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CP-102 Business Statistics

Important questions for the final examination 1. Write short notes on the followings:a. Splicing b. What is the best average for qualitative data? c. Mean deviation d. S.D. e. Simple ,partial and multiple correlation f. Linear and non-linear correlation g. Regression coefficient h. Quality control i. One tailed and two tailed test j. Difference between parametric and non parametric test 2. Write notes on the followings:a. Type 1 and type 2 error b. Null and alternative hypothesis c. Procedure to test the hypothesis d. Point and interval estimation e. Level of significance f. Confidence level g. Properties of a good estimator h. Bayes theorem i. Acceptance sampling j. Consumer risk and producer risk

k. Difference between correlation and regression l. Central limit theorem

m. Law of large number

n. Sampling and non sampling error 3. What do you mean by time series? What are the various components of time series? How you will measure the seasonal variation? 4. What do you mean by Index numbers? What are the various problems that are faced while constructing Index numbers? 5. What do you mean by probability? Explain the subjective and objective probability on detail. 6. What do you mean by SQC? What are the various charts can be used for the purpose of quality control? 7. Explain the various non parametric tests in detail. 8. Distinguish between population and sample. Discuss the relative methods of sampling.

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