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F-500 Encapsulator Technology is a unique agent different from many of the other fire suppression products you may

be familiar with. F-500 Performs Three Primary Functions to Rapidly Knockdown and Extinguish Fires: 1. 2. F-500 encapsulates flammable fuel liquids and vapors rendering them nonflammable. F-500 is engineered to facilitate rapid heat reduction. This rapid heat reduction allows for improved firefighter life safety and quick fire extinguishment. F-500 interrupts the free radical chain reaction. Interruption of the free radical chain reaction limits the creation of soot and smoke resulting in increased visibility and rapid fire extinguishment.


F-500 Is Not Foam! F-500 has no requirements to form and maintain a foam blanket to affect fire extinguishment. F-500 does not require the specialized equipment that is required when using foams.

UL Listed at 1% for Class A Fires UL Listed at 3% for Class B Fires Effective on Class D Fires at 6% Due to F-500s rapid heat reduction capabilities, departments have successfully extinguished Class D fires with F-500. When attacking Class D fires, F-500 should be proportioned at 6% and delivered in a low-pressure fog pattern.

Ratio: 1-Part F-500 : 8-Parts Fuel : 32-Parts Water Additional water is not detrimental Additional F-500 is not beneficial Agitate the mixture vigorously HAZMAT units responding to fuel spills find this capability particularly appealing.

USING F-500:
Equipment: F-500 requires no special nozzles or equipment to use and is non-corrosive. Delivery Systems: F-500 can be batch mixed in apparatus tanks. Typically, F-500 is mixed at 1% for common Class A fires. F-500 can be placed in an on-board foam tank and proportioned with apparatus or pump-mounted devices. F-500 can be educted via in-line or around-the-pump eductor. As with all firefighting agents, the nozzle and eductor must be matched for the appropriate pressure and flow rate. Environmental: F-500 is non-toxic, non-skin sensitizing, and 100% biodegradable. F-500 is listed on the US EPA NCP Product Schedule as a surface washing agent.
F-500 is on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's NCP Product Schedule. This listing does NOT mean that EPA approves, recommends, licenses, certifies, or authorizes the use of F-500 on an oil discharge. This listing means only that data have been submitted to EPA as required by subpart J of the National Contingency Plan, Sec. 300.915.


150 Walter Way Fayetteville, GA 30214 Tel: 770-719-5112 Fax: 770-719-5117 Email:

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