guide you towards which methods are most conducive to your own joy and happiness. 1) Love

Place your hands on your heart and really love yourself Name 10 things you love about yourself Tell your friends and family you love them, both through your words and your actions If you have a pet, hold them, pet them, stroke them, enjoy them With your wife/husband/boyfriend/girlfriend, spend time in gentle embrace

2) Appreciation

Thank yourself for being exactly who you are Write out a page-long list of things youre grateful for Feel appreciation for life exactly as it is now Thank the Universe for supporting you in all that you do Feel grateful for having the opportunity to create what you want Feel appreciation towards everything you desire

3) Do something you enjoy

Find something you really enjoy doing and do it, even if its something small Treat yourself to something special Do something youve always wanted to do Find an activity that feels very you and do it Perform a random act of kindness to a complete stranger If you enjoy creating, enter a state of flow and allow creation to flow through you

4) Meditate

Spend time meditating in silence Find the peaceful stillness within Allow the world to be as it is while you dedicate this moment to meditation Feel the inner peace that is always present at your core

5) Breathe deeply

Breathe deeply, fully into your belly Breathe slowly Notice the breath going in and out of your body Breathing deeply will make it literally impossible to be anxious

6) Center yourself

Feel present in this moment Feel the inside of your body Meditation and deep breathing are also forms of centering yourself Focus yourself into the Now without resisting the mind in any way Notice whats being registered by all 5 senses

7) Spend time in silence

Go for a walk in the woods, or barefoot out in nature Gaze at a flower Spend some quality time with yourself, just yourself Pay attention to the silence from which all sound arises and falls back into

8) Watch something funny

Put on a funny movie and spend time laughing and enjoying yourself Watch some funny videos online Share jokes with your friends

9) Smile

Smile radiantly, genuinely, joyfully Feel the smile overflowing and flooding your whole body Feel all the cells in your body smiling Put a smile inside your heart

10) Say YES to what is

Look around the room and allow everything to be just as it is Look at your life and, just for now, allow things to be the way they are

Say YES to yourself while you observe various aspects of your life Offer no resistance to anything in life Accept yourself and others

11) Listen to good music

Put on some good music Upbeat energetic music is excellent Classical music is fantastic too Avoid depressing, angry, or violent music

12) Exercise

Give your body a work-out Run, lift weights, bike, swim, play sports, or do whichever activities you prefer Get the blood flowing through the body Feel the energy pulsating within the body

13) Dance

Go out to a dance club and have a great time, without worrying what other people think Grab a partner and dance freely with him or her Put on some music and dance wildly in private, with nobody watching Be completely and totally liberated with your dancing

14) Sing

Put on your favorite song and sing along If necessary, close the door and some headphones, but sing sing sing Singing in the car is a perfect place to sing. Who cares if you look like a nut?

15) Choose to heal yourself or others

Allow your bodys natural intelligence to work its magic Encourage the desired healing to take place Help another on the road to recovery Support the feelings of wellness and well-being

16) Pray

Focus your attention on what you desire to experience in life

Invite the Divine energy to join you and be a part of your life Ask for guidance and wisdom in your life Pray for safety and well-being for yourself and your loved ones Bless the world Get involved in group prayer for even more effectiveness

17) Read quality books

Immerse yourself in high consciousness writings Fill your mind with thoughts and ideas that resonate with your soul Learn new skills Develop your understandings regarding spirituality


13 Apr 2005 @ 02:48, by Marie Southern RAISING YOUR VIBRATIONAL RATE Picture from; [link] Since we know that all creation is manifest from Divine energy, we also know that the smallest component exist as pure energy. The density of an object is governs how fast that energy can physically vibrate. Therefore everything physically manifested vibrates within certain ranges of frequency in order for human senses to perceive it. A major factor that limits people from readily perceiving higher dimensions is because the frequency rate of vibration is outside the range of human perception. This contributes to their lack of faith and ability to believe in something that can not be perceived through the normal senses. Even though you cant perceive something doesnt prove that it doesnt exist. For example, you can blow on a dog whistle and not hear it, but the sound is real because your dog reacts. The Higher Dimensional Beings and those Dimensions are being perceived by some people because they have learned to perceive them through different senses, but for most people this is beyond their range of perception. Though many people are beginning or are working with energies on different planes and dimensions because they are consciously working to increase their rate of vibration. Raising your vibration enables you to receive a more direct guidance and clearer guidance from your Higher self because it vibrates at a higher rate. Having this direct link allows for information to be more easily accepted by the conscious and actualized. Therefore a direct link is formed to interact with your Higher Self, Archangels, Ascended Masters and the Brotherhood.

You can raise your personal vibration by doing specific energy work with your Higher Self and Guides of Light. This frequency raising energy work can be done by everyone, and is being done in many ways naturally on an ongoing basis as the vibration of the Earth is being raised in preparation for the Ascension. Raising your vibration also opens you to different levels of consciousness. The first level of change enters you into Lunar consciousness, this is where clairvoyant and healing abilities heighten. This stage of consciousness lasts for approximately five years. The next stage is Solar Consciousness, you become more attuned and start to heal and clear problems from all of the subtle bodies (physical, emotional, astral mental and spiritual). This can last from three to five years. This is a very high level and most people never go any higher. lightworkers, healers and Spiritual teachers that are to work on an intense level with spirit can reach the next step which is Stellar Consciousness. To reach Stellar means that you are a clear channel for spirit, which requires cleaning and anchoring all your have chakras, and dealing with all your karma. Emergence with the Divine Force, God, Ultimate Being or whatever you wish to call the superior force is the next step, and it truly is only available to the great spiritual teachers. Activation of the 12 strands of DNA into the physical and interface with the lightbody is completed. Consequently, raising your vibration heightens your awareness, develops telepathy, intuition, and increases "ESP" abilities in which to live your life in a more conscious manner. This expanded awareness of energy also helps to open and develop channels of communication from other realms of Light Beings, Spirit Guides, and Nature Spirits. These realms encourage intuition, knowing, and the ability to receive evident guidance from Spirit, thus enhancing your quality of life by imbuing harmony, balance, joy, and inner-peace. Your reception of this increased Love or Light into your being projects it into everything you do, effecting and anchoring more Light on the Earth Plane. Furthermore, this benefits humanity by pioneering the path which will result to encourage others to evolve on their spiritual path. COMMON VIBRATIONAL SIGNALS The out-of-body experience is a method that helps to separate you from physical consciousness in order to explore other realms and dimensions. Recognizing energy triggers will help prepare and alert you to opportunities for energy shifts.

Buzzing, humming, electrical or roaring sounds Unusual tingling or energy sensations, hair standing on end, goosebumps Voices, singing, laughter, or your name being called out Heaviness or sinking, feelings of expansion and contracting Numbness or paralysis in any part of your body Weightlessness, levitation or lightness spreading throughout the body Any internal vibrations out of norm Electrical-like pulses of energy Footsteps or other sounds of a Beings presence Internal rocking, spinning, or movement of any kind Arms or legs lifting while asleep Surge of energy flowing through your body Any noise out of the norm, wind, engine, music, bells, etc. Delightful smells, flower aromas HOW TO RESPOND TO THE VIBRATIONAL STATE There are several theories about the cause and nature of the vibrations associated with out-of-body experiences. This seems to be a direct result of the higher frequency, nonphysical body moving out of phase with the physical body. Often the intensity of the vibrations diminishes immediately after complete separation is achieved. The response to these initial sensations determines whether an effective separate from the physical body can be achieved. The following is a basic guideline for responding to the vibrational state. Remain calm. The vibrations, sounds, numbness, and catalepsy are a normal experience. Relax and enjoy the vibrations as they spread throughout your entire body. Remember not to move or think about your physical body (Any physical movement will shut down

the vibrational process). Allow the vibrations, sounds, numbness, or catalepsy to expand and envelop you. Don't analyze or judge the experience, simply allow it to spread through every level of your being. Visualize yourself moving away from your physical body and toward another area in your home. This can be enhanced by mentally directing yourself by a repeated thought. "Now I move to the door, etc." (Any location away from your body.) Be open to all various forms of motion, floating, sinking, spinning, lifting and flying, etc. Flow with the motion. After complete separation is obtained, the vibrations will immediately diminish. At this point it's critical to focus and maintain your complete attention away from your physical body. Electrical sensations in the back of the neck, spine or shoulders accompanies a rise in vibration. The physical body in each case reacts to shifts in vibrations and a corresponding shift in the autonomic and sympathetic system ensues. Electrically, an increase in vibration may be measured through bio-feedback -- alpha and theta states increase correspondingly. Increasing one's vibration may be described as tuning the body, through the mind, to achieve higher states of consciousness or awareness. SYMPTOMS OF ENERGY SHIFTS HEADACHES: When the crown chakra opens or expands it can be an intense and painful experience. It might feel like a spike or rod is being inserted. Headaches are common and they can range from migraines, to cluster headaches. Women seem to experience them more than men. They can be caused by too much energy flowing through the crown chakra, and by hormonal changes which occurs when the chakras are stimulated. Sometimes the pain can be eased by asking Spirit and your Higher Self to make an adjustment in the energy flow. When you ask for aid to ease the pain and it is part of the process that is opening and expanding your pineal or pituitary gland, the pain will only lessen. As your vibrational rate increases, the pineal and the pituitary glands expand to accommodate the higher energy frequencies. Other glands change also, but these two are the major ones that contribute to headaches. This can last a few months, or a few years depending on what level of spiritual development that you are at and your rate of growth.

FLU LIKE SYMPTOMS: This is quite common and part of the process. Just ride it out and dont take antibiotics

which will only prolong the process. These symptoms are caused by the physical body reaction to the toxins that are released when the chakras begin to expand. What ever was constricting or congesting the chakras is flushed through the blood. Also new beliefs and paradigms are enacted the imprinted consciousness in the blood becomes toxic to the physical system because it does not support the new thoughts and contributes to confusion. It is helpful to supplement the body with blood fortifying enzymes, herbs and essential oils to ease the symptoms. Hot lemon drinks will also help cleanse the body. Don't work too much during this time, because you are going through a major shift in vibration. Try and take it easy, and it will pass.

NAUSEA, LOOSE BOWEL MOVEMENTS, DIARRHEA: This is a common reaction when the solar plexus chakra opens and releases the stored fear, anger and resentment held in the area. Karmic and family issues will produce gas and farting. The Bach Flower Rescue Remedy can ease these symptoms. Don't be afraid to take it every 30 minutes if necessary.

MUSCLE ACHES AND JOINT PAIN: Increasing your vibration forces the energy through the body. When there are blockages impeding the energy flow this raised and forced energy slams into them causing these symptoms and ails. Often this is alleviated by asking for assistance from the Higher Self to adjust the flow to ease the pain. The body can quickly adjust to the higher vibration in a few moments, hours, or days.

DEPRESSION: A very common symptom caused by an increased rate of vibration. This higher frequency forces any illnesses, viruses, or infections hiding in the body to surface. To discover the root-cause contributing to this state examine your beliefs and decisions that are creating your reality. It is also important to monitor your internal dialogue to learn what you are creating for yourself. Observing and realizing the state you are experiencing is not cause by the present allows it to quickly pass. The herb "St. Johns Wart" eases depression and is anti-viral too.

CRYING FOR NO REASON, FEELING EMOTIONALLY VULNERABLE: When blockages from this lifetime, and other lifetimes began to release the emotional body will react in this manner. The Photon Belt energy stimulates and contributes to the spontaneous release of these burdens. Trying to control or resists these urges further represses and blocks the energy making things more difficult. Crying, moaning, sobbing or toning becomes a cleansing release. Use a Bach flower remedy, or an essential oil to

help with the emotional body.

FLUTTERING, PAIN IN THE HEART AREA, OR BREATHING PROBLEMS: This is a symptom experienced when the heart chakra begins to open or enlarge to receive more energy. Pain sensations in the heart and not being able to breath can be very frightening because you may think you are having a heart attack. The above symptoms are caused by the expansion of energy running through your solar plexus and heart chakra (heart and stomach area). The best solution is to relax which will adjust the energy flow. Anxiety and fear only constricts the energy thus, causing a more severe reaction. This is a normal experience when undergoing a frequency increase.

HOT FLASHES AND NIGHT AND DAY SWEATS: These are commonly experienced by both men and women. This is due to energy flowing too quickly through the body, hormonal changes, which men have too, and the body learning to adjust to the higher vibratory rate. Some men might experience fat being stored in this area which might feel like they are growing breasts. If you are a man dont be concerned about this, because this puffiness in the chest area will only last for a short while.

EXTREME TIREDNESS: Waking in the morning and struggle to get out of bed after a full night of sleep, or falling asleep in the middle of the afternoon is common. This is caused when the energy is shifting throughout the whole spiritual body. This will pass in time, each person has a different time frame for some it can be weeks, for others months, for others years. If you can create a pyramid structure to sit under this will give you wonderful boosts of energy when you are lacking it. Drink lots of pure water to hydrate the cells, add crystals to energize the water. Eat light meals with organic veggies. Doing light physical exercise will stimulate the energy flow through the body. Bach remedies, flower essences and essential oils will also help the transition.

EXCESSIVE ENERGY: You go early to bed, exhausted, but in a couple of hours you are wide. This is caused by the Photon Belt energy accumulating around you, because the bodys inability to store the energy because it is blocked and congested. It is important not to get up and be active because the energy is for healing all the subtle bodies spiritual, mental, emotional and physical, the best way to assimilate the energy is to quietly sit and read, watch TV, or listen to meditation tapes to help you go back to sleep. This might seem to occur nightly for some time.

WEIGHT GAIN: This is a very common complaint. The body feels like it is being invaded so it adds a layer of protection. If you are a Lightworker than additional water is needed to create energy. If you dont have enough water the body will store water, which ultimately leads to stagnation. Another major factor is that with the activation of new DNA fat is needed to hold the vibration. Body fat holds a higher vibration which is necessary to generate healing and channeling energy. Many of you also have agreed to anchor grids of light in the areas surrounding where you live. Anchoring these grids require body fat to help hold the energy. Body fat serves a very loving purpose as it allows embodiments to assist mother earth in holding her vibration. In becoming crystalline, the body fat is evenly distributed around every cell within the embodiment. This allows the entire body to act as a tuning fork to hold a new vibration.

LOSING YOUR MEMORY OR FEELING SPACEY: This can be a frightening experience because you cannot remember what you had for dinner, and dinner was only an hour away. YOU ARE NOT LOSING YOUR MEMORY. You are changing over from left brain function to more of a right brain function. Areas of the brain are being activated to cope with the higher energy coming in. Sometimes it is hard to speak, words come out jumbled or garbled, this situation will pass, there is no time limit on this.

EXTREME SENSITIVITY: As you open up to the higher vibration, you will find yourself becoming extremely sensitive to people, noises, light, smells, tastes, all sorts of things. This can affect the central nervous system and can be quite a difficult thing to cope with. You do need to take B vitamins and a multi vitamin if this is happening to you. If you are allergic to these vitamins then look for a homeopathic remedy or a Bach flower remedy for extreme sensitivity.

BLOWING LIGHT BULBS AND ELECTRONICS: If this is happening to you, then you are really reaching a very high vibratory rate and will probably be a profound healer or channel for spirit. It is due to extremely high energy coming into the physical form. It could be described as 50,000 volts of electricity coming in at once, not only can the body not cope, but it goes through the body and out again and as it does so it affects all electronic equipment.

ANIMAL REACTIONS: You will find that dogs and cats and other animals will become aware of your energy and be frightened of it or want to be around it all the time. Many animals can't get enough of the energy. Others are somewhat frightened because they do not understand it.

FOOD CHANGES: As you vibrate higher, you will find that you no longer want the things that you used to. Coffee, tea and meat are just three of the dietary changes that people make as they begin to vibrate faster. Meat is especially dense and can really affect the body's energy, especially if it has hormones in it. You may develop cravings for certain foods, or go off your favorite foods. This is normal and a part of the change to the higher vibration. If you find this happening, then let it happen and explore the new possibilities.


This is not my channeled writings, but a synthesis of other peoples work and my own thoughts. I would give credit but I compiled this so long ago that I don't remember where, what or who wrote what.


Since we know that all creation is manifest from Divine energy, we also know that the smallest component exist as pure energy. The density of an object is governs how fast that energy can physically vibrate. Therefore everything physically manifested vibrates within certain ranges of frequency in order for human senses to perceive it.

A major factor that limits people from readily perceiving higher dimensions is because the frequency rate of vibration is outside the range of human perception. This contributes to their lack of faith and ability to believe in something that can not be perceived through the normal senses. Even though you cant perceive something doesnt prove that it doesnt exist. For example, you can blow on a dog whistle and not hear it, but the sound is real because your dog reacts. The Higher Dimensional Beings and those Dimensions are being perceived by some people because they have learned to perceive them through different senses, but for most people this is beyond their range of perception. Though many people are beginning or are working with energies on different planes and dimensions because they are consciously working to increase their rate of vibration. Raising your vibration enables you to receive a more direct guidance and clearer guidance from your Higher self because it vibrates at a higher rate. Having this direct link allows for information to be more easily accepted by the conscious and actualized. Therefore a direct link is formed to interact with your Higher Self, Archangels, Ascended Masters and the Brotherhood. You can raise your personal vibration by doing specific energy work with your Higher Self and Guides of Light. This frequency raising energy work can be done by everyone, and is being done in many ways naturally on an ongoing basis as the vibration of the Earth is being raised in preparation for the Ascension. Raising your vibration also opens you to different levels of consciousness. The first level of change enters you into Lunar consciousness, this is where clairvoyant and healing abilities heighten. This stage of consciousness lasts for approximately five years. The next stage is Solar Consciousness, you become more attuned and start to heal and clear problems from all of the subtle bodies (physical, emotional, astral mental and spiritual). This can last from three to five years. This is a very high level and most people never go any higher. lightworkers, healers and Spiritual teachers that are to work on an intense level with spirit can reach the next step which is Stellar Consciousness. To reach Stellar means that you are a clear channel for spirit, which requires cleaning and anchoring all your have chakras, and dealing with all your karma. Emergence with the Divine Force, God, Ultimate Being or whatever you wish to call the superior force is the next step, and it truly is only available to the great spiritual teachers. Activation of the 12 strands of DNA into the physical and interface with the lightbody is completed. Consequently, raising your vibration heightens your awareness, develops telepathy, intuition, and increases "ESP" abilities in which to live your life in a more conscious manner. This expanded awareness of energy also helps to open and develop channels of

communication from other realms of Light Beings, Spirit Guides, and Nature Spirits. These realms encourage intuition, knowing, and the ability to receive evident guidance from Spirit, thus enhancing your quality of life by imbuing harmony, balance, joy, and inner-peace. Your reception of this increased Love or Light into your being projects it into everything you do, effecting and anchoring more Light on the Earth Plane. Furthermore, this benefits humanity by pioneering the path which will result to encourage others to evolve on their spiritual path.



The out-of-body experience is a method that helps to separate you from physical consciousness in order to explore other realms and dimensions. Recognizing energy triggers will help prepare and alert you to opportunities for energy shifts.

Buzzing, humming, electrical or roaring sounds

Unusual tingling or energy sensations, hair standing on end, goosebumps

Voices, singing, laughter, or your name being called out Heaviness or sinking, feelings of expansion and contracting

Numbness or paralysis in any part of your body

Weightlessness, levitation or lightness spreading throughout the body

Any internal vibrations out of norm

Electrical-like pulses of energy

Footsteps or other sounds of a Beings presence

Internal rocking, spinning, or movement of any kind

Arms or legs lifting while asleep

Surge of energy flowing through your body

Any noise out of the norm, wind, engine, music, bells, etc.

Delightful smells, flower aromas



There are several theories about the cause and nature of the vibrations associated with out-of-body experiences. This seems to be a direct result of the higher frequency, nonphysical body moving out of phase with the physical body. Often the intensity of the vibrations diminishes immediately after complete separation is achieved. The response to these initial sensations determines whether an effective separate from the physical body can be achieved. The following is a basic guideline for responding to the vibrational state.

Remain calm. The vibrations, sounds, numbness, and catalepsy are a normal experience.

Relax and enjoy the vibrations as they spread throughout your entire body. Remember not to move or think about your physical body (Any physical movement will shut down the vibrational process).

Allow the vibrations, sounds, numbness, or catalepsy to expand and envelop you. Don't analyze or judge the experience, simply allow it to spread through every level of your being.

Visualize yourself moving away from your physical body and toward another area in your home. This can be enhanced by mentally directing yourself by a repeated thought. "Now I move to the door, etc." (Any location away from your body.) Be open to all various forms of motion, floating, sinking, spinning, lifting and flying, etc. Flow with the motion.

After complete separation is obtained, the vibrations will immediately diminish. At this point it's critical to focus and maintain your complete attention away from your physical body.

Electrical sensations in the back of the neck, spine or shoulders accompanies a rise in vibration. The physical body in each case reacts to shifts in vibrations and a corresponding shift in the autonomic and sympathetic system ensues. Electrically, an increase in vibration may be measured through bio-feedback -- alpha and theta states increase correspondingly. Increasing one's vibration may be described as tuning the body, through the mind, to achieve higher states of consciousness or awareness.



HEADACHES: When the crown chakra opens or expands it can be an intense and painful experience. It might feel like a spike or rod is being inserted. Headaches are common and they can range from migraines, to cluster headaches. Women seem to experience them more than men. They can be caused by too much energy flowing through the crown chakra, and by hormonal changes which occurs when the chakras are stimulated. Sometimes the pain can be eased by asking Spirit and your Higher Self to make an adjustment in the energy flow. When you ask for aid to ease the pain and it is part of the process that is opening and expanding your pineal or pituitary gland, the pain will only lessen. As your vibrational rate increases, the pineal and the pituitary glands expand to accommodate the higher energy frequencies. Other glands change also, but these two are the major ones that contribute to headaches. This can last a few months, or a few years depending on what level of spiritual development that you are at and your rate of growth. FLU LIKE SYMPTOMS: This is quite common and part of the process. Just ride it out and dont take antibiotics which will only prolong the process. These symptoms are caused by the physical body reaction to the toxins that are released when the chakras begin to expand. What ever was constricting or congesting the chakras is flushed through the blood. Also new beliefs and paradigms are enacted the imprinted consciousness in the blood becomes toxic to the physical system because it does not support the new thoughts and contributes to confusion. It is helpful to supplement the body with blood fortifying enzymes, herbs and essential oils to ease the symptoms. Hot lemon drinks will also help cleanse the body. Don't work too much during this time, because you are going through a major shift in vibration. Try and take it easy, and it will pass. NAUSEA, LOOSE BOWEL MOVEMENTS, DIARRHEA: This is a common reaction when the solar plexus chakra opens and releases the stored fear, anger and resentment held in the area. Karmic and family issues will produce gas and farting. The Bach Flower Rescue Remedy can ease these symptoms. Don't be afraid to take it every 30 minutes if necessary. MUSCLE ACHES AND JOINT PAIN: Increasing your vibration forces the energy through the body. When there are blockages impeding the energy flow this raised and forced energy slams into them causing these symptoms and ails. Often this is alleviated by asking for assistance from the Higher Self to adjust the flow to ease the pain. The body can quickly adjust to the higher vibration in a few moments, hours, or days.

DEPRESSION: A very common symptom caused by an increased rate of vibration. This higher frequency forces any illnesses, viruses, or infections hiding in the body to surface. To discover the root-cause contributing to this state examine your beliefs and decisions that are creating your reality. It is also important to monitor your internal dialogue to learn what you are creating for yourself. Observing and realizing the state you are experiencing is not cause by the present allows it to quickly pass. The herb "St. Johns Wart" eases depression and is anti-viral too. CRYING FOR NO REASON, FEELING EMOTIONALLY VULNERABLE: When blockages from this lifetime, and other lifetimes began to release the emotional body will react in this manner. The Photon Belt energy stimulates and contributes to the spontaneous release of these burdens. Trying to control or resists these urges further represses and blocks the energy making things more difficult. Crying, moaning, sobbing or toning becomes a cleansing release. Use a Bach flower remedy, or an essential oil to help with the emotional body. FLUTTERING, PAIN IN THE HEART AREA, OR BREATHING PROBLEMS: This is a symptom experienced when the heart chakra begins to open or enlarge to receive more energy. Pain sensations in the heart and not being able to breath can be very frightening because you may think you are having a heart attack. The above symptoms are caused by the expansion of energy running through your solar plexus and heart chakra (heart and stomach area). The best solution is to relax which will adjust the energy flow. Anxiety and fear only constricts the energy thus, causing a more severe reaction. This is a normal experience when undergoing a frequency increase. HOT FLASHES AND NIGHT AND DAY SWEATS: These are commonly experienced by both men and women. This is due to energy flowing too quickly through the body, hormonal changes, which men have too, and the body learning to adjust to the higher vibratory rate. Some men might experience fat being stored in this area which might feel like they are growing breasts. If you are a man dont be concerned about this, because this puffiness in the chest area will only last for a short while. EXTREME TIREDNESS: Waking in the morning and struggle to get out of bed after a full night of sleep, or falling asleep in the middle of the afternoon is common. This is caused when the energy is shifting throughout the whole spiritual body. This will pass in time, each person has a different time frame for some it can be weeks, for others months, for others years. If you can create a pyramid structure to sit under this will give you wonderful boosts of energy when you are lacking it. Drink lots of pure water to hydrate the cells, add crystals to

energize the water. Eat light meals with organic veggies. Doing light physical exercise will stimulate the energy flow through the body. Bach remedies, flower essences and essential oils will also help the transition. EXCESSIVE ENERGY: You go early to bed, exhausted, but in a couple of hours you are wide. This is caused by the Photon Belt energy accumulating around you, because the bodys inability to store the energy because it is blocked and congested. It is important not to get up and be active because the energy is for healing all the subtle bodies spiritual, mental, emotional and physical, the best way to assimilate the energy is to quietly sit and read, watch TV, or listen to meditation tapes to help you go back to sleep. This might seem to occur nightly for some time. WEIGHT GAIN: This is a very common complaint. The body feels like it is being invaded so it adds a layer of protection. If you are a Lightworker than additional water is needed to create energy. If you dont have enough water the body will store water, which ultimately leads to stagnation. Another major factor is that with the activation of new DNA fat is needed to hold the vibration. Body fat holds a higher vibration which is necessary to generate healing and channeling energy. Many of you also have agreed to anchor grids of light in the areas surrounding where you live. Anchoring these grids require body fat to help hold the energy. Body fat serves a very loving purpose as it allows embodiments to assist mother earth in holding her vibration. In becoming crystalline, the body fat is evenly distributed around every cell within the embodiment. This allows the entire body to act as a tuning fork to hold a new vibration.

LOSING YOUR MEMORY OR FEELING SPACEY: This can be a frightening experience because you cannot remember what you had for dinner, and dinner was only an hour away. YOU ARE NOT LOSING YOUR MEMORY. You are changing over from left brain function to more of a right brain function. Areas of the brain are being activated to cope with the higher energy coming in. Sometimes it is hard to speak, words come out jumbled or garbled, this situation will pass, there is no time limit on this. EXTREME SENSITIVITY: As you open up to the higher vibration, you will find yourself becoming extremely sensitive to people, noises, light, smells, tastes, all sorts of things. This can affect the central nervous system and can be quite a difficult thing to cope with. You do need to take B vitamins and a multi vitamin if this is happening to you. If you are allergic to these vitamins then look for a homeopathic remedy or a Bach flower remedy for extreme sensitivity.

BLOWING LIGHT BULBS AND ELECTRONICS: If this is happening to you, then you are really reaching a very high vibratory rate and will probably be a profound healer or channel for spirit. It is due to extremely high energy coming into the physical form. It could be described as 50,000 volts of electricity coming in at once, not only can the body not cope, but it goes through the body and out again and as it does so it affects all electronic equipment. ANIMAL REACTIONS: You will find that dogs and cats and other animals will become aware of your energy and be frightened of it or want to be around it all the time. Many animals can't get enough of the energy. Others are somewhat frightened because they do not understand it. FOOD CHANGES: As you vibrate higher, you will find that you no longer want the things that you used to. Coffee, tea and meat are just three of the dietary changes that people make as they begin to vibrate faster. Meat is especially dense and can really affect the body's energy, especially if it has hormones in it. You may develop cravings for certain foods, or go off your favorite foods. This is normal and a part of the change to the higher vibration. If you find this happening, then let it happen and explore the new possibilities.

10 steps to raising your vibrations

May 14, 2007 at 10:54 pm | Posted in Pearls of wisdom | 2 Comments

10 Steps To Raising Your Vibrations

Posted by: hizeden hizeden
Tue May 8, 2007 5:25 pm (PST) Raising your vibration is the only effective way to get to the life you truly want to live. While you are emitting a low vibration or frequency your life will never really be in harmony and you will constantly live with an inner feeling of discontent. It is this life of discontent that you put up with and accept that keeps you in a state of low vibration. When you find the courage to do something about your low quality of life and choose to make things better you are on the right track to raising your vibration. Raising your vibration comes down to many factors and listed below are 10 key steps that will definitely help towards raising your vibration immediately.

1. Be mindful of your thoughts. It is imperative to keep a close eye on the habitual thoughts that enter your head. It can be difficult at first to be aware of the many thoughts that constantly bombard your mind all day long but by beginning to notice unwelcome or negative thoughts you can start to replace them with a positive thought you already have preprogrammed in your mind. When I say preprogrammed I mean you have a positive thought in your mind, a thought that you know makes you happy, that you substitute in place of any negative thought that comes into your mind. The key to this thought substitution is to spend as much time thinking positive thoughts and less time thinking negative thoughts. By spending more mental time in the positive, this will help raise your vibration. 2. Only talk about what you want, not what you dont want. If you are looking for a new relationship, dont say things like I can never find the right person for me. If you talk like this, this is exactly what you will get. You get what you say and think. Even if you havent been too successful in finding the right person previously, it doesnt matter. Change your words and you will change your life and what you get in your life. Instead say something like I intend to find the perfect person for me. Have a confident expectancy that at any time you could meet this person and you will exponentially increase your chances of finding them. The same thing goes for money, dont talk about not having enough money, either dont talk about it at all or only talk positively about having money and as what you want comes to you, this helps raise your vibration as you feel better about yourself. 3. Stay away from negative or pessimistic people. These types of people are running a very low vibration and their low vibration can have a negative impact on your vibration level. Instead of raising your vibration you will lower it and this will bring about more events residing on a low vibration, like problems, stress and worry. 4. Spend some time not thinking. Yes thats right, stop thinking so much. To do this I like to take a walk through the bush or away from the city and the noise. Go to a place in the country if you can and take a long walk, concentrating on your surroundings, keeping your mind off your usual thoughts. This is a great way to clear your head and also help raise your vibration. If you cant get away, try listening to some soothing music and avoid thinking by concentrating on the sounds. 5. Join groups of like minded people. Spend time with people interested in the same things you like and learn at the same time. Before I started writing for my website I took a 3 months community college course in Writing. Not only did I improve my writing I also

got to spend time with other people who shared a similar interest with me. I always walked away from each class feeling positive about being a writer and this had a positive effect on my vibration as it made me feel good about myself. 6. Give away something you can afford each week. Give away your time, some money to a charity you believe in or give away something you dont use anymore but may be useful to someone else. What you give is what you get in life, so by giving you will receive in one way or another. Help others and you will be helped. You have a profound effect on raising your vibration when you help others as it makes you feel good from the inside. 7. Be aware of your actions. Everything you do comes back to you in some way so always be wary of how you treat others and how you act in all situations. How you treat others is how you will be treated, by doing the right thing by everyone you come into contact with will help to raise your vibration as others continue to do the right thing by you. Treating everyone well will attract positive people and opportunities into your life. 8. Avoid the television, radio and media in general. It is especially important to avoid all news programs as they do much more harm to your vibration level than they do good. By watching TV you end up taking in so much negative energy it becomes confusing to your subconscious mind and some of that negative imagery and energy gets absorbed by your subconscious and elevates a feeling of fear from within. Most of the media works by fear mongering, they want to shock you into a state of fear so you keep on watching and the more you watch the more addicted you become. This has a disastrous impact on your vibration level. 9. Stay optimistic at all times. This can be difficult to do especially when you are in a crisis but when you are in a crisis situation, this is when its most important to stay positive. By remaining positive you keep your vibration high and when you are vibrating at a higher rate your problems will dissipate so much quicker or you may find it was not really a problem at all. Positive things and events are attracted to positive people. Surrounding yourself with positive people is a great way to remain in a positive state of mind. 10. Stay in touch with your feelings. This is the most important factor in keeping your vibration level high. Your feelings are the cosmic glue in regards to your entire life. When you are feeling good about yourself only other things residing on the same good frequency will be attracted into your life. Your level of vibration runs

parallel with your feelings, meaning you are in control of your life and the events that come into your life at any given moment. If there was one most important point in relation to raisaing your vibration it would be to stay on top of your feelings and dont allow yourself to feel negative or pessimistic. The better you feel about yourself and your life the higher you will raise your vibration. Principles Of Vibrational Healing All creation originates from the same basic substance, which is created from the emanating vibrations of the ethers. The dimensional states beyond the seventh are the ethers, which vibrate faster than the speed of light. Thus, all life creates from the vibrational patterns and frequencies originated from the ether's. The ethers emit the energy that create matter that exists in this dimension of time and space. On this thirddimensional Earth plane the energy of the ether's shape into form, manifesting as color, sound, density, and thought. This emanation of energy is what connects all beings with all existence. This interweaving of energy creates the state of Oneness. Spirit is this state of oneness. On this Earth plane the nature of creation is constrained by the laws of time and space. These principles of physics govern the nature of how physical matter becomes manifested. Matter is shaped, formed and bound together into density though the exertion and motion of two forces of energy, which are--positive and negative. These forces cannot be judged as good or evil. Because Spirit in its true unified form contains both energies, which makes it the neutral state of oneness. Through the constraints of the physical reality, the vibration frequencies have become separated from the neutral state, creating the state of duality or polarity. Furthermore, since there are only two polarities of energy, accordingly there are only two emotions Love and Fear. That which is not Love is Fear. Spirit in a totally unified state contains both positive and negative energy. These energies reflect one another within the wholeness of Source, which is the state of oneness. Separation comes about through resistance, which results in the division of energy into polarities. This culminates in the experience of duality. The act of judging, disregarding, and invalidating an emotion, thought, or experience creates resistance and separation into the polarities. This fixation to judge tends to split the whole into a state of polarity. According to the law of attraction whatever we fixate on we manifest. Therefore whatever we invalidate has to be manifested for us to learn the lesson of the experience, as well as the value of its existence. As a result, whatever we fear, we attract to be manifested, because emotions are only currents of energy with different frequencies containing different experiences and lessons. Light is pure Spirit. Through the refraction of light various vibrational frequencies are created. Vibrational frequency shapes the etheric, which is the vibrational emanations of all life and matter on earth. This emanating energy is produced from the connection of all

beings with all existence. This weaving of energy forms a web that interconnects the state of Oneness.. Each being within this connection has its own etheric body. Each etheric body generates wave patterns, which are influenced by thought, movement, magnetism, and electricity. Wave forms come into resonance by attracting and bonding to similar substances that are harmonious to their frequency, while repulsing that which is not of the same frequency. For example, when you are in a calm and loving state, you will attract those highfrequency types of experiences, and people compatible to this frequency will come into your life. Accordingly, when you are in a negative, manipulative, fear-based state, your life will experience a downward spiraling effect into density. This often produces the "why me" or "what did I do to deserve this" attitude, which sustains not being aware or responsible for using the power of your mind for its highest good The constant dwelling on fear engages the law of attraction, magnetizes those experiences to surround you. This energy forms a dense magnetic cloud attracting equivalent vibrations such as --- worry, fear, anger, guilt, depression and the list goes on and on. Thought forms, attitudes and behavioral patterns created by the mass consciousness influences an individual to feel they are unable to direct, affect, and change their life. This eventually becomes detrimental to self-image. In addition, the law of cohesion greatly influences this state by creating a dense level of vibration teeming with negative thought forms. These are the energies produced by fear motivated consciousness --- A state easily achieved because density is more prevalent than light on the planet at this time. All this is changing through the wide-scale awakening happening on the Planet Now. Correspondingly, the Ethers are instrumental in channeling more light into a person bonded to the positive because they contain less resistance and are more open to receiving Love. It is easier for a positive person to achieve the state of wholeness because there is less resistance. However, as a result of increased light, those holding a negative state will feel uncomfortable and be unable to remain long in your vibrational space. Another factor to be aware of is that those maintaining a negative reality will have a tendency to begin provoking conflicts with you, as their unconsciousness is being stimulated by the laws of repulsion and attraction. All thoughts are a form of energy stimulating the vibrational patterns, thus creating manifestation. Since it is easier to fear than to love we continually cycle through fear patterns. The fear patterns stimulate a reaction of aversion so we naturally judge it as unwanted. To restore Spirit into wholeness, all fear energy must be embraced into love without judgment. Once the energy is embraced there is no resistance or separation thus returning to the state of wholeness. Therefore, allowing the energy to pass through an individuals energy field, which allows for spirit to sustain and not be distorted from its true form. The Soul loves without judgment; it is only the personality that makes judgments. Therefore, embracing all experiences with Love teaches "Divine Allowance" for all things, which increases the capacity to feel compassion for the choices and lessons

of others and self. This leads to a state of non-judgment. Having preferences or inclinations towards a particular feeling or choice of experience does not invalidate its worthiness, but allows for making choices harmonious to energy. Balancing the polarities occurs by ultimately surrendering judgment into acceptance and allowance. What occurs when we stop rejecting aspects, thoughts, emotions, etc. is that those particular experiences will no longer need to manifest. Therefore raising one's consciousness is to consciously make choices as opposed to simply reacting. It is also necessary to be aware of the motivation for making those choices and taking responsibility for the actions they produce. The polluting effect of negative thoughts is an encumbering burden carried in a person's life and energy field. This is a significant factor in creating and maintaining etheric density. This density is not usually perceived on a conscious level and often feels quite natural. Therefore, when an individual experiences a taste of spiritual purpose, dense energy starts to feel very suffocating. Negative thought patterns molded by fear, which is all that is not Love, become a major factor for causing ill health in the body, mind, and emotions and weakens the spirit. When the Spirit is impoverished this opens an opportunity for disease to manifest, which always begins on the etheric level before it affects the physical. Becoming aware of the your mind chatter becomes a very insightful tool for truthfully perceiving yourself and that which you are attracting into your life. These realizations become instrumental in beginning to attract more harmonious love based thought forms. Coming to an understanding of how beliefs and thoughts are instrumental in developing unhealthy patterns leads to the realization of how much of an influential role they play in creating disease. This also corresponds to how important it is surface, acknowledge, and embrace repressed emotions to initiate the healing process of a disease or the potential. Thereby, it is crucial to be aware of what you are feeling and discover the true cause of fearful emotions. Consequently, by discovering the need to experience disease or how it serves you is another key to initiate the self-healing process. The body has a template or blueprint encoded with the knowledge of perfect health for the physical. Resolving the resistance that distorts this information opens the template to begin restoring the physical by healing dis/ease in the body. Spirit is a totally unified state that contains both positive and negative energies. These energies reflect one another in the wholeness of Source. The true state of Spirit contains both polarities in order to create the whole. Separation comes by dividing the energy into polarities thus creating the experience of duality. However, the greatest separation comes from our belief in the necessity of experiencing duality. This has become the established reality due to the existence of judgment such as: good and evil, right and wrong, male and female, etc. These identifications separate us from All That Is --- Source! Separation occurs by invalidating or judging one type of energy to be more important than the other. When this occurs, limitation and fear become

empowered. There is only one emotion and that is Love; whereas all else is the absence of Love. Thus, what is not Love is separation or fear, which invents and supports the state of duality. In addition, judging, disregarding, and invalidating an emotion, thought, or experience produces the resistance that enables the state of separation to exist. This inclination splits the energy of the whole into conceiving energy as polarities, therefore establishing the paradigm for the experience of duality. Universal law ordains that whatever we focus on manifests through the law of attraction. So, by invalidating something as not of an equal or valid worth creates the need to experience the energy as a lesson to learn its worth and purpose. The same is true about whatever it is we fear which creates a need to manifest, further entrenching us into the reality of separation. Also any potential experience we reject through non-acceptance or by judging it to be something we do not want to experience, we automatically attract the need to experience it. Every judgment, thought, or desire creates an energy pulsation that makes a future possibility of experience. Imagine seeing all these possibilities as radiated threads of energy coming off the body, inter-connecting through all time and space to All That Is. Remember that whatever we focus on becomes manifested by pulling in that thread of possibility to become our chosen reality.

Books on this subject at my Amazon bookstore.

Books To Help Manifest Reality

Manifesting Reality, Creating Money, Spiritual Principles, Intention, Personal Transformation

Books To Understand New Energy Frequencies

Reality Shifts, Paradigm Shifts, Vibrational Energy Shifts, Vibrational Ascension, Cosmology Of Planet, Crystal Children, Indigo Children

Books To Heighten Communication With Other Realms

Angels, Spirit Guides, Shamanic Journeys, Shape shifting, Crop Circles, Soul Mates, Past Life Souls, Et's, Departed Souls, The Unseen Realm, Opening To Channel


Intuition is an instrumental factor for making choices such as: determining which oils, quantity, where, and how to use them. If the idea of relying on intuition is new to you, this chapter describes various techniques to develop a method that enhances your ability to readily access guidance. Included are simple methods to self-test, as well as more advanced techniques to acquire information from other people. Practice the technique that you respond to the most. Experimentation with the different methods promotes versatility and enhances attention skills, which culminates in building greater self-confidence and trust in intuition faculties. Versatility is instrumental in developing a language containing a larger vocabulary to effectively communicate with the Higher-Self. In addition, intuition helps to overcome influences of the conscious mind because it by-passes the filter distortions of learned, inherited, or collective consciousness behavior. These methods are very valuable for sharpening your discernment abilities, which encourage creating your reality motivated by Love and Spiritual Purpose. Trust and practice quickly master each of these simple techniques.


Learning to be more conscious of subtle energies is heightened by paying close attention to your environment, energy, and reactions occurring within and around you. This is training for heightening your intuitive awareness. Energy is a language that is understood on an intuitive level of awareness. Observation enhances your intuitive ability for interpreting messages from Spirit. All forms of life produce an energy frequency that can speak to us if only we would be still and listen we would hear the answers we are seeking.


Arrange your body in a comfortable position, which can be either sitting or standing. Be conscious not to cross any limbs over the body, which acts to shortcircuit the body's polarity.

" Drink a glass of water before proceeding, because dehydration causes an imbalance within the electrical system of the body, thus making it difficult to receive a clear and accurate answer.

" Spend a few minutes doing meditative breathing, such as; allowing each inhale breath to calm the mind and each exhale breath to release tension held in the body or any technique you are familiar with.

" As with any technique, always begin by clearing the mind first and precisely articulating your intent. " The Invoking Guidance from Source Meditation" included in the book, * is a useful guideline to help train you to the concept of asking for assistance. It also establishes a greater bond with various energies that are willing resources. In addition, it helps to calm and focus the mind. Another option is to create your own invocation that is meaningful to you.

" Intuition requires a high degree of alertness, therefore being tired affects your ability to sense subtle vibrations. Prescience is a result of heightened awareness skills, so by training your perception to become more consciously aware increases your accuracy. As a result, an expanded state of awareness is achieved that perceives the subtle energy around you, which is normally overlooked or filtered out by the logical mind. Another outcome of a keen intuition is using the rightbrain, thus encouraging one to discover possible latent creative talents.


These guide lines introduce various techniques useful in establishing a direct link for receiving information from Source. In addition, they help by-pass filter distortion of information transmitted between the unconscious and the conscious. Intuition is a language with which to receive and communicate messages from the unconscious, physical, emotional, and Spiritual bodies.

" A person with a competent degree of trust in their intuition can easily choose the oils needed --- just by noticing the ones that attract their attention and trusting the information. Intuition flashes can be perceived through all the senses, such as hearing, seeing, feeling, smelling, or possibly tasting. This information becomes known by noticing the changes and differences of sensations such as energy pulsing in vibrational frequencies or as hot and cold feelings. The important thing to stress is to pay close attention in distinguishing the subtle differences.

" Another method to choose an oil is using the list provided in the appendix of the book. When reading the names, consider the one that jumps out at you. Experiment by running your finger down the list. The oil it stops at is a candidate. Possibly you will feel a hot, cold, tingling hair "standing on end," or the body will feel some type of vibrational sensation.

" Try closing your eyes and slowly move your finger down the list, and when a color becomes perceived by the inner-eye, this indicates the possibility of needing the oil. It is also feasible to see either the yes or no word spelled. Through dialoguing with the unconscious mind chose specific colors to represent and define which is a yes or no.

" Hearing a yes or no, as well as becoming aware of a buzzing, thumping, or some other distinctive sound is another appropriate method in which to communicate with the unconscious.

" Dialogue with the unconscious and request it to emit a consistent symbol, particular color, particular sensation, or sound that identifies a yes and no. You can consciously develop this language by defining symbolic representation and affirming its meaning. It is necessary to do repetitive practice so that it becomes an established pattern that will easily enact unconsciously. Begin by using the sense that is easiest for you to access: for example-hearing, visualizing, or feeling. Once mastered, try heightening another sense.

" Another easy method is to ask the unconscious mind to address an issue by opening a book to a meaningful page and reading it. This often leads to relevant information for the issue. Then close your eyes and flip through the pages, stopping at the one that feels right.

To communicate with Higher-Self...

Imagine what life would be like if each of us received a friendly users guide to our mind. Well, it seems we do have one but we write it as we go along. Each step on the journey becomes recorded and ordered in a sequence or time line. The mind loves to create patterns, and often these patterns create the challenge of resistance met with in life. Of all the bodies, the mental body can be the most stubborn and fearful. Often it is the most resistant to change because it knows that it has survived through its past patterns so why change? However, achieving peace of mind is a highly desirable state and allows harmony and clarity to prevail in all aspects of life. The most valuable part of the owners manual would define each minds role and the extent of influence it has over all the other bodies. Understanding the functions of the higher-mind, unconscious mind, and conscious mind as well as how each assimilates information, is the primary key for greater mental capabilities. By taking into account these linear definitions and labeling each of the parts, is a form of separation. Remember, the mind works in a holographic manner. Understanding comes from separating their individual functions thus enabling realignment to function in greater unity and harmony. Spiritual consciousness and the I Am Presence are the realm of the Higher-Mind. Information becomes channeled down into the physical unconscious mind through the crown chakra. Geometric symbols, color, energy waves, love, or light vibrations, etc., are the forms which encodes the information. Inherently, the unconscious mind knows the

code with which to interpret the messages. These abstract thoughts contain pertinent directions to guide us on our mission and define our spiritual purpose. A definition of the unconscious mind is that all-knowing part of the physical mind containing the records of all information from the past, present, and future. It records the experiences received from the emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual bodies. It is the part of the mind not in our conscious awareness and is the source from which conceives as creativity and abstraction. Having a focused intention increases its ability to perceive and understand information being generated by the subtle bodies, Source, and Spirit. It is also instrumental for establishing and enacting new realities. Therefore, achieved by overcoming old realities based on activities generated from this time and space plane in which the conscious mind exists. Once the conscious or logical mind releases its rigid control and integrates with the unconscious mind, then Spiritual direction prevails. This integration allows better guidance to the conscious or unconscious mind, through heightened perceptions such as; telepathy, intuition, communication with other realms, and the ability to spontaneously heal ones self and the planet. The ego comprises the conscious mind, forming the personality through the learned beliefs, values, attitudes, and judgments based on life experiences. The conscious, also known as the rational or logical mind, thinks in a linear process, which maintains living in the consensual reality. It only knows what it experiences to be the path of survival and has an invested interest to be in control. This need is the instrumental factor that creates resistance to change. Maintaining its dominance often requires that it ignore messages from the unconscious and what the other bodies need. This rigid tendency to adhere to what is the established norm creates an intense conflict between all the bodies and produces mental confusion that maintains density through its fear. The owners manual would describe the unconscious mind as the bridge between Heaven and Earth. As such, it becomes caught in-between two bosses. Prime Directives outline the unconscious minds duties, which include maintaining and ensuring the emotional, mental, and physical body's survival. Calling upon the template of imprinted memory of perfect health becomes a powerful tool for healing the body. Dis/ease occurs in the body because it follows orders from the conscious mind. The unconscious mind listens to the mind chatter, especially what is being said consciously, then acts on the information as if it was a personal order. An example of this is when you repeatedly declare someone to be a pain in the neck, eventually whenever you are around that person, you develop a pain in the neck. The most significant concern in which the body begins to develop a dis/ease to accommodate a command comes from repeatedly declaring "I wish I were Dead." This illuminates the significance of what you say and think, and it shows how evidently important it is to be conscious of what messages you are sending yourself. The unconscious mind takes everything personally! Another factor the mind does not recognize is negatives; so by constantly dwelling on

what you do not want to happen magnetizes that possibility for you. If someone says to you "do not think of a blue tree," how can you not think of a blue tree? A main function of the unconscious is to store and organize all memories because it is the domain of emotional impressions. It will repress highly charged, unresolved, negative emotions to protect the survival of the mind and body. It will surface these memories with a little prodding, and when it feels the time is safe, will release them for resolution. It also controls the reception of all perceptions that come through the conscious mind and telepathic sources. In addition, all the bodys sensory input becomes routed into the unconscious, and it decides how to respond. For example ,whether to act upon or repress the information. The unconscious mind, which is subservient to the ego, often chooses to filter out and disregard these messages, or it deciphers the meaning according to the conscious minds belief system and reality. It generates decisions on how to distribute and transmit these perceptions. In addition, it will filter perceptions by deleting, distorting, and generalizing information to function and maintain the conscious minds known and established reality. It is also crucial to realize that the unconscious responds through instinctual habits of what is the known way of survival, which is from the egos instructions that support its reality. This established procedure remains until it becomes trained to be Spiritually directed. These instructions from the ego are the filters created from our conscious minds experiences from this realm of time and space. They are instrumental in forming the ego or personalitys attitudes, decisions, memories, language, judgments, and beliefs that maintain the consensual reality. Another prime factor of the unconscious mind is that it is highly suggestive. This is the reason it is so detrimental to constantly dwell on negative messages or to be bombarded with other peoples negative programming. Hypnosis can be an affective therapy to overcome old thought patterns, by leading to insights for instilling the development of new habits. Although it also requires constant attention upon thoughts to overcome the repetitive and reactionary nature of old habits. Therefore this illustrates the point of why it is imperative to have constant conscious vigilance of the messages the mind chatter is generating. This affords the opportunity to undertake conscious control and responsibility for redirecting your thoughts and behaviors. Vigilance also identifies when an old tape begins to play, and immediate recognition allows you to stop that train of thought from continuing. Achieving this comes by gently informing the mind your old reality formulates that information, then focus your attention on the new chosen outcome. To further enhance the training process, reaffirm your new reality by visualization or defining your intention, and eventually, over time, the old thought pattern becomes replaced with the new one. Diligent awareness is an instrumental key for training the mind to acquire new realities, and the ability to overcome resistance when making changes promotes the establishment and acceptance of new patterns. In addition, this

promotes making choices based on information discerned from the present situation as opposed to inappropriate responses that are reactions to past and learned behavior. It is crucial to recognize attached thoughts to highly charged emotions as the source enacting inappropriate responses. If so, resolving the issue first will achieve greater success. An important note is to be gentle with the psyche because it is like a child. Using harsh recriminations and allegations does not stop a patternit only creates more resistance, as well as the possibility of repressing the issue deeper into the unconscious, making it more difficult to resolve. In addition, if not dealing with an issue in a loving manner, it possibly becomes detrimental to self-esteem. Using the Embracing into Love technique, described in another chapter, in-conjunction with the oils relevant to the issue gently assists to overcome and resolve an issue. Another attribute of the unconscious mind is its ability to translate abstract symbols, a crucial factor for communicating with the Higher-Self. Symbols are often the language that the Higher-Self uses to encode messages because form contains energy. The unconscious mind knows how to innately decipher the cryptic symbols and forms, though the conscious mind has no comprehension and ignores their existence. Messages from the Higher-Self sent to the unconscious mind become automatically recorded and stored, until the appropriate time for acting upon the information. Intuition evolves from the inherent knowing of the unconscious mind and its ability to perceive all the bodies sensory input, as well as observing and hearing the unseen realm. Acceptance of this information by the conscious mind depends on how much trust it has on its validity. An instrumental factor that builds trust in intuition is when the logical mind feels safe to acknowledge its significance. Through consistent proof presented to the logical mind, demonstrating intuition as a valuable resource, teaches that realization. The process for consciously educating the logical mind to trust in the accuracy of intuition impressions succeeds by repetitive recognition and validation of each intuition flash. Therefore, by consciously reaffirming the accuracy of intuition, the value of the information becomes demonstrated to the logical. Thereby, intuition becomes relied upon by repeated accuracy. Thus a heightened awareness becomes a common state of mind. In addition, intuition helps influence the logical mind to relinquish its need to be in control. This easily transpires once the logical mind feels secure that the intuition information is reliable. Furthermore, heightened perception abilities corroborate to increase discernment abilities, which also promotes self- trust. As a result, the body, mind, and emotions become harmoniously integrated with the personality, which disengages inner-turmoil and confusion, thereby enabling a more readily acceptance of Spiritual direction. The compliant collaboration of the different aspects of self enables bridging the separation between Spirit and ego. Furthermore, it anchors more love or light energy into the physical body, which stimulates dormant encodements. Thereby, living life more intuitively eases the physical bodys ability to live comfortably with increased amounts of love and joy.

A Process For Accessing Intuitive Information

Intuition is an instrumental factor for making choices such as: determining which oils, quantity, where, and how to use them. If the idea of relying on intuition is new to you, this chapter describes various techniques to develop a method that enhances your ability to readily access guidance. Included are simple methods to self-test, as well as more advanced techniques to acquire information from other people. Practice the technique that you respond to the most. Experimentation with the different methods promotes versatility and enhances attention skills, which culminates in building greater self-confidence and trust in intuition faculties. Versatility is instrumental in developing a language containing a larger vocabulary to effectively communicate with the Higher-Self. In addition, intuition helps to overcome influences of the conscious mind because it by-passes the filter distortions of learned, inherited, or collective consciousness behavior. These methods are very valuable for sharpening your discernment abilities, which encourage creating your reality motivated by Love and Spiritual Purpose. Trust and practice quickly master each of these simple techniques.

Simple Techniques For Enhancing Observation Skills Learning to be more conscious of subtle energies is heightened by paying close attention to your environment, energy, and reactions occurring within and around you. This is training for heightening your intuitive awareness. Energy is a language that is understood on an intuitive level of awareness. Observation enhances your intuitive ability for interpreting messages from Spirit. All forms of life produce an energy frequency that can speak to us if only we would be still and listen we would hear the answers we are seeking.

Exercises To Promote A Greater Receptive State

Arrange your body in a comfortable position, which can be either sitting or standing. Be conscious not to cross any limbs over the body, which acts to shortcircuit the bodys polarity. Drink a glass of water before proceeding, because dehydration causes an imbalance within the electrical system of the body, thus making it difficult to receive a clear and accurate answer. Spend a few minutes doing meditative breathing, such as; allowing each inhale breath to calm the mind and each exhale breath to release tension held in the body or any technique you are familiar with. As with any technique, always begin by clearing the mind first and precisely articulating your intent. The Invoking Guidance from Source Meditation included in the book, * is a useful guideline to help train you to the concept of asking for assistance. It also establishes a greater bond with various energies that are willing resources. In addition, it helps to calm and focus the mind. Another option is to create your own invocation that is meaningful to you. Intuition requires a high degree of alertness, therefore being tired affects your ability to sense subtle vibrations. Prescience is a result of heightened awareness skills, so by training your perception to become more consciously aware increases your accuracy. As a result, an expanded state of awareness is achieved that perceives the subtle energy around you, which is normally overlooked or filtered out by the logical mind. Another outcome of a keen intuition is using the rightbrain, thus encouraging one to discover possible latent creative talents.

Surfs Up!!!

For me surfing is a metaphor of life and I would like to use it as an analogy to describe and illuminate what my path of ascension has been or felt like. We are all learning how to flow or dance to a new rhythm of energy and maybe this will help you learn how to get into your personal rhythm or flow. So I think of how surfing feels to me and how it feels when I am able to be in resonance with Soul / Source energy. Or what I know and define as Soul / Source energy at this point of my evolution.

Life is the ocean of energy. Waves are the currents created by our thoughts, programs, imprints, etc. The beach is the physical and the horizon is the non-physical. We find ourselves on the beach longing to out on the horizon were the waves form. The wave is the energy or current of water, it is the flow of energy and to ride that flow is exhilarating

because you are deifying gravity, another way to look at it is like walking on water. They say Jesus did it, why can't we? To get to that point where we can catch a ride on the wave we have to overcome the points where the waves break and reform. The trials and tribulations of life! A cycle of waves is called a set this would be similar to lifetimes, years, hours etc. Theses cycles of sets have a tone or rhythm, much like our thoughts or emanating feelings or life themes.

To ride the wave we need to get to that point where we feel the pulse of energy begin to rise. We are searching for that rise of energy to carry us upon the wave. We wouldn't find the breaking point of the wave through our thought process, but by our feeling heart and energy system. Observing the patterns or cycles helps to begin to comprehend a sense of divine timing.

In our eagerness, impatience or whatever, we jump into the ocean and begin paddling towards the horizon and general direction to where it appears that the waves are forming. At first it seems easy to move or walk through the shallow break points till we get to that juncture where there is nothing to anchor us from getting caught up in the current. Like when we are over our head. The current is strong, it can push you down to the ocean floor and dragging you across the bottom. If the bottom is a coral reef it can slice and dice you which can serve as a good reminder to recast. This place is known as the impact zone. Think of how the consensual consciousness has impacted you and knocked you to the ground. Unfortunately in life we haven't mastered this ability but in surfing you quickly learn that struggling against the current depletes your energy and can over power you. It's the edge of life and death especially if you get into a state of fear or panic. It's what I call scary-cite (scary but exciting all at once) much like the path of ascension. Walking through new territory of thoughts and paradigms.

If you don't know how to maneuver the current it can overpower you and take you down along the bottom. The impact zone is a force that demands respect and its' not a place to be without will or fortitude. If you go through life without intent it's easy to become overpowered by the current and schisms to elude you from true function. The universal law of attraction is obvious in this zone ---if you lose sovereignty in your energy field you become swept up in the currents of physical life / mundane life and the whims of others. If you struggle it will drain you. Struggling is like over-involvement in lives of others,

knowing what is best for someone other than self, but not taking care of your own business. If it is of a denser vibration it will sink or drown you like karma that goes unreleased. Learning how to get through the impact zone requires feeling the energy and flowing with it to a point were you can cross over it with out being pounded by it, is to develop communication for visionary knowledge. The top of the wave is the swell or kundalini chi energy and were the force is at its greatest. Feeling the rhythm of the waves you begin to recognize the tones of light language that signal the pattern cycle or timing rhythm. To make it across the impact zone with enough strength to catch a wave you learn to sense which action to make ---going over or under a wave is much like reweaving your gridwork. If you have enough dissonance /distance you dive over the wave or swim under to clear past the top.

So you made it past the impact zone and you are in the space between break points. If you listen you can hear the rhythm of wave sets play the tone of gratitude in true symphony. The impact zone could be likened to rectifying our ancestral tapestry to play in true orchestration. Once past the zone it enables realignment and making an interconnection that honors and respects nature. The distance between sets cultivates how much time you have to sit on your board, gently bobbing up and down, like being in the temple of ascension tests and assessment to examine through your council minutes and check to see if new orders are issued for you to begin a new purpose. Surfing inherently cultivates true law to feel and sense the subtle, and sexual energy currents.

Patience enhances the ability to be in true timing, grounded and present in the moment. With practice and active listening /feeling you soon began to recognize feel of energy swelling up into forming the crest of the wave. Rigidity maintains the struggle where as surrendering develops the flexibility to surf the energy flow. Allowing the wave to uplift you and paddling as hard and fast to stay in rhythm with the energy movement is catching the wave. As you are catching the wave you begin rising to stand up on your board. Your distribution of weight and stance will determine your direction and able to make an angle to slide into the curl of the wave. The exhilaration of sliding on top of the water with just you and your board, nestled in the tube of the wave, is . Intending ascension is much like surfing! The exhilaration of being close to oneness as each wave carries you forth.

I hope to have inspired some excitement for the gift we received by doing the work, having the discipline, desire, clear defined intention, alignment and flexibility to follow your heart and discover your purpose. I believe it is truly worth the admission ticket for the journey!!!

Last chance to turn back No exits till highway ends! Some might feel it as the light and dark in battle, maybe bringing us to the death or/ brink of civilization as we know it now, or to the possibility that there really is a way off this merry-go-round and polarity's relentless game of tug-a-war or we just continue doing the same old thing and expecting a different outcome. That is how crazy a species we really are. We think we are the only ones that have intelligence, just ask any Dog if that is true. Of course Dyslexic God will say "Yes, Yes you are the Man" while snickering under its breath; you know Dog is saying to itself, "Give me a bone man because you choose to be slave". Ask Cat who just grins that Cheshire smile and says to self "Silly slave, I decide whether to I talk to you, or not!" That kina sums it up --- We are an enslaved delusional race addicted to limitation. It's either / or, black / white, good / bad it's all the same. Much too gullible to see what is going on under its nose? So caught up in the story, believing the need for a Savior to come riding up on it's white steed to rescue us from .hum? (Oh yeah, fear of ourselves! We just haven't figured that out yet!) As a whole the species known as thinking man or upright monkey boy are waiting for someone to do it for them. That is the way its been and why do it any different? They just want get back to floating down the De-Nile and take that handful of Happy Campers. That is their truth! All they want is for someone to be nailed up on the cross, instead of going through the crosswalk. Instead of making a choice and being responsible to take care of themselves, they want to be "right" with adamant indignity that serves by giving reason to their insanity, to lament for eternity as a martyr. To earn the privilege to lead the light brigade with that worn out edict "Let the games begin": To be king of the hill, My God is better than your God, or My God has an army, what-cha-gona-do? The other side retorting, because there is always another side, --- "I am going to annihilate you! Because you are Evil!" A judgment from a dyslexic God ---End to "Live" because it is "Evil", can't "Live because it's Evil!" It's a game of ping pong, and its all for Love / nothing. Do we wonder how we got here?

Through the looking glass --- into the hall of mirrors! There always comes a point in life / game that you grow out of like "Dress Up" in mom's clothes, changing hats, trying on other's shoes, sleeping in other people's beds, you know. You can keep pretending to play the "Goldilocks" game, but remember as the story goes the Bears return home at some point, only to find an intruder had been and is in one of their beds. What do you think is going to be Bear's reaction, ---is it a mean bear or a nice forgiving Bear? Didn't look to see what the price was for that bed, other words you chose to played first, pay later plan. That is an established plan the status quo ticket, so why

look any further. The ad states it's the best deal and lowest price and you know "it's got to be true if it is in print!" It's so much easier to play it safe than shop around for another deal, or look else where. So easily parted from their money! Not even taking the time to read the fine print, because what trips you up are the terms and conditions! Then there are the people that only play by the rules because it is all they know how to do. Not for me, the interests those sharks charge is called usury and that sums it up in a nut shell. Maybe you haven't considered what the fine print will cost you in the long run, but whatever you do "DON'T Eat The Porridge!" You might end up down a gopher hole, instead of rabbit hole! Ending up in nightmare that will be far more terrifying than "Alice in Wonder land" my luck it would be "Gopher in Bummer Land". Once there I would wish that it was "off with your head" (because that allows you to get in your heart) but in Gopher's realm the shadows are dark beings that feed off energy and dump karma into the records of unsuspecting Souls. That's right we have been there before!

Ooops! Took it out of the box and it wouldn't back! There is a point on the spiritual journey that demands total commitment and attention. It becomes a way of life because you have tasted your authentic self and there are no substitutions on that menu. Anything else would be made with artificial ingredients, lacking in nutritional value. This is the level on the journey where desire, emotional hunger, intention, focus and awareness demands greater consciousness from you. Gaining higher consciousness means to: pay attention, observe and question what is trying to lull you back to sleep. No more accepting what others say is the truth! It becomes the act of discovering and discerning what is YOUR TRUTH. Get use to feeling like your standing on quicksand because truth (which are beliefs in this case) is like quicksilver: it can make you mad as a mad-hatter. It is upmost to be very vigilant of the tapes, voices, memories that can play havoc on your emotional body stirring up mental resistance causing you to get ridged and worn out, to the extent that you just give in to the suggestions without knowing you are doing so--- feel that your eyes are getting heavier, you feel them wanting to close, just let them close, feel how relaxing it is to have them close, just close them and allow yourself to fall asleep. That's how easy it is to be lulled back into the realm of unconsciousness. Staying awake is at times excruciating, exasperating, demanding and taxing. It requires an act of will yours and nobody else's. Achieving higher consciousness "Enlightenment" / "Nirvana" is Knowing / attainment and requires re-spons-i-bility. What that means is having the ability to respond, and to know how to respond requires awareness to what you are responding too. That is the problem most of the time we are responding to something that had happend from the past or from our expectations instead of what is really happening in the moment. There is no way to fake it till you make it in this realm. Because you are playing with fire! That's Kundalini, raw essence of Spiritual light / energy and it can have the power of

100,000,000 harnessed horses. You have the reins what are going to do now? You have to be attuned to feel the flow and disciplined and focused to direct it or it will spew all over the place and burn you and other innocent bystanders. That gets us into that whole other issue. Unconscious harm! By the time you have the reigns in your hands you've probably have used up all of your get out of jail free cards, and all your chances to pass go and collect are also gone. Now, its time to pay the fiddler and the thing about chance is it's inevitable for you to land on Boardwalk, you didn't buy it when you had the chance. Now, Look what they have done with the real estate! It's a crap shoot! You are now playing with the big boys and the consequences are more serious. It's rare that you would be in this situation unprepared, but it does happen from time to time. At this level of conscious you have been engaged in the process of purifying you thoughts and ego because this club has strict rules and standards--- no "Ego Will" allowed! A slip of consciousness or lapse of compassion can set you back to eternity on the wheel of karma --- going round and round in the endless circle of no beginning or ending. Once again saddled down with the karmic burden of all those you have harmed, falling back asleep and waking up in diapers again. Starting back at square one again. How many times have you done that? This is much more serious than 2 steps forward and 5 steps backwards.

Learn to dance with the fire not play with it! When you play with fire there is always a possibility to get burned. The fire of this experience could mark and scar the Soul and severely distort, fracture and shatter so much of your Soul that it becomes unrecognizable and lost. Don't want to do that! Or maybe you do? It's your choice, your path, your soul journey who am I to say what it is that is best for you. Unfortunately some souls require electro shock therapy. I just know with certainty that is not the road I want to take. Stay awake is my mantra, look, see, perceive, feel, sense, taste, hear with greater clarity and understanding for re-spond-sability of the energy I am a Steward of, I must learn to use the power with true reverencewhich means to feel the love and have the respect for all that is sacred. To honor, to Cocreate, to re-spec (the root meaning is "to look at", observe, see with out judgment, awareness) the sacred spark inherent in all life essence. In the words of Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche --- "Sacred relationships are not only defined in terms of how we relate to what is outside of us. Relating to the sacred also brings us to the deepest sense of ourselves, to what is sacred in us. Shamans connected to earth find in themselves the connection to all life, to the powers and forces that control the world. Tantric practitioners find that devotion to the deities leads to the recognition that their deeper selves are the deities. In guru yoga, the student must find the mind of the master within. Sacred relationship finds something sacred outside, but that which recognizes the sacred is the sacred inside."

The Time to wake up, It's The Dawn Of A New Day! We are experiencing a most unique energetic conscious evolution on the planet in this moment. We are at the brink of something What that is and what will be the finished creation, will be determined, formed, and shaped by the energy thought forms and resonating frequency of the mass consciousness. A most interesting time we are in. We are at a cross road of opportunity to blaze a trail into a new frontier of consciousness. Therefore it is of utmost importance to disengage from the old paradigms of disempowerment, lack, slavery, and polarity and envision a reality to emerge with such luminosity of hope and reverence for radiating that all is possible, this vision of what might be makes my heart expand with joy, and I want to crow from the roof tops --Mourning is breaking!

But in the present reality there is a greater fracturing of Soul occurring because of the polarity that exists on the planet in the moment. In this realm of polarity until we learn to come into unity there will always be direct opposing polarities occurring. As in you can not see the light without the dark, to acknowledge the purpose it serves to hold the pathways for the light to flow. There is the dark before the light, and if you are falling down into the dark abyss I recommend to just keep falling, because eventually you have to break through to the other side, which will bring you back into the light. Unfortunately most people who are making the fall become so fearful, as they are plunging down into the depths of their black holes of fear and depression that they become overwhelmed to believing that there is no hope or way through the vast void and grasp for something along the way to prevent them from going any further, which only serves to get them hung up and tangled back into the energy. Don't try and grab something to stop the fall you need the velocity to break through to see the other side. The moral of the story is don't fear the dark; give it reverence and the utmost attention, because the boogie man hangs out there, just waiting to scare the ever loving bijous out of you! He can only do that if you are fearful to look him in the eye and invite him to tea. You know fear / anxiety never comes where it is invited.

One of the factors contributing to the state of separation has been from the concentration of the mundane world's distractions perceived as sole importance, thus serving only to keeping the physical form from being nourished with Soul light/energy. It has also been a primary catch 22 that has caused the Self to limit its awareness and perception of the unseen realm and become desensitize to that realm due to the agreements made by the consensual reality. Not having this awareness or perception awakened has crippled us into accepting and believing that denial and distractions are crutchs we need for living our lives.

Duality, polarity of thought--- good vs. evil, black or white, love / hate, one or the other, has been a factor contributing to splinter and shatter the soul and disconnect the physical and non-physical realms. In spirit both dark and light reside and have purpose and value in balance, one no greater than the other. As we say in "Unity".

Those pesky "no see'ms"! So as we polarize we create unconscious harm through our thoughts. Unconscious harm is the judgment, resentment we generate each time we do something we don't want to do but think that is what we are obliged to do, when we are silent and allow that which we know to harm, when we don't honor or recognize the value of something or someone, when we judge in quantitative terms of right and wrong / good and bad, that which we abandon allowing the seed of discontent to grow, when we hold back our love and hearts, when we know what is better for another and better than they know themselves, when we interfere with the choices of another, when we are blinded by the light or fascinated with the dark to point of rejection of the other, by excluding, going to war in the name of god, think it is our duty to persecute that which is different from us, thinking that there is a difference, being filled with piety and prone to gossip and cast stones at others before they throw them at us. You get the idea! Each of those thoughts creates an energy that is like an arrow piercing our energy field Unconscious harm is the thoughts and feelings people repress or don't acknowledge about another, place, thing and/or situation but dwell on it obsessively with feeling thoughts. When we repress how we really feel about someone that emotional energy is still vibrating energy, and it is in e-motion. Where do you think it goes? I'll give you a hint--where it is directed! Think about that for a moment! (I discuss the importance of emotion in the manifesting essay)

Get out of the cosmic squirrel cage! Think about how many times in a day you have passing thoughts about someone or something you are angry or sad about for example. That energy has been created and has to go someplace. How far it travels depends on the degree / intensity of emotion you have attached to it. If there is not allot it might just hang around your aura or space. That is why it is so important to clear and cleanse your house, work, vehicle, and energy bodies along with your physical. We have been taught in basic science that you don't destroy energy it just changes states. (Please excuse me if I am putting this in too simplistic of an explanation.) The states can be dense, slow moving and solidifying or like a mist, fog as in the gaseous state that is fast moving / vibrating, always shape shifting form. If we just keep regurgitating the negative things happening in our lives over and over is the root cause that is responsible in creating a dense energy that permeates our energy field, as

well as our physical surroundings. The reason depression is so heavy and painful is because our physical and energy bodies have to move through this dense sticky mud in our subtle energy field. We might not be able to see it, but it is being felt on some level.

Have you ever been in such a negative space that friends can't get away from you fast enough? Have you ever sat on a chair or bed that belonged to and/ or was occupied for a length of time by a depressed, sick, drunk or angry person? Next time noticed how quickly you change seats. If you stay take note to how you begin to feel ---- annoyed, sad, dizzy or ill? Well that is an example of a type of unconscious harm. I am not saying that the person in the original sate wanted you to be harmed by that energy or that they can do anything about it, at least not where they are at that moment. I call that residual energy unconscious harm. Most unconscious harm has no malicious intent directing it but some is and that falls in the category of manipulation. (I am leaving that for another discussion

There is a vast amount of unconscious harm generated on the planet just from residue. Becoming aware of energy opens you to be bombarded with this unconscious harm, which stimulates a reactionary hyper alert adrenaline state of, flight or fight. Maintaining this state for long will fry the nervous system, and validates the mass consciousness belief that the Spiritual realm is non-existent because it can not be seen by sane folk, only the crazy.

How much bigger do you need it? First off what I want to expand upon is how prevalent this unconscious harm is and how it is influencing you on a deep level aware or not. We are so unaware of how much information we really do receive through telepathic communication. We might not acknowledge it but it is still influencing us in a big way. What do you think first impressions are all about? This errant energy influencing us has contributed to closing down our ability to deeply feel because of the associated pain. Imagine what would happen if you had these circuits fully functioning and plugged in to your system? You would probably feel like you are on an emotional rollercoaster or caught in a wringer that leaves you emotionally, physically, mentally wrung out. Caught up in the constant bombardment of emotional or electrical charges would short circuit or fry your nervous system. In order to deal with this on a daily basis our senses have become some what desensitized. Constantly being tripped up by this energy that causes such sudden mood, thought or physical reactions would naturally lead to un-plugging those sensory circuits. If they are not unplugged or desensitized to an extent, can you imagine what could happen if you were being tripped off by this energy all the time? It would make it hard to get through a

day without killing yourself or doing drugs (I am being dramatic to an extent). This is possibly one of the greatest underlining factors contributing to the wide-spread use of recreational drugs.

The more "civilized" we have become as humans we have learned and developed countless ways to escape from our higher consciousness / awareness. De Nile is a big river and we have adeptly created many escapism programs for floating down the river in a seemly effortless manner believing we are doing it without ramifications. Often we are so unaware of our own addiction and/or dependency on these escapism programs and behaviors. It has become so natural to tune out to what is really going on around us, what is really being said, what we are really feeling, or how something is affecting us. Escapism comes in so many packages! The obvious are: TV/ movies computers, games, reading, busy projects, work, rushing around, obligations, the ability to hear only what you want, not thinking about things, accepting without questioning, resistance, righteousness, tradition, customs, religion, prejudice, stubbornness, oh yes, drama and other peoples dramas. So it is not just the things you do, these programs also come in the form of how you think, feel, see, hear or react to something. Often it comes in by what is new or perceived as alien/ foreign to what you know, or willingness to know. Like I said De-Nile is a big river in Egypt! Then again if we were to open and take down the walls of amour and protection around us then we would have to become aware of the ugliness we truly live in and are contributing too. We can see the ugliness but not judge it and dwell upon it but set out to transform it into beauty. This is why it is crucial for us to be aware of unconscious harm and take responsibility and not add anymore residue.

If I give them an inch they will take a mile! I would like to expand a little bit more upon various effects of unconscious harm. Because it is so crucial to understand what unconscious harm means. How we have handled this energy in the past is by desensitizing and denial of the unseen realm, but as you know things are changing. The veils that have been woven around you are getting thinner, being pierced or you might be tearing then off. Not having a foundation in place to handle this energy can cause serious harm to the physical, mental and emotional bodies. It is a factor that has limited our consciousness. The de-sensitizing mode blocks awareness and the activation of our inherent abilities which we term as "psychic" gifts. Each of us has "psychic" abilities, it is just some people have theirs more activated and refined than others. The path to develop "psychic" abilities has been a hook for a lot of people to become interested in metaphysical concepts and spirituality. Many people are solely focused on

opening and expanding these abilities. Which is good but if it is out of timing for their development it can be harmful on many levels. Often by blocking their progress for realizing things beyond what is possible to be known, because they get so fascinated on a certain plane of existence it serves as a detour from adding more to the known. Some paths discourage the activation of "psychic" abilities because they can become just another program for escapism or fascination deterring them from their destination. I think as consciousness grows these abilities / gifts open and expand on their own. This can happen in such a manner there is no sudden realization that you have these abilities, they are just operating as if they have always been. (I have previously written techniques to opening these abilities and more will be in the future.)

What to do with the leftovers? Why unconscious harm blocks these abilities, is as I said earlier, the process of desensitizing from the ability to perceive all of the energy currents around you. If you don't have a system in place to convert or transmute this energetic charge it will just spew through your system. Not having built a foundation that can anchor / ground you from being swept up and around by the energy, and being open to this energy will have some very adverse effects on you. Let me illuminate what some of the energy affects are so you can better understand. (As I sit here pondering on how to articulate this I realize that I have just opened a large can of worms.) Let me give you mild to more serious examples, but that isn't a correct way of putting it either. Please pardon how I present this because the degree / intensity that you experience the affects will depend upon how de-sensitized each of you has become over time.

So simple unconscious harm can be perceive in what I call "residual energies" of someone or something in the space before you arrived. They have discarded their pain or imprinted their worries into a something, i.e. --- chair, crystal, book, house, etc. You come along and feel it as a passing feeling, or get caught up and overwhelmed by it. This means you take on those feelings as if they were your own, forgetting what your feelings were before coming upon the thing or thought. It can act to trigger a memory of having that similar emotional experience at some point in this life or another. You have landed "right back dab in the middle of it"! Sometimes you can shake it off and other times it can open up a black hole. That depends on the degree of identification you have with the energy, or maybe the source of it, or whether you have programs running in your unconscious that require some sort of action to the energy. (I discuss VACPOC's in another essay)

The action can range from resistance to acceptance as what to do with the energy. (How you deal with the energy will also make a great difference and we will get into that in

another discussion.) Taking on this energy is sticky in more ways than one! An example of a mild form would be; the identifying with what is being said or felt from another and it not being congruent with your truth or authentic self. In essence you are lying to your self. We are taught this behavior to be a way to comfort another. We think that it is a form of love to sympathize /identify into an agreement as to what they are feeling, thinking, or experiencing. That is a form of love but a conditional form at best.

As we get into more severe forms of acting upon unconscious harm is when we go beyond identification and transfer over our energy, chi, molecules, life force, chakras or any of our energy systems to them and swap it out for theirs at the detriment of our own well being. This can bring the person sacraficing there energy for anothers, health to a much improvised state rather quickly. (I am writing a very personal experience of doing this very thing and what I learned by doing it.) Many healer's do this and their clients feel rejuvenated but often it is only a temporary fix. Empathic people often find it hard to stop themselves from automaticaly picking up other's feelings, illiness, and thoughts and be compulsed to act them out. Why everyone in an office might come down with the same cold or flu is an example of this. It is important to learn how to handle Empathic abilities with Divine Right Use. In the future will have more in depth details about this. There is so much unconscious harm affecting in so many ways. By choosing to be unaware of what is happening to you only serves to perpetuate the energy. Yes, life is easier not knowing, but is it worth living? We often don't acknowledge things /problems, until the situation reaches a critical point where it is no longer un-deniable; therefore something has to be done because we cannot continue in that manner any longer. We are approaching that point of consciousness on the planet now!

The effects of the continuous bombardment of harm can tare holes in our auric field so we leak energy. In addition it opens up the opportunity to allow foreign energy to enter and attach into our field, draining us of energy. Unfortunately we are often the source generating this continuous bombardment of unconscious harm that we so readily experience, keeping us on the treadmill of life. We don't have the discipline of vigilance to know what to examine so we can discern what is ours and what is not. There is no incentive to be responsible for our energy thoughts, actions and deeds on the unconscious level because we have existed in this perceived get out of jail free zone. Not learning how to manage much less control and direct the unconscious has created a dimension of tortured anxiety from the fear projections of the mass consciousness, who are controlled into submission by fear. Which turns us into docile slaves maintaining the status quo of the misguided bullies that we advocate our power to in exchange for their O' wise and caring leadership. No wonder we are so malnourished and far from our true authentic selves.

This tortured zone of anxiety is better than any man made wall to keep alien thought from taking root. It is the lower astral planes of horror and hate. The astral plane is the mirror plane of this dimension, with many levels of twists and turns leading through a chaotic maze. Above so below! This often is the only place many have to connect with their Soul, and it is not a restful and rejuvenating place. But for the Dimensional Beings that reside in those place it is an ever flowing river of energy for them to feed off. Terror generates a dense high octane gas for them. Where as, joy and love is too light and airy, not as tasty. Don't lose too much sleep over whom those Beings might be and what they can do to us because what we do to each other is far worse. Our unconscious harm is by far more damaging.

Why the dark seems so much more sinister and "ba-a-ad to the bone"! Is its ability to attract like vibrations congealing and uniting them so to speak, it is not bad it is what it is. If we didn't deny its existence to be and abandon it to survive by its own devices in our refusal to value and recognize that spark of essence that all life has. Its bad and it will taint us, and lead us into temptation. It is the gross, forsaken, unloved and hideous part of each of us that does not give permission for it to exist in time and space. Its existence is in constant resistance which is the force that fills it with life and energy. The VACPOC that is so imprinted in our DNA to annihilate evil which is only live backwards, the polar opposite. Now that is malnourishment more like downright starvation. Haven't you ever wondered why so many of our righteous religious leaders have fallen so low? Being caught with their pants down, hands in the till, while talking out the side of their mouths. What goes up must come down, as I said before just crash on through to the other side, don't try and grab a tree on the way down.

Knowing that this is a factor going on around you can maybe help you to look at the unconscious harm you are personally creating. I can see the look of incredulousness disbelief that you have any part in perpetuating harm on another. No you are blinded by the light and all is love and light. Oh yeah! No darkness in you just pure light stuck on this plane of limitation and have been given the mission to lead the masses into the light. It has made a believer out of you, you are in no way shape or form responsible or harming another being, you couldn't hurt a fly. You never say rude or nasty things, always agreeable; you sacrifice yourself for the good of others. You don't make waves or speak up you just go along with the status quo. Those people are the truly scary ones, perpetuating copious quantities of near radioactive energy emanations. Ok toxic at least. Such polarization on the physical having a total attunement to the light and love creates an opposite polarization in the non-physical of hateful spite and bitterness that as equally if not stronger than the frequency of love emitting on this plane. The quality and purity of love radiating from one deluded by the light needs some calibration to put it nicely.

The bottom line is that we can not get mad at others for the unconscious harm that is projected from them because we live in a glass house too. It does no good to be angry over something that is unconscious and predominately without malicious intent. It is far better to become aware of the energy and learn not to get swept up in it to lose your balance and get out of resonance with your soul. Learn how to transform it and stay true to your own Soul's directives and your life will become the one you truly dream of living!

Everything has value and purpose and with effort to see / perceive the divine spark and sacred that runs through all existence will bring us closer to "Enlightenment" / "Nirvana" with a greater consciousness that is responsible to evolve uniting the fractured alienated unloved aspects into a cohesive whole that actively is aligned to actuate a spiritual purpose and mission that we came to do! Now wouldn't that be grand. I always ask to do my spiritual purpose not that I see the whole picture or know what it is, but I can gauge my progress by the synchronistic that I attract. Holding my intention to transmute the energy that my field passes through to be for the "greater good of all and in Harmlessness," has begun to wash my windows so that I have a clearer view. As I walk, crawl and sometimes limp to keep on climbing up the stairs, I look out the windows around me and have begun to have a greater range of visibility so I am able to distinguish more of what lies on the horizon. The winds of Change are blowing! Have you been experiencing things that are out of normal? Do you know what I am talking about? Lights seem to go off or come on for no apparent reason but you driving or walking by. The phone rings and before you answer it you know who it is or you were just talking about that person. How many of you have had things disappear and reappear? Things seem to go missing but this is different than misplacing something, they seem to disappear right under your nose or should I say out of your hand. You had it in your hand a moment ago but it is nowhere near you now. Then there are the things that start appearing in places you would never put that thing, or you looked in the spot many times for something and it wasn't there but now it is. Another common occurrence is glimpsing something out of the corner of your eye scurrying away. Or maybe you hear voices, footsteps or some type of sound and you turn around but there is no one or anything that would make that sound. It is easy to rationalize you saw a shadow, you are just hallucinating or you are having flashbacks from those hallucinogenic you took years ago. All those excuses are more plausible than the truth. These are all examples of reality shifts. I've had things go missing for years and then reappear years later after thinking about that thing. One such example was a very special crystal of mine that got borrowed at an Expo in Phoenix. I would think about it from time to time because it had traveled with me for

years. I was out visiting friends some point of the evening the conversation got on the topic of crystals and I told then about that paticular one. As my friend and I walked in the door I happen to look down on the floor and there was that crystal. I was excited about its reappearance because it had been gone for over a year, Since we had been talking about it earlier I wasn't too surprised it came home then nor was my friend who just said "WoW" because she knew there was no way that it was there earlier. I just welcomed it home as if it was the most natural thing to happen, then again its not uncommon for unusual things to occur at my house. Then there are those instances of things showing up out of the blue that I didn't remember owning but just happen to be thinking of wanting something like that. At first it is easy to explain these occurrences as forgetfulness or "senior moments" but after awhile it just isn't that easy to convince yourself anymore that is what's happening. Of course many your friends will probably think you've gone a little over the bend if you know what I mean. Then again maybe not! In my household it seems like friends will show up as I am looking for something and help me look for it, most of the time unable to find it, that is till we surrender to not finding it, and get aroung to laughing about the situation and "wa laa" it is right there in front of us! Yep that has happened so many times that I have lost count. Nor can I tell you how many friends have been apart of one of these treasure hunts and it is really humorous of the folks who adamantly in no certain terms can believe it wasn't there, or that you didn't just put it there a moment ago to play with there head. Don't argue with those people who have such a ridged grasp on reality. Let them have their reality because you know in your heart that it wasn't. They are just not ready to see yet. Though for my partner Louie it was just one of those moments that he realized the truth. We were camping out at a Willie Nelson's 4th of July Picnic, and at the campsite getting ready to walk over to the concert. I think there were about five of us at the site at that time when someone made a pot of coffee, which seemed to be a good idea because the concert would be going on late in the night. Louie had taken his glasses off and laid them on the table because the coffee was steaming them up. About that time we heard a band start to play and someone in the group realize we had better get a move on because that was one of the bands we wanted to hear. We call ourselves the turtle herd for various reasons and true to form we began rushing around gathering chairs and such. It was about a quarter to half mile walk to the amplitherather and almost there when Louie realized he didn't have his glasses. We stopped and the rest of the group went on. I checked him over to make sertain that the glassed were not with us, and we were just about to start back when Louie said he realy didn't need them since it was getting dark and he just needed them for reading. So we went on and found this great place to set up our chairs to watch the concert. The port-a-pottys were down at the bottom of the hill from us and since drinking the coffee we had made several trips back and forth to them. Well one trip back up Louie was having a little bit of a problem seeing and I remeber thinking and wishing we had gone back to get his glasses. We had just reached our seats which were at an edge of a passageway where people streamed by. Well I was thinking about the glasses and for

some reason reached down and picked them up and handed them to Louie. He put them on and then realized that those where his glasses. We were both shocked because we knew that the glasses were left on the table as did our campmates. If they had somehow been with us all along there would have been no way that they would have survived the traffic without getting stomped on and they hadn't. To me this wasn't that big of a deal but it dumbfounded Louie. The rest of the night he kept questioning the appearance of the glasses and then the next moment was in utter amazement. Well it made a believer out of him that night. Which was a very timely thing to happen since we had just moved in together days before the concert. He needed to get use to those things happening if he was going to be living with me. Thankfully he got it so early on because there have been so many things since that if he hadn't witnessed it first hand without a shadow of doubt he would not have been able to stay sane. It is hard enough just being around me at times, and then having weird encounters of the 3rd kind happening so frequently would have made him question his sanity. This way he just questions mine! (I am joking.)

Things go bump in the dark! There are so many people out there who are feeling and noticing things but are just afraid to speak up. They feel unsafe to speak such thoughts, maybe because they lived in another time (past life) and where they were put to death for such actions, thoughts or deeds. So in this life they are afraid to admit that they put their shoes in that spot before going to bed and they were not there when waking! Or maybe thinking "I just had the keys in my hand, where are they now?" "This is crazy!" "No, I must be sleep walking" The veils are getting thinner and it is becoming undeniable that there is more to life than what is "known". Things are bleeding through dimensions. These energies can help you, mess with your head, amuse you, and / or harm you. How they can harm is when you become ridged and adamant to what can be and what can not be. This inflexibility can cause a mental break down and it has happened too many who cross through these veils unprepared. Talking to a Doctor about these experiences could get you diagnosed with a mental illness of some sort and / or on medication. I am not in any way wanting to prevent you from getting medical help if you feel you need it. I am just letting you know that others are also having these experiences that might be similar to yours. Then again who wants to wait in line for the looney bin!

I am not crazy, Are you? These energy shifts or shifts of / in reality are occurring so frequently if you are conscious enough to take note. Some of the things that do happen can be so unbelievable that talking about it would make you sound crazy. Many people experiencing these

strange things but can't or don't talk about them because they are afraid something is wrong with them and that they might be going crazy or losing there mind. Believing that you might possibly be losing your marbles or in the early stages of Alzheimer's would produce immense internal fear and stress. That stress could cause you to feel paranoid and you would probably start acting that behavior out. Living in a state of fear is harmful to your health in many ways. Your body and mind does all sorts of things to cope with fear/stress. Then there is the little fact that what you believe, worry about happening, or focus on will put enough energy out there to make it happen, wanted or not. It is all about the emotion that is attached to a thought. (I've also have written about this subject of manifestation.) You don't really want to think about it too much either. Because if you really did examine and question what happened you know that there is no true logical explanation, so you might feel it's best not to dwell on it. The mind is quite satisfied to dismiss the experience and forget about it about, and repress the incident.. It can do that for years because it is in control of keeping order in your world. It has control to filter out what is coming in through the senses and other energy systems, and only deciphers what it has codes for filing the information, and the rest is thrown into the impossible drawer stamped as false evidence. Someday when you need a good laugh take a look at your filing system and check how many beliefs you have that are falsly filed as truth The mind doesn't really like possibility ---too many variables for it to entertain. It loves to say "I told you so!" It is the master of Self fulfilling prophecies because that's how it keeps the emotional, the physical, and mental body in line, so it can focus on filtering and blocking the channels receiving intuitive information. It thinks, feels, and chooses for you, and tells you what to do because it is the voice of reason. One of the reasons it has gained so much power is because you don't love yourself, forgive yourself or believe in yourself and are willing to accept without question how things are instead of asking--- is that really true or is that in the best interest for me?. It is easier to rationalize what has occurred as a trick of the mind than really looking at what is happened or really listening to that inner voice and knowing that it wasn't a trick but a true paranormal event. Accepting or acknowledging a reality shift can be terrifying to many. It means that everything that has been taught about the world is basically false. How many are willing to go that far? Why I say false is because reality or as I call it "consensual reality" and is based on the agreement of "all we see is all that is." No it's not, and the fact is we choose not to see more than we want, or more than is sociably acceptable for the norms of the time. It requires inner strenght and faith to acknowledge and accept with out making rationalizations why or how that something has happened and realize the gift we have been given. These shifts in reality are truly a blessing and not a curse as they are often misinterpreted as!

What is going on with Time? Have you noticed the change in time? This is another aspect of the energy shifts. Time has been speeding up especially for the last two years. What normally occurred in six months can come about in two months. It is very obvious but lay people don't understand the shift and the effects that mechanical time has on our systems and how compromised we can get when out of rhythm to Gaia. I notice numerous conversations from people who are not interested in the least bit to follow a spiritual path, comment on time irregularities. Personally I don't do time like most; actually I have only 2 clocks in the whole house. Of course those clocks never seem to be set on the same time, one is my computer and it is automatic and I often forget to look at. The other clock is my oven and it has the purpose to sound the buzzard, reminding me that the meal I am preparing needs to be checked. My most accurate clock is my own internal inate rhythm. I really am amused with the whole concept of daylight savings time, this is an excellent example of time manipulation. One of the reasons for daylight savings time was so that kids could catch the school buss (abling us to go to school were we learn to give our power away) in the light, because parents were missing or late to work because they were taking their children to school, oh can't have the worker bees late for the "Queen," now can we? I want to share with you an occurrence that kept repeating in my life. It was months ago and I don't have a gauge other than it was spring when this started to occur: Every other Friday I would feel it was Saturday or Thursday and I was positive of that. To my surprise it would be Friday and I would have gained or lost a day. This kept happening over and over for months and not only to me but to other friends. It was strange but a true testament that like money, time is just another means man uses to order the universe into his shoebox. This last year I think most have been impacted by the energy shifts personally or vicariously. The more awaken you are the greater the effect maybe. Not that it is negative it is just a different energy. At times it has been pleasant and others times rather intense to put it mildly. The degree of intensity might be dependent upon the attachment you have to maintaining your truth. That truth being what you believe to be. The need for all to be as it is. Well, that can lead to a world of resistance and pain. You might not recognize it as such but it will come down to that in the not to near future. The more energy that is put into maintaining a distorted and corrupt foundation the greater the fall will be needed to crumple the foundations. The time shifts, disappearances, reappearances and another example is the quick processing through illnesses, wounds or diseases is quite remarkable too. I have known clients and friends go through diseases in weeks because they are really just energetic. Of

course they never had it "verified" by a Dr. because they couldn't give them an answere what was going on. But they would know what it was. When in crisis or have no answeres for what's going on they always seemed to think to call me. I go to work and have tracked down the orgins in an ancestor of theirs and could clear the karma and imprint from their records and blood. I personally have had strange reoccurring bruises that have been the release of stored cellular memory of being abused, in battle, and experiences of torture that needed to be rectified so that I would not have to drag that experience back into my life. I like my drama on stage as oppose to being up front and engaging me to play that role again in my life. I am all for watching it instead of having to act it out. I think that might be like learning through other's mistakes, why do we all have to do it, and haven't we done it enough already?

What was that? Where is that coming from? Our five senses are receiving more data than what is perceived. It is funny but as man has become more civilized he has dulled his senses. They say we have evolved from apes and are part of the Animal kingdom, and we all know that animals have much keener senses than ours. I'll guarantee you even a hundred years ago our senses were keener than they are today. Many would not have made it through the ice age if his sensory facualties were at today's level of perception. Our sensory circuits are loaded with data but most is filtered out and only a fraction of what it perceives is recorded. The conscious mind has taken it upon itself to filter it out. You ask why, and it is because that extra information is not as necessary as it once was for survival. When was the last time a wild beast threatened to eat you? Do you think a caveman would be able to tolerate modern society? Think how much the world has changed? Think about how electricity has made it brighter longer, and noisier with all of the machinery, and cars, how pollution has clogged our sinuses and the use of perfumes to mask and stimulate pheromones. In other words we have evolved to being a wide awake (not consciously), agitated, and stuffed up sex fiends! (I am just kidding!) We have dulled our senses for protection to live in the modern world and not be overloaded by the bombardment of sensory pollution caused from modernization. As your vibration rises most will prefere a simpler lifestyles and become more drawn to natural products. There is great peace to be found in the countryside away from the hustle and bustle, loud traffic, blinking neon lights, and smelly polluted smog. A country setting can allow us to become more sensitive and not be shorted out from the overload of input.

Your inner phone line is ringing! We are so unaware of how much information we really do receive through telepathic communication. We are all communicating on a telepathic level and it is influencing us in a big way. What do you think first impressions are all about? It doesn't matter if it is recognized or acknowledged it is going on and we are doing it. (I write about unconscious harm which goes into this in greater detail) By not acknowledging this ability and denying its existence you subject yourself to manipulation. You are in essence giving away your power! You are allowing something to have a measure of control over you other than your own Soul and Source. If you are lucky it's just your Ego self in control and calling the shots. The Ego usually aligns with the status quo and has a prime directive to keep you alive. How dysfunctional a pattern might be or the quality of your life isn't a consideration of the Ego makes in order to fullfill its directives. It just keeps doing things in the same manner it knows how to for surviving. Of course that is so it can exist. It doesn't matter if you are enslaved to others and a pawn in the game of life. Nor if you are possessed and seen as a "lost soul" who flounders about torturing and crucifying yourself, you might have noticed in drug addicts that look as if no one is home, or the "walking dead" who have no respect for life. A lost soul I am describing is not the kind depicted as zombies in the movies but the kind of human who might kill and rape without thought, enjoy what they do. Not all killers or rapist are the "walking dead" most are compelled by some VACPOC that has triggered them to do what they do. I know that is hard to believe that they might have a reason for what they do, but they do have an unconscious one. The bottom line is they are not in line with Soul directives because that behavior is not in the nature of Soul actions or desires. Someday when we as a race evolve into Soul consciousness crime, killing and illness will no longer exist.

Who are you giving your power too? The point I am trying to make here is that choosing to deny, disregard, or reject your power to be directed by soul enslaves you. Being afraid of the unseen enslaves you. You become a slave to fashion, your job, money, people, things, what you own or don't own, what you make or say to define who you are, the beliefs you have about your relationship to self and others, your country, family, and to your religion and god to name a few obvious ways. It all boils down to filling yourself outside of yourself! Being only what you hear, see, do, feel, or taste. By not facing your fears and collapsing into the hopelessness and despair of the impossible. Not allowing all to be possible, Is the bottom line. You can have all the money in the world, power to command people, at the mercy of the dictation of your whims, a rightgeous religious zealot, and still be a slave because you are not being aware, responsible or respectful and honoring of Soul. All you are doing is

maintaining separation and mortality. I am rather surprised at myself for being so harsh but I feel that time has come to wakeup before we destroy ourselves and this planet! Then again that is just my timing and not your urging. I know it doesn't have to go that place of no return but I am not in control of this planet. Nor is it our government or the religious right, or a foreign power, it is the mass consciousness fear that has the reigns. Our well wishing interference has gotten us to this place. Instead of paying attention to our Soul Directives we have fallowed the Ego and its vie for power. So we end up in dead end jobs that produce some by product polluting the earth, we consume with no thought of the ramifications, we give back not what we take, we only think about what we want now, we live in the past and we escape truth through distraction. We think what we are told, and we do what we are told, no more or no less than slaves would do. Is that what we really want?

Flowing with the energies! All of the above signs you might be able to deny, but the synchronicities happening in your life now is another thing altogether. That is one of the greatest gauges to knowing that you are on the best path for your growth. If the synchronicities are caused by being in the wrong place at the wrong time you can bet your not headed in the best direction for your Soul's growth or maybe you are and that is how you want to do it! We are at a cross road. There is a choice to enter upon the easy road or onto the bumpy steep twisting and turning road. As they say "all roads lead to one,": but no one is asking what the ride will be like on the road. Do we walk were "Angels fear to tread"? There impact that this will have on you will very much depend on how awaken you are, and your willingness to take responsibility for your power, thoughts, actions and deeds There will be even greater shifts in the near future that will be obvious even to the masses. There is always another level or (plane) beyond the one you are able to perceive. What is above is so below. You can easily perceive what is below you and find it more difficult to develop the awareness of what's above you. There are many beliefs that some people hold to be truth. Beliefs masquerade as truth but it is important to be aware that beliefs are not necessarily truth. There are varying beliefs of truth, and you what you believe as true is what fits with the level of awareness that you are experiencing at that moment. What we belief to be truth is ever changing, as new awareness and perceptions become possible than the old belief about truth falls away to allow for a new beleif to come forth. That is the natural order of raising consciousness --- understanding / beliefs, but when rigidity resides that cycle of letting go and recreating becomes blocked.

Learn to enjoy the flow! So the next time: Look at that rose blooming in the middle of winter and in the snow? Wow what a blessing! I was just thinking about you! How did you know? How womderful that happen? Good guess! I glad I know that? I dreamed about that. I wanted one just like that and here it is. Look all the lights are changing for me. Wow a parking space! You get the jest, be grateful of the blessing that you have been given! Allow the possibility to be and see what wonderous adventures it can open for you! I really like when things appear for me. I am so lucky in that sense. We have this thing called big trash collection. I call it my free store! It is amazing what people throw away that is new or slightly used. I recycle it and make art from it, furnish my house, find things for other people that have expressed a need or want for, etc. Things I want will be sitting out on the curb waiting for me. I am truly blessed and so are you if you only recognized it to be! The other day I had a Coleman lantern with the mantels broken. I had dug out new mantels and meant to fix it but didn't. A couple days later I notice it was fixed and I thanked my partner for doing it. He said to me "what are you talking about, it wasn't me". I don't know why this thought has never occurred to me before but why not have all my broken things on my list just repair themselves. Why do I need to have them broken? What a concept to have things working and flowing in my universe! I let you know how successful that comes out.

I don't know what I want! Why don't I get what I want? The more I pay attention to things the more I realize the rules of the game had changed. I might say we are out of toilet paper and next time I head up the stairs I trip over a new package of toilet paper. I don't bother to ask how that got there any more, I just count my blessings. Logic doesn't rule this world so firmly as it has in the past nor does the validity of scientific proof define possibility. As new energy is opening up on the earth plane we as a species and the world as a living being is transforming and shifting out of the form as we have known as the truth in the past. These shifts can be really baffling depending on how attached you are to your truth. Or things being as you assume them to be. That is a good one! Things are usually never as I assume them to be, they are better or if I am projecting my worries they can be worst than I imagine. So I have adopted the attitude "all is possible but that is not my probability!" This is a good retort to those nay sayers in you life. It has helped me to keep them from raining on my parade and inserting doubt in my conscious when I am holding a thoughtform that I am bringing into manifestation.

I want that! I desire it! When I say holding the thought form I mean having an intention /desire and having an energetic alignment to an outcome. An energetic alignment is having more desire than resistance and having emotions for the object of your desire. I don't know what or how it will exactly manifest because I release the form for my Source to create, which is always equal or better than I can imagine. Holding on to it happening in a specific form is just limitation in sheep's clothing. To manifest which is becoming easier and easier with the energy shifts that have opened up on the planet these days. We manifest our world all the time. I know you are going to say: but I don't have that or that, and this and that is happening, and I didn't ask for that. Well you did! Nobody is to blame but your self if you are not living the life you want. Go out and buy yourself the biggest box of crayons there is and start using new colors. The issue that I see with people is that they don't believe that things can happen to take care of the bills. They get so caught up in worry or having it come about through some specific means instead of letting it come in. They just can't allow it to come in or believe it can happen that way. It has to be through the lottery or work not that a stranger hands you the money or you look down and there is the money, or your bank account has it somehow. That is going to far for most peoples to fallow and ability to make it happen. It is easier to worry, be filled with anxiety about some boulder on the road that you haven't even come up to yet than entertain the possibility that life takes care of itself. You are putting the boulders on the path and nobody else. What ever we energetically align with will manifest! Emotion is the E-(energy) Motion to attract and magnetize to us what we desire. Like things or energy attracts or is in resonance. It is so hard and I don't totally understand why we make it so difficult to be open to receive good. We deserve it and it is our heritage and we have a surplus of karma chips that we can redeem for bucks.

Is that possible for me? That's only possible for others. The beliefs people hold about money and good things happening to them is amusing. One of these days I am going to do a stand up routine on that because it is truly funny how serious people get with the illusionary thing called money. That is so imprinted and

pressed so deeply and we have a lot of our identity wrapped around that green piece of paper. How can that be us? There is enough and more than enough to go around if people honored and were in gratitude of the gifts and abundance that we can generate. We need to learn not to rape the earth for our wasteful consumption needs. How much do we really need? Excess is just waste because we are not using it and enjoying it. I have new rules: (because I do come from pack rat stock genetics) One is if I haven't seen it in a year I don't need it.

Use the good china... Saving things for that special day or what ever is a waste and that day is today. Hording is just a way to close off your ability to receive and tells the universe that you are afraid or don't believe in abundance. Buying things because they are the newest and greatest toy is just another form of playing "King of the Hill". Commercialism is a form of seduction manipulating us into slavery. I can't go into a big department store with out getting dizzy and confused. The energetic impact is just intense and most people don't even notice what or if any thing is wrong with the picture. If I have a compulsion to shop I buy what I want take it home and look at it and return it after the rush is gone. I realize once my head clears that I didn't want or need the thing, and it goes back! I have no qualms to return stuff. If I don't respect what I have by using it then I am not taking care and honoring what I have. Gratitude and respect / reverence for the sacred in everything is important. Having that energy will attract more of the same.

I love that about my life! So you don't have what you want in life maybe you should look at what you do have. Is it aligned to your desires? Is it aligned to someone else's desires? Is it aligned to what you where fearing to have or happen? Are you truly open to receiving? Can you let go of the form and trust Source to bring in equal or better? Is your desire greater than your resistance? Do you dematerialize what you set out to materialize through your negative talk and fears. Do you allow other peoples dreams over run your dreams? The list is endless but the most important thing I can share with you is to set things out with emotion not just mental energy. Feel it not just intellectualize it! Be aware of what you are saying to yourself and what you believe, what you have been taught, what others around you want for you, and how much you want something and most important how invested you are to it coming to you in a certain way. Open up to entertain the many Possibilities that it could be without any skepticism or doubt. Suspend you're the need to have proof. Allow possibility and feel how good it is for all to be possible!

That is possible, but not my Probabiliy! Don't forget that all is possible. Don't worry about what you don't want because that doesn't have to be your probability. Remember what ever you worry about becomes an intention. Worry is a powerful emotion that energetically aligns to the obsession and attracts that into your life like a big magnet. You can decide if that is your probability or not. Ask your self why would that come into your life? The answer will tell you if there is resistance lurking under the surface or if you desire it. Check your answer. Do you kinda want it, or do you really want it? If you feel that you can take it or leave it that is a neutral response, and there is not enough emotion attached too your desire. With a neutral response you need to pump up your feelings of desire. I do this by making a mental picture of having what I want. I image feeling what it will feel like when I have it. It is important to acknowledge that you have it. I image using what it is I want. How am I going to feel using it? I make those feelings so real I sometimes forget that I haven't received it yet. It is not a longing to have it but the desire that it is. Wishing is like longing. Desire is a statement that it is! I feel what it is like using it and how I will use it. It is important to honor what you create in your life and using it and sharing it with others is a way to honor and feel its possibility. I also imagine what other people say to me about having it or what I say to other people when I have it. I listen to what is being said for clues to check any latent / hidden beliefs of impossibility or wanting it for the wrong reasons. I make my visualization so real that I can feel touching it. How does it feel? Or maybe it is something that has a smell or taste then I imagine what that is or could be like. What are the odors and tastes that fill you with good feelings of satisfaction and delight? Associate them with the desire if they are not something that has an odors or taste.

Don't sweat the small stuff! Make your visualization and feelings so intense that it feels real! Than let go of how it will come into your life and/or if it is possible. Are you congruent Those thoughts are resistances and small details. Don't sweat the small stuff! Let it go out to Source and don't try and limit how it will be possible. It just will be in a manner that is equal or better than you could imagine. Trust that all is possible and open to receive. Don't keep checking the pot to see if it is boiling. That is not trust and resistance creeps in to say "I told you that wasn't possible!" Let it go and focus on what is in the moment, and have your heart open with gratitude for all the gifts around you and in your life! Let your life become better than you imagine! Been There Done That!

Are you frustrated about a recurring pattern in your life? You have done every step and

program, read every book, tried visualizing it disappearing, commanding it to stop, all seeming to take 2 steps forward and 5 steps backwards. Before you know it you are back in this endless loop of thought, behavior, desire, choice, circumstances, it's like you have some invisible glue that sticks these things to you, and a sign that says "the buck stops here". You know what I mean? There is no rhyme or reason to why it happens and you really have tried almost everything. Would you believe that the origin of this energetic maze might have its roots in a past life vow, oath, contract, promise, agreement, curse I call these things VACPOC's, and they have this tremendous tenacity and persistence that can make a deep rut in your life. Not only have you made this VACPOC but also have many back up programs, replicating and hidden programs to ensure your obedience. In addition you have numerous contracts made enlisting the help of many beings that are physically incarnate as well as those in Spirit to help you maintain your VACPOC's. Often the VACPOC is first made in the physical due to a traumatizing experience such as death and then re-affirmed in Spirit often in the transition state, but it can go the other way too. The thing about Spirit is its immortal so when it agrees to a VACPOC it can be easily recorded to play for eternity. It knows no difference because mortality is only in the physical realm. Wonder why that matters? If a lifetime is mortal and only has a certain amount of time to carry out its agenda and you have a VACPOC that is stamped for eternity, think how many lifetimes you have done the same scenario? VACPOC's were never really meant to be for eternity but for specific lifetimes with specific players / energy. So the VACPOC becomes a catch 22 and never gets resolved. So it gets carried over into next incarnation as unfinished business. After a few life missions the original paper work for the work order gets lost in translation. The process of for unfinished work is copied over and over each time with less information --- just a note of the debt. After lifetimes it begins to be intertwined into the Soul Plan, blueprint and / or template as if it belonged. This replicating and replaying through lifetimes has an effect that distorts the original design in the blueprint, template, and Soul plan records. That distortion is referred to as a schism which has a karma debt attached to it. If it is a genetic or ancestral lineage schism it replicates with every generation. It becomes so familiar that we don't notice that the schism is woven with a different thread than the original.

How did I get stuck with the bill? One very crucial aspect that ties the knot tighter is that it might not even be your karma to begin with! It could be displaced --- unknown from past, deferred ---- placed for future, transferred --- another's but put into your records, and or bartered --- karma sold, traded off as an agreement for something (sell your first new born type of thing). How can that be, you ask? The great culprits in this scenario are our ancestors, not always bloodline relatives but Soul lineage, Soul families, Star lineage, or archetypal lineage who might have sold our records or made contracts for future offspring to pay the debt, similar to the

deficit in politics today! Some of the Karma debt we have been paying is not ours at all but our records have been manipulated and erroneously written this is termed combusted karma --- which is when the roots of deferred, transferred and bartered karma have been burnt so that many layers of information fuses together and appears to belong because there are no roots / original paper work to trace back to it true origin. This is why it is imperative to become more aware to question the ownership / pedigree papers of a distortion/ thought or pattern. That is why it is crucial to heighten awareness and develop discernment to question and validate the truth instead of just accepting it as truth. To check validity is from analyzing information through your energetic systems ---of feeling, knowing, sensing and intuiting, instead of using your mental conscious thinking process. True discernment factors in intuitive responses that run through your energetic systems and aligned with the heart to make choices as oppose to judgments that the reasoning mind makes to qualify value. Running this energy through your energetic systems is a better way to qualify what it is and what it is not. Knowing this allows you to choose to whether you want to have it in your life. Developing discernment and becoming more fully conscious will lead to making choices that are healthier and aligned to your Soul as opposed to your ego, thus opting out of struggle, turmoil and drama. Then again some people just wouldn't know how to act if things were easy and joyful because it would lack drama. Drama is as addicting as any drug on the market!

Stop playing that song! As we were discussing before about how VACPOCS can become rewritten into the records to appear as if they are part of the design. Programs can also be distorted in the same way. After awhile the program or VACPOC becomes so familiar the distortion is just skipped over or forgotten so we don't realize that we are evolving on an incomplete foundation. A schism is a distortion that has been woven in our energy bodies or in our records and programs that alter the overall foundation in some way often going unnoticed or by short circuiting our progress leading us into repetition. Schisms are deep grooved looping patterns that blind us to possibility. They often go undetected because often they are only affecting one area of your life, for example like: Career --- same station different channel, money have it but can't keep it or have it but not have love. Relationships might go like this: -- you attract married men / women, partners that are emotionally unavailable, abusive, always being left / rejected for another model, the lists can be endless. All you seem to do is attract the same energy but in a different package. You know you have walked down this path time and again and some part of you knows that it is a lesson in futility. But you try and reason your way out of the box, often by accepting that there is a lesson in the experience. Well let me tell you a little secret, you already have learned the lesson and it is only a habit at this point, and a bad addictive one at that! It's just an endless looping program, playing like a broken record. So what do you

do when a record sticks? You take it off and buy a new CD to replace that old 45. Upgrade to a new format. You can take the same old song and have it re-mastered through new technology available today. Until the original instructions are rewritten you are bound to keep selecting the same tune. Believe it or not those instructions are obsolete you just never got the memo that told you so. That is what I do is help you discover the origin or root of your patterns and have those broken records be re-master to play a whole new sound with higher vibrations frequencies. It will be the same song but the frequencies that triggered you before into reaction have been disconnected, thus allowing for choice.

Stop the bus, I want off! Why would we want to disconnect for an experience? If we are trying to be more connected why would we want to disconnect something? A common belief that many seekers especially in the metaphysical realm accept as truth is ---the experiences we have in life are the lessons that we are here to learn. If we have the same experience out come over and over it is because we must not have learned it yet. I have come to realize that the lesson is really the choice we make for how we are to experience life. It is always the same tune playing the difference is how we hear it and the choice we make for experiencing it. So holding onto the feelings of an experience for example that are painful will effect to short circuit our growth. How this occurs is we fixate on the pain and begin to believe that is the only outcome. We become afraid of the energy and not able to see the possible choices. When we lose our power to choose that is a cord that binds us. It is living in the moment that will progress us forward with each choice of experience but that is prevented by holding on and re-playing / re-visiting the past. You can't be in the past and living in the moment at the same time. That is why it is so important to disconnect from the emotional charge of an experience to be set free and be in the moment not dwelling on the past.

Tripping the triggers! For-give-ness is a key that sets us free. I have talked and written about this many times in the past. The technique I use to disconnect from those feelings is the "Embracing in Love." The short of it is: When you embrace something in your heart it transforms, it doesn't say that you didn't have the experience or you forget /suppress the experience. Quite frankly there are times that forgiveness is just not an option for some experiences when there is a great emotional charge. Replaying an incident only serves to entrench it deeper and lodge it more intensely so that you wear it like a badge. It can be a form of alienation or separation. The "Embracing into Love" allows the memory to stay but the

emotions that are short circuiting you are transformed giving peace and healing. Once the charge is disconnected you don't react you can view an experience as matter of fact. It is quite amazing and it frees up a lot of energy that can be redirected to new pursuits because you can be done with that experience. Onward and upward!

What role do I need to play? I am like a glorified Spiritual forensic anthropologist, System Data Administrator, investigator and consultant brought on to a project (meaning your issue) to initiate and mediate contact with your Higher Self, Soul, and Source connection. (We all need to take on this role to examine our systems) Something might have broken your connection and assistance might be needed to translate and reconcile the programs. A team needs to be called forth to begin researching through your data banks: Cross checking data for integrity, missing, corrupt, miswritten, misfiled, duplicated and triplicate files, and matching their authenticity of energy signatures of all the parts, programs and karma throughout all: Bodies and Minds, Divine Directives, Soul Records, Akashic Records, Ancestral Records, Karmic Records, Physical Blueprints /Templates, Energy Signatures, Incarnation Path Experiences, Soul Family Lineage, Root Lineage, Star Lineage, Past/ Present/ Future/ Parallel Lives, Time Codes, DNA, All memory caches, for rooting out what is corrupted, missing, erroneous, obsolete, and /or manipulated data. Then an instruction is given for your Soul to be re-educated with new information that is a higher vibrational frequency and new directives to evolve that comes from Your Source. I link with your Soul / Source to trace the energy line back to its origin / root and have it recast: burned root, stem, and seed so that it doesn't re-grow. (When you are working on self ---make the connection with Higher-Self, Soul, OverSoul, Source that is your own.) The burning is different from combustion because it purifies leaving nothing possible to re-grow. (The burning is your kundalini energy coming up the spine and burning off the doss between the chakras. The doss being old thought forms and programs of limitation that are maintaining the distortion.) This process makes room for a new program or better stated a new set of choices to experience the energy. If a new program is necessary to replace the old than an intention needs to be declared that it comes directly from Your Higher Self - Soul -Source and be in resonance with your intention of having an expanded vibrational frequency attuned with greater clarity of consciousness in thought, action and deed.

How to mop up the floors! You also need to visit the temple of recasting which is a place that can be visited in the dream state. In this temple your records are reviewed to check for schisms that you might

have caused a distortion that you are skipping or leaving incomplete. This recasting will also research what the original work orders were and stamp the karma in full so that any refund due you can be collected. Trust me often you have over paid and are due to be paid with beneficial karma. Going to the Recasting Temple is easy. All you have to do is before going to sleep at night set an intention that a guardian from your Source and lineage take you directly to the Temple that night so you can do a recasting. Now it is important to have a guardian lead you through the labyrinths of the astral plane because there are so many astral plane dimensions and most are very dense and it is easy to get lost caught up waylaid from your mission. The temple lies on a higher vibrational frequency and sometimes help is necessary to raise you dream body up to that frequency if it is accustomed to the lower frequencies. Another part of the process requires setting up a review board from your Source and Light Lineage to review and rectify all your records / data. It will also be necessary that all parts, fragments, aspects, entities, discarnate, separates, DNA, as well as programs, beliefs, imprints, and karma that is not yours, and is of another's energy signature be transmuted and reconfigured. Only if it is necessary, be sent back to its owner. (This is a departure from the past for me, and an example of what I mean by paradigm shifts /change of truth. At a point in my development it was acceptable to send things back, but now I've come to a new level of responsibility and it changed my truth.) Sometimes sending something back to someone who doesn't want it or not ready to own, can cause a shattering in their energy field. Shattering them can cause more karma where as transmuting or reconfiguring the energy will change the baggage from being a weight to a gift or blessing. Reconfiguring will allow the assimilation of foreign energy to be done in a manner to eliminate the distorting effects. Energy is energy that can be transformed from one state to another. When we send it back to it origin we are just rejecting and separating energy which just adds more unconscious harm energy in to the power grid of the human species. Projecting energy back to a non-specified source can allow it to bounce around striking and piercing the energy bodies of innocent bystanders. Lets face it you wouldn't' be sending the energy away if it didn't have some type of harmful effect and then letting it loose so that like energy magnetizes it to it creating a bigger mass of pulsing discharging energy. It has great potential harm to say the least if it ends up in the wrong hands. By being aware and responsible for our personal power will help to restore the power grid that we are as a species. In another pondering I will discuss what unconscious harm is and its effects. So continuing the process you would want all of your parts, fragments, aspects, power and energy, etc. that has been taken, given, bartered, forgotten be returned to you from all dimensions past, present, future and parallel. With the return of the parts, all karma is to be completed, transmuted and resolved, then have the part washed and rewoven and reconfigured back into your energy field for greater sovereignty within your field and consciousness that resonates with Your Higher-Self - Soul - Source. The difference here is the conscious choice to be responsible for aspects that might have been rejected or are negative in nature through your own creation. By having the clear intent and desire to take that responsibility will assist in repairing or restoring that which has been

fragmented and shattered within.

Collect the bits and reweave them in a new pattern! As we work to collect the fragmented and shattered parts of self and reunite them by embracing them with love and understanding, and reconfiguring the absent parts to integrate with the greater whole, to be rewoven into a new tapestry, that will serve you by radiating and resonating with your Soul and Source. So that we can evolve into being spirit in action, and bridging the gap of separation by integrating the need to experience opposing polarities so that we can come into a place of greater unity. Lifetimes have been spent jumping from one polarity to another much like how a pendulum swings side to side. We have spent lifetimes moving horizontally caught on the wheel of karma going round and round, back and forth always ending up in a state of separation. We have done that long enough, at least I think so! What we are doing is just not working! If we keep maintaining the old paradigms that we have been taught, imprinted or experienced only locks us into the known, which only serves to make us crazier and crazier. You do have to admit there is a lot of craziness going on in the world at the moment! Do we want to perpetuate that old corrupted energy or see it for what it is and stop breathing life into it? Personally I want to make vertical movement.

Take me up, please! One aspect for moving in ascent is to become more "Unified". To begin on this new "Quest" of "Unity" requires a center point that is balanced between two polarities. Not being blinded by the light and disgusted by the dark or the other way fascinated with the dark and rejecting of the light. What ever, it is just hopping from one polarity to the other! In Spirit both the light and dark reside. You can not see the light without the dark or another way to say it --- the dark holds the pathway for the light to flow through. As a dyslexic form we have tried to have the light hold the pathway for the dark to flow through and if you think about it, well come to your own conclusions of how that has played out in the drama of "Living as a human". Living and working through this process has helped to expand my consciousness and heighten my awareness and I truly believe it can assist you. Dawn is upon us It is time to wake up! Mourning is breaking! Mourning Is Breaking!

The Seriousness of Humor, or should I say the Humor of Seriousness??? Life is good, oh yes it is! We sometimes just forget to take a breath and smile at how amusing it really is. It is all for your amusement, so what are you going to do next to amuse yourself? Did you ditch Humor off someplace on the road? Ooops! Remember how good it is when Humor hangs out with you. I am glad that Humor doesn't take life so personally that it forgets to be. It's sad when we forget that Humor is our best friend and hang out with Seriousness. You know that Serious loves to rain on a parade and can be a wet blanket. So why do we like Serious more than Humor? Wondering why that possibility might be? Just think about how many times you left Humor hitchhiking on the road so you could ride with Serious? Have you noticed when Serious is the driver Worry and Big Mole Hill always comes along, so there is no room for Humor? Now if Serious was a real friend or should I say secure of itself, it wouldn't need to have the peanut gallery along for the ride, and you wouldn't be put in the position of having to choose between Serious and Humor. No if it was a true friend it would encourage you to bring Humor along for the ride, and what a ride it will be with Humor as the ring master in your circus. It could than become Seriously Humorus!

Just remember that friends can help make your world a better place to be. Isn't that what we are really trying to do? Make the world a better place? Well I know I am, not that I am doing it in a way that is influencing the masses at large. It seems that all I am impacting these days are those who enter into my sector of reality. Not a place for fear or ugliness to be comfortable. They seemed to have lost their ticket in to my reality zone. I've been so caught up with creating a place for Beauty there's no room for Ugliness to play. There comes a time when you have to let go of old companions to move along the road. That's the thing about some of our friends is that they keep us stuck by wanting us to play the same role again and again in the production of their movie. Sometimes you just outgrow a role. How many times can you make a come back before you become a has been?

Another thing I've pondered on is why is it that nobody really wants to take the lead in their own play? Why do they need another production company to direct their life story? I really have wondered about why that is. One thing I've observed is that others look out side of themselves to be filled. I just don't know why anyone would want to be filled with anything less then themselves. Like whom do you want to be filled with if not you? I just don't think anyone can do it better than me as me. Anything less than I can only be

fraction of me and that just keeps the game of Separation going on into new innings! It's crazy to think that playing the same game will be any different. When can we throw in the towel or is that sudden death? That of course would just start another round of tug-awar. What to do? What can I do? I wonder..... What would happen if I just stopped and let go of the rope? Wait a minute let me consider the ramifications? Let me see ---Well I might end up grounded in the dirt. Grounded, be grounded, what a concept!

Hey maybe being grounded isn't such a lonely thing? So what if I'm not allowed to play the game anymore! Truth be I am kind of tired of playing the same game with the same players and never really feeling good about the score. There always seems to be a technicality that leads to playing the game again in the play offs. Why do we need to have a winner and loser? Why can't it end in a tie? Of course that would be a no win, and we have grown to believe that it is either / or and not all! They tell us there is no room for all. Maybe not in that sport but .

Hey Serious, Humor,...? isn't that the new game on the block? Unity! Wow, it's about time a new sport begun! Don't you think so? Simple exercises to communicate with Higher-Self...


Intuition is an instrumental factor for making choices such as: determining which oils, quantity, where, and how to use them. If the idea of relying on intuition is new to you,

this chapter describes various techniques to develop a method that enhances your ability to readily access guidance. Included are simple methods to self-test, as well as more advanced techniques to acquire information from other people. Practice the technique that you respond to the most. Experimentation with the different methods promotes versatility and enhances attention skills, which culminates in building greater self-confidence and trust in intuition faculties. Versatility is instrumental in developing a language containing a larger vocabulary to effectively communicate with the Higher-Self. In addition, intuition helps to overcome influences of the conscious mind because it by-passes the filter distortions of learned, inherited, or collective consciousness behavior. These methods are very valuable for sharpening your discernment abilities, which encourage creating your reality motivated by Love and Spiritual Purpose. Trust and practice quickly master each of these simple techniques.


Learning to be more conscious of subtle energies is heightened by paying close attention to your environment, energy, and reactions occurring within and around you. This is training for heightening your intuitive awareness. Energy is a language that is understood on an intuitive level of awareness. Observation enhances your intuitive ability for interpreting messages from Spirit. All forms of life produce an energy frequency that can speak to us if only we would be still and listen we would hear the answers we are seeking.


Arrange your body in a comfortable position, which can be either sitting or standing. Be conscious not to cross any limbs over the body, which acts to shortcircuit the body's polarity.

" Drink a glass of water before proceeding, because dehydration causes an imbalance within the electrical system of the body, thus making it difficult to receive a clear and accurate answer.

" Spend a few minutes doing meditative breathing, such as; allowing each inhale breath to calm the mind and each exhale breath to release tension held in the body or any technique you are familiar with.

" As with any technique, always begin by clearing the mind first and precisely articulating your intent. " The Invoking Guidance from Source Meditation" included in the book, * is a useful guideline to help train you to the concept of asking for assistance. It also establishes a greater bond with various energies that are willing resources. In addition, it helps to calm and focus the mind. Another option is to create your own invocation that is meaningful to you.

" Intuition requires a high degree of alertness, therefore being tired affects your ability to sense subtle vibrations. Prescience is a result of heightened awareness skills, so by training your perception to become more consciously aware increases your accuracy. As a result, an expanded state of awareness is achieved that perceives the subtle energy around you, which is normally overlooked or filtered out by the logical mind. Another outcome of a keen intuition is using the rightbrain, thus encouraging one to discover possible latent creative talents.


These guide lines introduce various techniques useful in establishing a direct link for receiving information from Source. In addition, they help by-pass filter distortion of information transmitted between the unconscious and the conscious. Intuition is a language with which to receive and communicate messages from the unconscious, physical, emotional, and Spiritual bodies.

" A person with a competent degree of trust in their intuition can easily choose the oils needed --- just by noticing the ones that attract their attention and trusting the information. Intuition flashes can be perceived through all the senses, such as hearing, seeing, feeling, smelling, or possibly tasting. This information becomes known by noticing the changes and differences of sensations such as energy pulsing in vibrational frequencies or as hot and cold feelings. The important thing to stress is to pay close attention in distinguishing the subtle differences.

" Another method to choose an oil is using the list provided in the appendix of the book. When reading the names, consider the one that jumps out at you. Experiment by running your finger down the list. The oil it stops at is a candidate. Possibly you will feel a hot, cold, tingling hair "standing on end," or the body will feel some type of vibrational sensation.

" Try closing your eyes and slowly move your finger down the list, and when a color becomes perceived by the inner-eye, this indicates the possibility of needing the oil. It is also feasible to see either the yes or no word spelled. Through dialoguing with the unconscious mind chose specific colors to represent and define which is a yes or no.

" Hearing a yes or no, as well as becoming aware of a buzzing, thumping, or some other distinctive sound is another appropriate method in which to communicate with the unconscious.

" Dialogue with the unconscious and request it to emit a consistent symbol, particular color, particular sensation, or sound that identifies a yes and no. You can consciously develop this language by defining symbolic representation and affirming its meaning. It is necessary to do repetitive practice so that it becomes an established pattern that will easily enact unconsciously. Begin by using the sense that is easiest for you to access: for example-hearing, visualizing, or feeling. Once mastered, try heightening another sense.

" Another easy method is to ask the unconscious mind to address an issue by opening a book to a meaningful page and reading it. This often leads to relevant

information for the issue. Then close your eyes and flip through the pages, stopping at the one that feels right.

Books To Heighten Intuition Tarot, Medicine Cards, Destiny Cards, Astrology, Dreams, Numerology

Books To Heighten Communication With Other Realms Angels, Spirit Guides, Shamanic Journeys, Shape shifting, Crop Circles, Soul Mates, Past Life Souls, Et's, Departed Souls, The Unseen Realm, Opening To Channel

Books To Explore The Language Of Nature Talking with Animals, Nature Spirits, Findhorn, Cat & Dog Communication

Raising Your Personal Vibration

"Modern science has concluded that everything that exists in the universe is made of vibration" Hiroshi Doi-sensei..." Raising one's vibration is an effective way to live a more balanced and happy life, and also a way to send positive energy out into the universe. While emitting a lower vibration or frequency, one will never really come into harmony and balance and experience a more peaceful and happy life It is the life of discord/dissonance that facilitates lower vibration energy, and can be sensed manifesting in the world today It does take work, however, to raise vibrations, so a consistent effort is required to raise and maintain one's vibrations.

Be mindful of your thoughts It is imperative to keep a close eye on the habitual thoughts that enter your head. It can be difficult at first to be aware of the many thoughts that constantly bombard your mind all day long but by beginning to notice unwelcome or negative thoughts you can start to replace them with a positive thought you already have preprogrammed in your mind. Have a positive thought in your mind, a thought that you know makes you happy, that you substitute in place of any negative thought that comes into your mind. The key to this thought substitution is to spend as much time thinking positive thoughts and less time thinking negative thoughts. By spending more time in balanced, positive and rational thought your vibration level will be enhanced. Think before you speak If you are looking for a new relationship, don't say things like "I can never find the right person for me." If you talk like this, this is exactly what you will get. You get what you say and think. Even if you haven't been too successful in finding the right person previously, it doesn't matter. Change your words and you will change your life. Beware of ungrounded, severely negative types of individuals These types of people are running a very low vibration level, and their low vibration can have an adverse impact on your vibration level. Remember, a person's bio-energy field can extend out several feet from them. Surround yourself in white light if you feel that another's energy may have a negative effect on you. Spend time in meditation Take a walk through the woods or a nature center, and away from the city and the noise. Go to a place in the country if you can and take a long walk, concentrating on your surroundings, keeping your mind off your usual thoughts. This is a great way to clear your head and also help raise your vibration. If you can't get away, try listening to some soothing music by concentrating on the sounds. Join with other sensible/like minded people Spend time with people interested in the same things you are and learn at the same time. It has been found that the commonalities between people brings them closer together and facilitates greater harmony. Volunteer you spare time to helping others Give away your time, some money to a credible charity/organization you believe in, or give away something you don't use anymore but may be useful to someone else. What you give is what you get in life, so by giving you will receive in one way or another Help

others and you will be helped You have a profound effect on raising your vibration when you help others as it makes you feel good from the inside~ Be aware of your thoughts, words and actions Everything you do comes back to you in some way so always be wary of how you treat others and how you act in all situations. How you treat others is how you will be treated, by doing the right thing by everyone you come into contact with will help to raise your vibration as others continue to do the right thing by you. Treating everyone compassionately will attract positive people and opportunities into your life. Avoid the television, radio and media in general It is especially important to avoid all news programs as they do much more harm to your vibration level than they do good. By watching TV you end up taking in so much negative energy it becomes confusing to your subconscious mind and some of that negative imagery and energy gets absorbed by your subconscious and elevates a feeling of fear from within. Most of the media works by fear mongering, they want to shock you into a state of fear so you keep on watching and the more you watch the more addicted you become. This has a disastrous impact on your vibration level. Stay as optimistic and as rational as possible This can be difficult to do especially when you are in a crisis but when you are in a crisis situation, this is when it's most important to stay positive. By remaining positive and rational, you keep your vibration high, and when you are vibrating at a higher rate your challenges will dissipate much quicker or you may find it was not really a problem at all Positive things and events are attracted to positive people. Surrounding yourself with positive, sensible and rational people is a great way to remain in a healthy state of mind. Keep in touch with your feelings/emotions This is an important factor in keeping your vibration level high Feelings and emotions are a cosmic connection in regards to your entire life and the well-being of the planet The universe understands the language of feelings and emotions that one expresses When you are feeling good about yourself only other things residing on the same level of frequency will be attracted into your life Your level of vibration runs parallel with your feelings, meaning you are in control of your life and the events that come into your life at any given moment If there was one most important point in relation to raising your vibration it would be to stay on top of your feelings Know that what we speak, think and feel is a vibration that goes out into the universe and effect everything around us. In the words of Usui-sensei "For today only... Do not be angry Do not be anxious

Be grateful Work hard and be kind to others..." source Related Articles: Top 10 Ways to Raise Your Consciousness Vibrational Reality 15 Tips to Boost Your Energy and Spirituality All About Empathy and Empaths Frequency and Dimensions Dolores Cannon Separating Earth RAISING YOUR VIBRATIONAL RATE Since we know that all creation is manifest from Divine energy, we also know that the smallest component exist as pure energy. The density of an object is governs how fast that energy can physically vibrate. Therefore everything physically manifested vibrates within certain ranges of frequency in order for human senses to perceive it. A major factor that limits people from readily perceiving higher dimensions is because the frequency rate of vibration is outside the range of human perception. This contributes to their lack of faith and ability to believe in something that can not be perceived through the normal senses. Even though you cant perceive something doesnt prove that it doesnt exist. For example, you can blow on a dog whistle and not hear it, but the sound is real because your dog reacts. The Higher Dimensional Beings and those Dimensions are being perceived by some people because they have learned to perceive them through different senses, but for most people this is beyond their range of perception. Though many people are beginning or are working with energies on different planes and dimensions because they are consciously working to increase their rate of vibration. Raising your vibration enables you to receive a more direct guidance and clearer guidance from your Higher self because it vibrates at a higher rate. Having this direct link allows for information to be more easily accepted by the conscious and actualized. Therefore a direct link is formed to interact with your Higher Self, Archangels, Ascended Masters and the Brotherhood. You can raise your personal vibration by doing specific energy work with your Higher Self and Guides of Light. This frequency raising energy work can be done by everyone, and is being done in many ways naturally on an ongoing basis as the vibration of the Earth is being raised in preparation for the Ascension. Raising your vibration also opens you to different levels of consciousness. The first level of change enters you into Lunar consciousness, this is where clairvoyant and healing abilities heighten. This stage of consciousness lasts for approximately five years.

The next stage is Solar Consciousness, you become more attuned and start to heal and clear problems from all of the subtle bodies (physical, emotional, astral mental and spiritual). This can last from three to five years. This is a very high level and most people never go any higher. lightworkers, healers and Spiritual teachers that are to work on an intense level with spirit can reach the next step which is Stellar Consciousness. To reach Stellar means that you are a clear channel for spirit, which requires cleaning and anchoring all your have chakras, and dealing with all your karma. Emergence with the Divine Force, God, Ultimate Being or whatever you wish to call the superior force is the next step, and it truly is only available to the great spiritual teachers. Activation of the 12 strands of DNA into the physical and interface with the lightbody is completed. Consequently, raising your vibration heightens your awareness, develops telepathy, intuition, and increases ESP abilities in which to live your life in a more conscious manner. This expanded awareness of energy also helps to open and develop channels of communication from other realms of Light Beings, Spirit Guides, and Nature Spirits. These realms encourage intuition, knowing, and the ability to receive evident guidance from Spirit, thus enhancing your quality of life by imbuing harmony, balance, joy, and inner-peace. Your reception of this increased Love or Light into your being projects it into everything you do, effecting and anchoring more Light on the Earth Plane. Furthermore, this benefits humanity by pioneering the path which will result to encourage others to evolve on their spiritual path. COMMON VIBRATIONAL SIGNALS The out-of-body experience is a method that helps to separate you from physical consciousness in order to explore other realms and dimensions. Recognizing energy triggers will help prepare and alert you to opportunities for energy shifts. Buzzing, humming, electrical or roaring sounds Unusual tingling or energy sensations, hair standing on end, goosebumps Voices, singing, laughter, or your name being called out Heaviness or sinking, feelings of expansion and contracting Numbness or paralysis in any part of your body Weightlessness, levitation or lightness spreading throughout the body Any internal vibrations out of norm Electrical-like pulses of energy Footsteps or other sounds of a Beings presence Internal rocking, spinning, or movement of any kind Arms or legs lifting while asleep Surge of energy flowing through your body

Any noise out of the norm, wind, engine, music, bells, etc. Delightful smells, flower aromas There are several theories about the cause and nature of the vibrations associated with outof-body experiences. This seems to be a direct result of the higher frequency, nonphysical body moving out of phase with the physical body. Often the intensity of the vibrations diminishes immediately after complete separation is achieved. The response to these initial sensations determines whether an effective separate from the physical body can be achieved. The following is a basic guideline for responding to the vibrational state. Remain calm. The vibrations, sounds, numbness, and catalepsy are a normal experience. Relax and enjoy the vibrations as they spread throughout your entire body. Remember not to move or think about your physical body (Any physical movement will shut down the vibrational process). Allow the vibrations, sounds, numbness, or catalepsy to expand and envelop you. Dont analyze or judge the experience, simply allow it to spread through every level of your being. Visualize yourself moving away from your physical body and toward another area in your home. This can be enhanced by mentally directing yourself by a repeated thought. Now I move to the door, etc. (Any location away from your body.) Be open to all various forms of motion, floating, sinking, spinning, lifting and flying, etc. Flow with the motion. After complete separation is obtained, the vibrations will immediately diminish. At this point its critical to focus and maintain your complete attention away from your physical body. Electrical sensations in the back of the neck, spine or shoulders accompanies a rise in vibration. The physical body in each case reacts to shifts in vibrations and a corresponding shift in the autonomic and sympathetic system ensues. Electrically, an increase in vibration may be measured through bio-feedback alpha and theta states increase correspondingly. Increasing ones vibration may be described as tuning the body, through the mind, to achieve higher states of consciousness or awareness.


When the crown chakra opens or expands it can be an intense and painful experience. It might feel like a spike or rod is being inserted. Headaches are common and they can range from migraines, to cluster headaches. Women seem to experience them more than men. They can be caused by too much energy flowing through the crown chakra, and by hormonal changes which occurs when the chakras are stimulated. Sometimes the pain can be eased by asking Spirit and your Higher Self to make an adjustment in the energy flow. When you ask for aid to ease the pain and it is part of the process that is opening and expanding your pineal or pituitary gland, the pain will only lessen. As your vibrational

rate increases, the pineal and the pituitary glands expand to accommodate the higher energy frequencies. Other glands change also, but these two are the major ones that contribute to headaches. This can last a few months, or a few years depending on what level of spiritual development that you are at and your rate of growth.


This is quite common and part of the process. Just ride it out and dont take antibiotics which will only prolong the process. These symptoms are caused by the physical body reaction to the toxins that are released when the chakras begin to expand. What ever was constricting or congesting the chakras is flushed through the blood. Also new beliefs and paradigms are enacted the imprinted consciousness in the blood becomes toxic to the physical system because it does not support the new thoughts and contributes to confusion. It is helpful to supplement the body with blood fortifying enzymes, herbs and essential oils to ease the symptoms. Hot lemon drinks will also help cleanse the body. Dont work too much during this time, because you are going through a major shift in vibration. Try and take it easy, and it will pass.


This is a common reaction when the solar plexus chakra opens and releases the stored fear, anger and resentment held in the area. Karmic and family issues will produce gas and farting. The Bach Flower Rescue Remedy can ease these symptoms. Dont be afraid to take it every 30 minutes if necessary.


Increasing your vibration forces the energy through the body. When there are blockages impeding the energy flow this raised and forced energy slams into them causing these symptoms and ails. Often this is alleviated by asking for assistance from the Higher Self to adjust the flow to ease the pain. The body can quickly adjust to the higher vibration in a few moments, hours, or days.


A very common symptom caused by an increased rate of vibration. This higher frequency forces any illnesses, viruses, or infections hiding in the body to surface. To discover the root-cause contributing to this state examine your beliefs and decisions that are creating your reality. It is also important to monitor your internal dialogue to learn what you are creating for yourself. Observing and realizing the state you are experiencing is not cause by the present allows it to quickly pass. The herb St. Johns Wart eases depression and is anti-viral too.


When blockages from this lifetime, and other lifetimes began to release the emotional body will react in this manner. The Photon Belt energy stimulates and contributes to the spontaneous release of these burdens. Trying to control or resists these urges further represses and blocks the energy making things more difficult. Crying, moaning, sobbing or toning becomes a cleansing release. Use a Bach flower remedy, or an essential oil to help with the emotional body.


This is a symptom experienced when the heart chakra begins to open or enlarge to receive more energy. Pain sensations in the heart and not being able to breath can be very frightening because you may think you are having a heart attack. The above symptoms are caused by the expansion of energy running through your solar plexus and heart chakra (heart and stomach area). The best solution is to relax which will adjust the energy flow. Anxiety and fear only constricts the energy thus, causing a more severe reaction. This is a normal experience when undergoing a frequency increase.


These are commonly experienced by both men and women. This is due to energy flowing too quickly through the body, hormonal changes, which men have too, and the body learning to adjust to the higher vibratory rate. Some men might experience fat being stored in this area which might feel like they are growing breasts. If you are a man dont be concerned about this, because this puffiness in the chest area will only last for a short


Waking in the morning and struggle to get out of bed after a full night of sleep, or falling asleep in the middle of the afternoon is common. This is caused when the energy is shifting throughout the whole spiritual body. This will pass in time, each person has a different time frame for some it can be weeks, for others months, for others years. If you can create a pyramid structure to sit under this will give you wonderful boosts of energy when you are lacking it. Drink lots of pure water to hydrate the cells, add crystals to energize the water. Eat light meals with organic veggies. Doing light physical exercise will stimulate the energy flow through the body. Bach remedies, flower essences and essential oils will also help the transition.

You go early to bed, exhausted, but in a couple of hours you are wide. This is caused by the Photon Belt energy accumulating around you, because the bodys inability to store the energy because it is blocked and congested. It is important not to get up and be active because the energy is for healing all the subtle bodies spiritual, mental, emotional and physical, the best way to assimilate the energy is to quietly sit and read, watch TV, or listen to meditation tapes to help you go back to sleep. This might seem to occur nightly for some time.

This is a very common complaint. The body feels like it is being invaded so it adds a layer of protection. If you are a Lightworker than additional water is needed to create energy. If you dont have enough water the body will store water, which ultimately leads to stagnation. Another major factor is that with the activation of new DNA fat is needed to hold the vibration. Body fat holds a higher vibration which is necessary to generate healing and channeling energy. Many of you also have agreed to anchor grids of light in the areas surrounding where you live. Anchoring these grids require body fat to help hold the energy. Body fat serves a very loving purpose as it allows embodiments to assist mother earth in holding her vibration. In becoming crystalline, the body fat is evenly distributed around every cell within the embodiment. This allows the entire body to act as

a tuning fork to hold a new vibration.


This can be a frightening experience because you cannot remember what you had for dinner, and dinner was only an hour away. YOU ARE NOT LOSING YOUR MEMORY. You are changing over from left brain function to more of a right brain function. Areas of the brain are being activated to cope with the higher energy coming in. Sometimes it is hard to speak, words come out jumbled or garbled, this situation will pass, there is no time limit on this.

As you open up to the higher vibration, you will find yourself becoming extremely sensitive to people, noises, light, smells, tastes, all sorts of things. This can affect the central nervous system and can be quite a difficult thing to cope with. You do need to take B vitamins and a multi vitamin if this is happening to you. If you are allergic to these vitamins then look for a homeopathic remedy or a Bach flower remedy for extreme sensitivity.


If this is happening to you, then you are really reaching a very high vibratory rate and will probably be a profound healer or channel for spirit. It is due to extremely high energy coming into the physical form. It could be described as 50,000 volts of electricity coming in at once, not only can the body not cope, but it goes through the body and out again and as it does so it affects all electronic equipment.

You will find that dogs and cats and other animals will become aware of your energy and be frightened of it or want to be around it all the time. Many animals cant get enough of the energy. Others are somewhat frightened because they do not understand it.

As you vibrate higher, you will find that you no longer want the things that you used to. Coffee, tea and meat are just three of the dietary changes that people make as they begin to vibrate faster. Meat is especially dense and can really affect the bodys energy, especially if it has hormones in it. You may develop cravings for certain foods, or go off your favorite foods. This is normal and a part of the change to the higher vibration. If you find this happening, then let it happen and explore the new possibilities. Home Articles Raise Your Vibration

Raising Your Personal Vibration

"Modern science has concluded that everything that exists in the universe is made of vibration" Hiroshi Doi-sensei..." Raising one's vibration is an effective way to live a more balanced and happy life, and also a way to send positive energy out into the universe. While emitting a lower vibration or frequency, one will never really come into harmony and balance and experience a more peaceful and happy life It is the life of discord/dissonance that facilitates lower vibration energy, and can be sensed manifesting in the world today It does take work, however, to raise vibrations, so a consistent effort is required to raise and maintain one's vibrations. Be mindful of your thoughts It is imperative to keep a close eye on the habitual thoughts that enter your head. It can be difficult at first to be aware of the many thoughts that constantly bombard your mind all day long but by beginning to notice unwelcome or negative thoughts you can start to replace them with a positive thought you already have preprogrammed in your mind. Have a positive thought in your mind, a thought that you know makes you happy, that you substitute in place of any negative thought that comes into your mind. The key to this thought substitution is to spend as much time thinking positive thoughts and less time thinking negative thoughts. By spending more time in balanced, positive and rational thought your vibration level will be enhanced. Think before you speak If you are looking for a new relationship, don't say things like "I can never find the right

person for me." If you talk like this, this is exactly what you will get. You get what you say and think. Even if you haven't been too successful in finding the right person previously, it doesn't matter. Change your words and you will change your life. Beware of ungrounded, severely negative types of individuals These types of people are running a very low vibration level, and their low vibration can have an adverse impact on your vibration level. Remember, a person's bio-energy field can extend out several feet from them. Surround yourself in white light if you feel that another's energy may have a negative effect on you. Spend time in meditation Take a walk through the woods or a nature center, and away from the city and the noise. Go to a place in the country if you can and take a long walk, concentrating on your surroundings, keeping your mind off your usual thoughts. This is a great way to clear your head and also help raise your vibration. If you can't get away, try listening to some soothing music by concentrating on the sounds. Join with other sensible/like minded people Spend time with people interested in the same things you are and learn at the same time. It has been found that the commonalities between people brings them closer together and facilitates greater harmony. Volunteer you spare time to helping others Give away your time, some money to a credible charity/organization you believe in, or give away something you don't use anymore but may be useful to someone else. What you give is what you get in life, so by giving you will receive in one way or another Help others and you will be helped You have a profound effect on raising your vibration when you help others as it makes you feel good from the inside~ Be aware of your thoughts, words and actions Everything you do comes back to you in some way so always be wary of how you treat others and how you act in all situations. How you treat others is how you will be treated, by doing the right thing by everyone you come into contact with will help to raise your vibration as others continue to do the right thing by you. Treating everyone compassionately will attract positive people and opportunities into your life. Avoid the television, radio and media in general It is especially important to avoid all news programs as they do much more harm to your vibration level than they do good. By watching TV you end up taking in so much negative energy it becomes confusing to your subconscious mind and some of that negative imagery and energy gets absorbed by your subconscious and elevates a feeling

of fear from within. Most of the media works by fear mongering, they want to shock you into a state of fear so you keep on watching and the more you watch the more addicted you become. This has a disastrous impact on your vibration level. Stay as optimistic and as rational as possible This can be difficult to do especially when you are in a crisis but when you are in a crisis situation, this is when it's most important to stay positive. By remaining positive and rational, you keep your vibration high, and when you are vibrating at a higher rate your challenges will dissipate much quicker or you may find it was not really a problem at all Positive things and events are attracted to positive people. Surrounding yourself with positive, sensible and rational people is a great way to remain in a healthy state of mind. Keep in touch with your feelings/emotions This is an important factor in keeping your vibration level high Feelings and emotions are a cosmic connection in regards to your entire life and the well-being of the planet The universe understands the language of feelings and emotions that one expresses When you are feeling good about yourself only other things residing on the same level of frequency will be attracted into your life Your level of vibration runs parallel with your feelings, meaning you are in control of your life and the events that come into your life at any given moment If there was one most important point in relation to raising your vibration it would be to stay on top of your feelings Know that what we speak, think and feel is a vibration that goes out into the universe and effect everything around us. In the words of Usui-sensei "For today only... Do not be angry Do not be anxious Be grateful Work hard and be kind to others..." source Related Articles: Top 10 Ways to Raise Your Consciousness Vibrational Reality 15 Tips to Boost Your Energy and Spirituality All About Empathy and Empaths Frequency and Dimensions Dolores Cannon Separating Ear

How to Raise Your Energy Vibration

Image provided by Tea Two Sugars

Energy vibration is the essence of all life forms because without it life will not exist. If you were able to measure the vibrational rate of your energies, you can easily determine the state of your well-being. You can do this by studying the frequencies at where your energies are vibrating. The frequency rate of the human bodys energy is usually measured using the acronym MHz (megahertz). The measurement is done by using advanced technologies. If your energy frequency is vibrating below 60 megahertz, you are at risk of getting sick. Luckily, there are ways to increase your energy frequency. Below are some great tips to help raise your energy frequency or prevent it from decreasing to dangerous levels. How to raise your energy frequency or prevent it from decreasing.

Meditation: One of the cheapest and most effective way to raise your energy frequency is meditation. Meditation helps calm the body by bringing its energies back into balance. It also reduces stress and can activate the bodys natural healing system. For more information about meditation visit this page. Healthy food: Plant-based food is one of the best foods to help raise your energy frequency. Try not to cook it because it destroys many of its nutrients. Also, buy the organically grown instead of the conventionally grown plant-based food. Radiation: Being exposed to radiation can lower your energy frequency, even in small levels. Cathode Ray Tube (CTR) TVs and CTR computer monitor can lower your energy frequency because they emit radiation. Short exposure to CTR monitors shouldnt cause significant damage. Although, it would be wise to replace them with LCD or plasma monitors. The refresh rate of monitors may also affect your energy frequency, especially the energy frequency of the brain. Many of them are set below the required frequency for optimal brain performance. Artificial light: Light emitted from compact fluorescent light bulbs or standard light bulbs can lower your energy frequency. This is why you feel tired when you have long exposure to artificial light. Whenever you start feeling tired while being indoor, go outside and let your body absorb some sunlight. This will wake you up because sunlight rejuvenates your energies.

Junk food and fast food: These types of food lower your energy frequency because they contain little or no nutrient. They also contain harmful synthetic chemicals and preservatives. Meat: Try to limit your meat consumption as much as possible because it lowers your energy frequency. Meat-based food dont contain enough nutrients to keep your body running at maximum efficiency. Most Meat-based food contains saturated fat which is bad for your body. Synthetic food chemicals: There are so many synthetic chemicals used on food these days that they range in the thousands. Synthetic food chemicals can lower your energy frequency because they disrupt cell communication and cause chemical imbalance. Some of the worst ones are: artificial sweetener (aspartame, sucralose), MSG, hydrolyzed protein and hydrogenated vegetable oil. Please visit this page for a more detailed list. Starvation: Starving yourself, whether it is on purpose or not, will lower your energy frequency because food is what gives your body fuel to do work. Prescription drugs: Most of them are designed to work against the natural healing systems of the body instead of with it. They do help treat the disease to a certain point, but also cause other problems such as side effects. Prescription drugs dont cure diseases because they dont attack the source of the diseases at the root. Designer and natural drugs: Designer drugs lower your energy frequency because they are destructive to the systems of your body. Some drugs that are found in nature can also lower your energy frequency. Some drugs may raise your energy frequency but the side effects afterward will lower your energy frequency. The more you rely on the drugs, the worst the side effects. Example of designer and natural drugs include LSD, ecstasy, marijuana, shrooms, meth and cocaine. Alcohol and cigarette: They both lower your energy frequency because they are harmful to many systems of your body. Alcohol and cigarette are also full of harmful toxins. If you cant quit drinking alcohol or smoking cigarette, try reducing your alcohol or cigarette intake as much as possible. DNA activation: Scientists have found out that most of our DNA is not active. Because it is not active, they dont know its roles so they end up calling it junk DNA. Your junk DNA is the key to raising your energy frequency because when activated it allows you access to high frequency energies. These energies have incredible healing capabilities and will help activate certain senses that are beyond the five sense. DNA activation is the best way to increase your energy frequency. If interested in this subject please visit this site.

The Power of Meditation

Image provided by Alice

The society that we live in today doesnt teach us enough about how to understand ourselves from within. Because of this, most people dont understand who they truly are which are spiritual beings. Instead, they believed that their bodies are their true identities. By believing that they are physical beings, they lose touch with the light (soul) within them that focused them into existence. This causes confusion and traps them in the illusion (the physical reality) that was designed to help them evolve spiritually. In other words, their spirits are asleep and they are only awake at the physical level. In order for us to understand who we are and why we are here, we need to reduce the distraction of illusions that are created by our conscious minds. This is where meditation becomes very important because it helps reduce distractions which brings our bodies and minds to a finer state of equilibrium. At this level, disturbance is very minimal and our consciousness is in a state of ecstasy, spaceless and timeless. It is a state that is similar to the consciousness of the Creator. The state can be referred to as pure potentiality, creativity, eternity, fulfillment, peace, joy, happiness and infinite possibilities. If we can perfect this technique, we increased the power of creation within us and anything is possible. All we have to do is use the power of imagination and we can instantly create our own reality. Since we are nowhere near this level, it is impossible for us to fully use this pure potential energy of creation but that doesnt mean that we shouldnt try. Perfecting meditation takes time, commitment and patience, but learning this technique will help you achieve a higher level of consciousness. Meditation will help you find your true purpose in life because it opens the connection between your body and soul. Your soul is a fragment of the One Infinite Creator and is a reflection of every other soul. Even though each soul is united through the consciousness of the Creator, it is unique from every other soul because of freewill. This is why you have your own unique personalities. Because each soul is unique, seeking external things for answers are not going to help you find your true desires. Your soul also holds the knowledge and wisdom from your past lives. By opening the connection between your body and soul, you made it easier for

yourself to access pass knowledge and wisdom. The memories within you is nothing more than stored energies. Physicists know about this and are trying to find a way to read the energies stored at the fundamental level of space-time geometry. What does this all mean? If physicists can find a way to read the information stored in the energies of space, they will be able to uncover many secrets of the Universe. How does this relates to me? It relates to you because if you can meditate and reconnect yourself to the energies stored inside your soul. You will be able to find out who you truly are and why you are here on Earth. Once you know who you are and where you are going, it becomes easier to achieve divinity, happiness, peace and enlightenment. Meditation is one of the cheapest and most effective way to heal your body. It is effective because it reduces stress and heals the body at the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. Certain scientists found out that when people meditate, their DNA stretches. This allow their RNA to move in and access critical data stored in their DNA. Once their RNA downloads the data, it will have the necessary information to go out and help heal their body. Meditation is one of the best ways to help you find true happiness and love. Many people live their lives trying to find true happiness and love, but instead they will end up finding pain and sorrow. The main reasons for this is because they are searching in the wrong places and they lack the understanding of love. You cant find true happiness and love from external things until you find it within yourself first. The happiness and love within you is real, infinite and unconditional. The happiness and love you find from external things are usually temporary and will not be able to fill the void within you. Remember, everything you need to know about yourself is already within you. Instead of relying on external things to help you find your true self, look within you. Once you reconnect yourself to this infinite source of pure potential energy, all the answers to many of your personal questions will start to surface, even the questions relating to religion. After that, then you can start relying on external things to help fulfill your emotions and needs, just be smart about it. Related Posts: by by David Wolfe It is great to have little reminders helping guide us on our path wherever we turn. The following 10 secrets are little reminders, they are things we already know and are always inspired to hear and read more about.. By incorporating these 10 secrets into your daily life, you always enjoy more vibrant energy, true joy, abundant prosperity, and exceptional health. 1. Plant Seeds. The most fertile soil in the world is found in the human mind. Seeds are karmic substances: they have a potential and a destiny. If you wish to reap a different destiny in any area of your, you need to plant new different seeds today. As you think so shall you be.

2. Set Goals. If you are not working to achieve your own goals, you are working to achieve anothers goals. Set goals which challenge your brain to think in new directions. Write down your goals with tremendous clarity and intensity. Goals backed by faith will get you there. 3. Have Faith. Faith is the ability to have trust in powers greater than yourself, to stride into the unknown with confidence, and to believe in your own abilitiesno matter what. The stronger your faith and clarity, the quicker you will set yourself into the Divine time flow where one is always in the perfect place at the perfect time. Get out on a limb; you will discover that is where all the fruit is! 4. Guard Against the Negative. The opposite of faith is fear and doubt. Doubt stops the full expression of your life potential. Faith is the one power against which fear cannot stand. Be strong and fear not, for strength of deed and sincerity of character will prevail over all obstacles. 5. Trust Your Intuition. Your intuition is the greatest tool you were given to help you navigate through this world. Trust it and use it. Nature will guide you towards growing and achieving the greatest levels of happiness if you simply tune in, listen to, and act upon your intuition. 6. Eat Sun Foods. We are what we eat. Eating plant foods transfers the vital Sun energy directly to you, undiminished. Raw plant food is truly the most perfect food for human consumption. A purification of the diet supports self-healing and radical whole-body rejuvenation. 7. Breathe With Intention. For more vibrant and fresh energy, start breathing with greater awareness. By altering the intensity and frequency of your breath you can calm, cleanse, awaken and rejuvenate your mind and body. The more oxygen available to your cells, the more energy you have to accomplish your goals. 8. Move Your Body. Daily exercise and stretching are essential to excellent health. Moving your body circulates blood, moves lymph fluid, distributes nutrients, cleanses cells and strengthens your bodys systems and structures. A physiology of vibrant health leads to an enhanced mental, emotional and spiritual states. Practice yoga, martial arts, dance, sports, or anything that keeps you moving! 9. Do What You Love. You are endowed with a unique gift. Turn what you have in your heart into something others can enjoy and you may use your rewards to live an abundant life spiritually, emotionally, mentally, physically, and financially. Remember that wherever your heart is, there too you will find your treasures. 10. Smile. The most attractive thing you can do is smile. Like the Sun, a smile brightens the entire day. Smiles are not just seen they are felt and have a profound and immediate effect. The vibration emitted by a smile is warm, friendly, inviting and best of all it is contagious.

The power of your thoughts, a gentle endearing smile, a confident stride, and a knowingness of your place in this world are all vibrations that define who you are. By raising your own vibration, you alter the vibration of others and the world around you. A great transformation in a single individual can alter the destiny of the human race. Now is always the best time to rise above, to make a difference, to profoundly change the world by starting with a few shifts within yourself.

Pineal Gland: The Gateway to Higher Dimensions

Image provided by Ryan Somma

The pineal gland is one of the most important glands for connecting us to other dimensions, such as the dream and spiritual plane. It is located in the middle of our brains and is shaped like a pine cone, which is why it is called the pineal gland. Ancient civilizations and spiritual teachers have always associated the pineal gland as the third eye, inner eye or spiritual eye. They believed that the pineal gland is an all-seeing eye that can connect us to other dimensions. The pineal gland is very important for our overall health because it is the gland that produces melatonin. Melatonin is an antioxidant that helps keep free-radicals in check. Some researchers believed that melatonin may help improve immunity, increase longevity and reduce the risk of certain brain injury. One of the most important functions of melatonin is regulating sleep patterns. According to researchers, the absence of light is what activates the pineal gland to secrete melatonin. Once melatonin is secreted, it goes into the cerebrospinal fluid, then travels through out our body and activates our bodys sleeping mechanisms. Researchers have recently found another important chemical that is produced by the pineal gland, which is known as dimethyltryptamine (DMT). DMT is a naturally occurring hallucinogenic chemical compound that can create hallucinatory effects similar to LSD. DMT levels in schizophrenia are usually higher than people without schizophrenia. Because the pineal gland produces melatonin and DMT, people with schizophrenia or sleeping problems may have an overactive or defected pineal gland.

There are many substances that can interfere with the functions of the pineal gland. One of the worst substances is sodium fluoride. Fluoride is very toxic to the pineal gland because fluoride calcifies it. This hardening of the pineal gland prevents it from functioning properly. Fluoride was used as a rat poison before it was introduced into commercial products and water systems. When it comes to health, treating water with fluoride makes no sense at all. There are far more effective and healthier ways to treat water systems without the use of fluoride. Alcohol and certain drugs such as LSD can also interfere with the functions of our pineal gland. Having a healthy pineal gland is very beneficial for our health. It also makes it easier for us to connect to our soul, higher-self and other dimensions. Some people believed that one of the main purposes for adding fluoride to our drinking water is to destroy our connection to our soul/spirit. The reason for this is because spiritual people are harder to control. Their intuition is stronger than the average person which makes it easier for them to see through the lies of the controller. The secrets of the pineal gland lies within its interior. The pineal gland looks like a pine cone from the outside, but if we cut it open and look inside, it looks somewhat similar to an eye. Its interior wall is filled with rods and cones similar to the retina in our eyes. Sounds a little strange huh? Well, look like ancient civilizations and spiritual teachers knew what they were talking about when they called it the third eye, minds eye or spiritual eye. The pineal gland is one of the smallest glands in the body but has more blood flow per a cubic volume than any other gland. It also has one of the highest concentration of energy and is filled with specialized water. You may be wondering why this little gland has so many strange features. The reason is because it is the gateway that connect us to other dimensions. Have you ever had an experience when you fell asleep or about to fall asleep, and start seeing your room with a 360 degree view? This is your third eye being activated by your pineal gland. It is the all-seeing eye. This similar experience can also happen when you are about to wake up. The pineal gland would be a great gland to study for building machines that can time travel or connect us to other dimensions. Im sure there are probably many scientists that are studying this gland for these purposes. It wouldnt surprise me if there are secret government agencies that had already created these type of machines. Related Posts:

The Seven Chakras: Third Eye Chakra The Heart: Intelligent Fifth Brain



(No Ratings Yet) Spiritual Energy Inner Eye, Melatonin, Pineal Gland, Spiritual Eye, Third Eye

Comments (7)
Trackback URL | Comments RSS Feed 1. Joe says: November 15, 2009 at 11:23 am I think you have a great site and you have obviously done quite a bit of research on these topics. However, I would like to suggest that you dont make comments that damage your credibility. For example: The pineal gland would be a great gland to study for building machines that can time travel or connect us to other dimensions. Im sure there are probably many scientists that are studying this gland for these purposes. It wouldnt surprise me if there are secret government agencies that had already created these type of machines. I really dont believe you should speculate anything but rather do the research and found out for certain if there is anything to support your thoughts and post them otherwise leave them out. Doing so would make your site seem more professional. Also, you may want to do some spelling and grammar checking as well. Please dont take these suggestions the wrong way as they are meant as constructive criticism. Reply

PL Chang says: November 15, 2009 at 1:36 pm Thanks for the suggestions


Sammy says: July 30, 2010 at 1:11 am I like what you got goin keep up the awesome work man. Reply


Scott says: April 25, 2010 at 2:01 pm Thank you for the great information, especially about the effects of flouride on the pineal gland. I had never heard that before. Reply

PL Chang says: April 25, 2010 at 9:47 pm You are welcome Scott! Reply


john king says: November 4, 2010 at 6:02 pm My father was schizophrenic and was obsessed with the theory that he was seeing an alternate reality. I dismissed this as crazy and the more I study, the more it seems Iwas crazy. He went as far as to start writing a book. He died from a brain tumor and though I was there, I will always regret not listening to his final message. Please never make the same mistake Reply

PL Chang says:

November 5, 2010 at 12:04 pm Sorry to hear about your father. As human beings, our understanding of reality is still in its infancy state so it is important to be open-minded about other potential reality, such as higher dimensions and alternate reality. For a brief but concise explanation of reality please click on the link below. Reply

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Hi! My name is Pao L. Chang and Im the author/founder of Ever since graduating from high school in 2001, I noticed that my energy level was not as high as it used to be. While in college, I decided to educate myself about energy, health, wellness, and explore the mystery of alternative medicine and the power of spiritual healing. This journey taught me many more.

Image provided by Matt Scott

Meditation is a healing art that is overlooked by most people. Meditation is very beneficial for the mind, body, and spirit because it helps raise their energy vibration. It has been hypothesized that people whose energy vibrated at higher frequencies rarely get sick. The main reason is because disease-causing microorganisms have a hard time surviving in a body that is vibrating at higher frequencies. Russian scientists had actually done experiments that can somewhat proved this hypothesis. They found a way to purified water by just using higher vibrational energy of the Earth. This was done by mimicking the hidden powers of the ancient pyramids. By putting contaminated water under a pyramid built by the Russian scientists, they were able to destroyed all the microorganisms without adding any chemicals. They believed this was possible because the pyramid acted like a medium which can condense energy and increase its vibrational rate.

Some people dont like to meditate because they think it is time consuming and is hard because of the noise in their heads. The noise in their heads is actually a normal thing. It is also a sign that they need to discipline their minds. If you find out that you have a lot of distracting thoughts in your head during meditation, dont give up. There are a few things you can do to decrease the noise in your head. Three effective ones are mantra, breathing cycle and listening to meditation music. Once you become good at meditating, it may become addictive because of the ecstasy-like feelings. Your life will also feel more peaceful, joyful and happier because you are less stressed out. How to meditate:

Find a quiet area in your house where you wont be interrupted. Allow at least ten minutes for meditation, half an hour is what I recommend. Make sure your cell phone, alarm clock or any similar electronic is turned off. The reason for this is because during meditation, your body can be very relax, even trance-like. Any loud noise can startled you which is not good for the mind and body. If your are meditating during evening hours you may want to dim down the light or turn it off. If you are meditating during the day hours, pull the shade down so the room is not so lit up. The lack of light helps activate certain glands that can help you connect to higher levels consciousness. Sit down on a mat with your legs crossed or sit on a chair and make yourself comfortable. Being comfortable is very important for meditation. Close your eyes and relax all your muscles. Take a deep breath through your nose, hold it in for a few seconds, then exhale it through your mouth. Repeat this step 2 more times for a total of 3 breathes. If you start to get distracted from the noise in your head, concentrate on your breathing or repeat a mantra. You can also ask the Universe, God or the Creator to clear your mind, body and soul. Try to be calm, peaceful and non-judgmental. Once you are done meditating, start wiggling your hands and feet to feel grounded. When you feel ready, open your eyes slowly then turn the light back on.

The heart is one of the most important organs in the body because it is the medium which connects us to each other and the Universe. The hearts energy field is especially important for establishing the bond between the mother and child. This may be why it is the first organ to manifest after conception. In school we were taught that the main role of the heart is to pump blood to all the systems of the body. This definition of the heart is not very accurate. Besides pumping blood, the heart also has a intelligence of its own. It actually works similar to the brain which is why some neurocardiologist called it the fifth brain. According to Neurocardiologist, 60 percent of heart cells are neuron cells, not muscle cells. The heart is always communicating with all the other organs of the body. It does this at the subconscious level so we are not aware of it. The most important communication is between the heart and brain. This dynamic communication between the heart and brain lies one of the keys to help us transcend to higher levels of consciousness.

The intelligence of the heart is not linear. It is holographic, meaning that at any point of the hearts energy field, all knowledge of the whole is present. Unlike the brain, the heart gives us universal characteristic instead of individual characteristic. The pulsation of the heart radiates out a form of electromagnetic energy that looks like a torus. This electromagnetic field, also known as the aura, is what protect us and connect us to the energies of the Universe. The human body is not the only system that radiates torus-like electromagnetic energy. Planets and stars also radiate it too. Using sensitive instrument, scientists found out that planets and stars pulsate similar to the human heart and have consciousness. Therefore, they are also living beings but are living at a higher level than us. The heart plays a major role for our existence and happiness. For these reasons, we need to think and listen with our heart and not just our brain. Once we open our heart more, we will become more connected to higher levels of consciousness. This will help us become more benevolent because we will realize that we are one. Until we learn how to think with our heart, living in a world of unity, love, peace and understanding will be impossible. Related Posts:

The Soul: What is it The Four Basic Laws of the Universe Part Two

The Seven Chakras: Third Eye Chakra

Image provided by Ged Carroll

The third eye chakra (sixth chakra), also

known as ajna, is an indigo energy center located between the eyes or forehead. The third eye chakra looks like two cones that are connected at their tip. One cone extends in front of the body and the other extends in back of the body. The area where they are connected is located at the center of the body. The energies that make up the two cones spin opposite of each other. Its energy powers the eyes, ears, hypothalamus, pituitary gland and pineal gland. The main reason why it is called the third eye is because it operates similar to an eye. This third eye represent the element light and has the ability to see both physically and intuitively. The third eye has a strong connection to the pineal gland which is located near the center of the brain. The third eye chakra and the crown chakra (seventh chakra) are where communication to other dimensions can happen. The third eye chakra gives us access to information of the past, present and future. Its energy vibrates at such a high frequency that it transcends the physical dimensions of the lower chakras. Most peoples third eyes are usually closed because their thoughts are too distracted and egocentric. If people cleared their minds and practiced opening their third eyes, in time they may be able to use this psychic energy to guide them. People who have a balanced third eye chakra are more clear minded. They look at life from a higher perspective and are great guides because they are very wise. They are also very connected to nature and consciousness. People who have an imbalanced third eye chakra will usually have problem with mental clarity, seeing, hearing and accepting the truth. They tend to be delusional because many of their decisions are influenced by their overactive ego. They are more connected to their ego (false self) instead of their spirit (true self). An imbalanced third eye chakra may results in blindness, migraines, sleep disorders, depression and schizophrenia. How to clear and balance your third eye chakra:

Crystals: Blue and indigo crystals or stones are great for stimulating the third eye chakra. Some popular stones are ametrine, amethyst, azurite and sugilite. Visit this page for more details about using crystals. Light visualization: Imagine a transparent indigo ball by your forehead. Visualize that this is your third eye chakra. Mentally look or sense this indigo ball of energy shining brightly. Some people may see an oval shape that looks similar to an eye. If what you see is mostly dark colors, your third eye chakra may be very dirty. To clean it, visualize a pure white light illuminating from the inside of your third eye. Visualize this white light cleansing its energy until it is illuminating beautiful blue and indigo colors. Cleaning your chakra of dark energy may take a few weeks or months so please be patient.

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Raise Your Vibration Everything in the universe is made of energy. What differentiates one form of energy from another is the speed at which it vibrates. For example, light vibrates at a very

high frequency, and something like a rock vibrates at a lower frequency but a frequency nonetheless. Human beings also vibrate at different frequencies. Our thoughts and feelings can determine the frequency at which we vibrate, and our vibration goes out into the world and attracts to us energy moving at a similar frequency. This is one of the ways that we create our own reality, which is why we can cause a positive shift in our lives by raising our vibration. We all know someone we think of as vibrant. Vibrant literally means "vibrating very rapidly." The people who strike us as vibrant are vibrating at a high frequency, and they can inspire us as we work to raise our vibration. On the other hand, we all know people that are very negative or cynical. These people are vibrating at a lower frequency. They can also be an inspiration because they can show us where we don't want to be vibrating and why. To discover where you are in terms of vibrancy, consider where you fall on a scale between the most pessimistic person you know and the most vibrant. This is not in order to pass judgment, but rather it is important to know where you are as you begin working to raise your frequency so that you can notice and appreciate your progress. There are many ways to raise your vibration, from working with affirmations to visualizing enlightened entities during meditation. One of the most practical ways to raise your vibration is to consciously choose where you focus your attention. To understand how powerful this is, take five minutes to describe something you love unreservedly-a person, a movie, an experience. When your five minutes are up, you will noticeably feel more positive and even lighter. If you want to keep raising your vibration, you might want to commit to spending five minutes every day focusing on the good in your life. As you do this, you will train yourself to be more awake and alive. Over time, you will experience a permanent shift in your vibrancy.

Transmutative Join Date Nov 2007 Location Arkansas Posts 527 Thanks 11 Thanked 30 Times in 19 Posts Referrals 1 Rep Power 4

Raising Your Vibrations

The following is an exercise that you can do to start raising your vibrations. It involves asking our sun to impart it's energies to you so that you can start moving up the ladder. Receiving and assimilating the energies of the sun is technically our birthright as humans. However, only those who operate with integrity will be able to further their progress along these lines. The sun and many other stars actually use your Solar Plexus to convey these energies to you (didn't you always wonder about the name? ).

When it comes to assimilating the energy, you can verbally instruct your cell body to work with you in receiving and assimilating these energies will help the first couple times, and basically any time that you are having problems integrating new energies. 1. Verbally instruct your cell system that it is to co-operate with the infusion of solar energies you are asking for. This verbalization creates a vibration and is also a statement of co-operative intent on your part that you wish to receive the solar energy input. 2. Ask (do not invoke) the sun to infuse you with his solar energy. 3. Sit back and relax. Visualize a warm solar globe at your solar plexus. As you relax and breathe, visualize the solar energy infusing your body, hitting the other chakras, working its way up through your chest and down your arms - also moving the other direction down your trunk into your legs. As the energy comes in, you should feel a warmth as well as a heightened level of energy - sort of like you had too much caffeine. This is normal and nothing to be alarmed about. Feel the energies as they reach your crown chakra. You will probably feel a tingling sensation at your crown. With these simple steps you have opened the solar gateway to your body. The process only needs be done in this manner a few times until your cell system (the body's computer) becomes assimilated to accepting the energy. Once assimilated, a simple asking of the sun for the energies will suffice - no longer needing the visualization process. This ad goes away when you register. Because we are all at different vibratory levels in our development some people will feel very little to start with, but with intent and repetition of the exercise you will be able to dial in to these energies. Others whose vibrations are already operating at higher frequencies will notice the difference right away. The process works for everyone, provided you stick with it until you can feel it. The sun's energies are healthful and life giving. Many people have heard of the 'angel' Rafael. Rafael is an energy technician (using a more modern term for angel) who works with solar energies and can be asked to assist in this assimilation and energy receiving process. These energies in some mystic schools are called the Fire of Life energies. If you perform these steps as written, then very soon you shoud see results for your

work. Once you start assimilating the sun's energy, your vibrational level will start heightening, opening the way for other energies available as you develop further. I hope this finds all of you well. If you are really having trouble, I can help you get attuned to this energy. Remember, this energy is a gift and should be treated as such. Misuse of this energy will not fair well for you. With love and oh-so-much light, John My Music: To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 10 or greater. You currently have 0 posts. I will be in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing. To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 10 or greater. You currently have 0 posts. Reply With Quote

The Following User Says Thank You to Benares For This Useful Post:
moonshadow (07-23-2010) 12-02-2007 07:09 PM #2 Benares

Transmutative Join Date Nov 2007 Location Arkansas Posts 527 Thanks 11 Thanked 30 Times in 19 Posts Referrals 1 Rep Power 4

Some of you may already be working with this technique and finding that it works. As you continue working with this energy, you will notice that the sensation it gives you is not as strong as it originally was. This shows that your body is assimilating the energy and harmonizing with the vibrations of our sun. In other words, the more you take in the more you assimilate, the more your body chemistry alters, the less you will feel the effects. As long as your spiritual integrity stays high, then many other energies will be presented to you as your vibrations are raised high enough to accept them. There are many other stars and occasionally even constellations that can present energy input to you in the form of what I call 'downloads'. Many beings of the light can give downloads.. on the ladder of vibration, these come in as a form of energy to raise your vibrations. Others include information for a specific purpose or containing information that is downloaded to you 'harddrive' (subconscious and/or superconscious) and will be accessed when it is appropriate. Each of these energies come with different sensations or 'flavors', if you will. As you continue to climb the vibrational ladder, if you so choose, you can occasionally experience discomfort during the input of these energies, especially in the initial stages. I sometimes experience a headache or some slight nausea. This is nothing to be worried about. You have the right to ask for these energies to be levelized or modulated to meet your current vibrations. As with our sun's energy, the more you work with these energies, the more your body will assimilate it. Some people are born taking in the sun's energies. A good way to tell if you are ready for the next step up is to ask for the next solar consciousness to give you a small download. If it is not something you can handle, you can ask to have it backed off partially or all the way. Alcyone, the giant in the star system of the Pleadies, is the next solar input step from our sun. The flavor is the energy is similar to our sun's, although it has more of a tempered body feel to it. I've found that you can easily sleep while receiving a downloading from Alcyone. I figured a lot of you are wondering, "Why are we raising our vibrations?" I believe David Icke offers a pretty good explanation in his book "..And the Truth Will Set You Free": "As people awaken and let go of the programming, their consciousness also let's go of that programming's vibratory suppression which is holding down their own frequency. When the mind and feeling centers are opened and allowed to expand, their frequency rises, and if this is allowed to continue, it will reach the point where it can synchronize with frequencies outside the vibratory prison. This allows these higher frequencies to be filtered down to our levels of being to this concious level, and then broadcast out into this physical world. When this state of being is achieved, those people become walking, talking, transmitters of a higher frequency." So not only are we furthering our spiritual growth, but we are serving as an anchor for

the high vibrational energies on the Earth. This help bring our fellow humans along to the party. Everyone will notice your energies subconsciously if not consciously. As an empath, I am very aware when someone of high vibrations than I am is in my energy field. Sometimes I have to literally pull myself off of the ceiling. All in all, this helps other souls remember their purpose and wake up from the frequency we have been under for centuries. A great book to read on this subject as well as many others is "Bringers of the Dawn" by Barabara Marciniak. It is definitely not one of those 'read and file' books.. it has great information not only for novices, but those who have been on their path for many years. Different parts of it will speak to different people. I hope, once again, this finds all of you well. With love and that extra dose of light, John My Music: To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 10 or greater. You currently have 0 posts. I will be in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing. To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 10 or greater. You currently have 0 posts. Reply With Quote 12-02-2007 07:10 PM #3 rug

meekah barukeeta Join Date Nov 2007 Location cape cod Posts 671 Thanks 0 Thanked 0 Times in 0 Posts Rep Power 4 wonderful thanks for the clear words my brother Every gift of God makes the soul ready to receive a new gift, greater than itself. Meister Eckhart

Reply With Quote 12-02-2007 07:35 PM #4 PsychoActiveSoul

Priest of Brahman Join Date Nov 2007 Posts 558 Thanks 36 Thanked 26 Times in 24 Posts Referrals 1 Rep Power 4 I used to meditate while looking at the sun with closed eyelids. I eventually began to focus my psyche on the brightness my eyes were exposing me to, and I found this raised my presence significantly as well. I figured this out while thinking about brain chemistry, and serotonin. I think it is easy to understand how the sun could be revered as a god by some civilizations. It is an excellent spiritual tool. survival is the game. Life the religion. My family my fortress. Reply With Quote 07-23-2010 02:43 AM #5 moonshadow

Junior Member Join Date May 2010 Location Perth, WA Posts 23 Thanks 10 Thanked 2 Times in 2 Posts Rep Power

0 Thank you so much for this information! Lately I've been making a conscious effort to raise my vibrations but without such a guide... just been doing what feels right... this is a wonderful help, thankyou

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