Three Short Valentine's Day Plays

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Dale Andersen 27702 Crown Valley Par way S!"#e $$7% D&' Ladera Ran()% CA *2+*' ,-+2. -0/&-/20 )##0122www3l"n ed"n3(o42"n2daleandersen andersen3dale564a"l3(o4

Ta7le o8 Con#en#s

T)e Hal8&Ea#en C)"l"do6999999999999999999999999999Pa6e : T)an Yo!9999999999999999999999999999999999999999Pa6e $:

Ann";ersary99999999999999999999999999999999999999Pa6e 2-


C)ara(#er Brea down S)e9999999999999998e4ale% #wen#y&so4e#)"n6 He99999999999999994ale% #wen#y&so4e#)"n6 Syno0s"s I#'s Valen#"ne's Day and a wo4an on #)e re7o!nd de("des #o r!n o88 #o a (a7"n on a deser#ed 7ea() #o 6e# away 8ro4 4en3

Te()n"(al Re>!"re4en#s ?a##ress% #a7le% 2 ()a"rs% 2 4a#()"n6 ey()a"ns% 2 (ell0)ones% a##a()e (ase% o;ern"6)# 7a63

No#e1 Half-Eaten Chilidog )ad 0rod!(#"ons a# #)e C)an(e T)ea#re "n Ana)e"4% CA% and a# S#a6es "n <!ller#on% CA3

4 (SHE enters cabin Sets backpack on table Sits at table Gets comfortable by stages Begins writing letter Suddenly stops Thinks better of writing and nstead takes out her cell phone She dials and waits! SHE1 Hey@ Ha00y Valen#"ne's day@ SA4e Yea) sA4e a6a"n Really really 4e a6a"n Really really really 4e and 6!ess w)a#B I 4ade "#3 IA4 )ere ?ade "# all #)e way I now I now w)a# I sa"d Hey% I now I re4e47er I now@ Hey% I (an ()an6e 4y 4"nd% OCB Loo % I now w)a# I sa"d B!# #)a# was 20 4"n!#es a6o T)a# was a d"88eren# 0)one (all3 T)a# was #)en T)"s "s now Hey@ New (all% new r!les3 Daney3 Daney3 T)a# was 7a( a# Der E"eners()n"#Fel E)en I s#o00ed #o 6e# a ()"l"do6 And I was #)"n "n6 ="rl T)ere yo! 6o a6a"n3 Ano#)er 8";e 0o!nds See w)a# )a00ensB Yo! d!40 yo!r 7oy8r"end And lea;e yo!r wor o!# 6ro!0 T)e 7ad )a7"#s (o4e r"6)# 7a(

5 SHE(Cont!1 L" e #)ey ne;er le8#3 Eell 6!ess w)a#B So I #)rew #)e ()"l" do6 away Hal8 ea#en Hey@ Hal8 ea#en doesn'# (o!n#3 No% "# doesn'#3 Does no#3 Does no#3 Daney Daney S#o0 "# Daney3 Daney3 T)e "40or#an# #)"n6 "s I d"dnA# #!rn aro!nd And dr";e 7a( And (a40 o!# In yo!r l";"n6 roo4 L" e a 7"6 8ra"dy (a# IA4 )ere I a4 really really )ere And "#As really Really "nd o8 I 4ean a(#!ally "nd o8 no# 7ad I 4ean )ey "#As No# Corona Del ?ar No# La Dolla3 No# New0or# Bea() Or so4e0la(e o!# #)ere w"#) #)e Ho"#y #o"#y r"() and 8a4o!s B!# s#"ll I#As "nda (ool C"nda nea# In a 7la) "nda way And IA4 !) HelloBB HelloB Oo0s #)o!6)# I los# yo! #)ere% Daney Daney% #)an s so 4!() 8or 8"nd"n6 #)"s 0la(e 8or 4e3 Yo! are #)e 7es#es# 7es# 8r"end In #)e w)ole w"de world and3 E)a#As "# l" eB Yo! wanna now w)a# "#As l" e )ereB Eell !) #)e )o!se "s l" e !) no#)"n6

6 SHE(Cont!1 D!s# 8o!r walls and a 4a##ress on #)e 8loor And a #a7le And #wo ()a"rs E)a#As #)e wordB Bas"(B Yea) 7as"(3 B!# n"(e3 And #)e 7ea() o!#s"de "s "nd o8 deser#ed I 4ean "#'s <e7r!ary and e;ery7odyAs 6one E)en #)ey say o88 season aro!nd )ere E;en #)e really s4elly 7!4s lea;e Ser"o!sly really No# one )ard 4ale 7ody "n 4"les So really "#As "nda really really 0ea(e8!l I (an 7rea#)e a6a"n No Daney3 S#o03 Daney DonA# yo! say #)a# DonA# yo! e;en #)"n #)a# Daney no L"s#en #o 4e I#As o;er Eendell "s o;er3 Eendell "s o;er% )"s#ory E)a# I need w)a# I need w)a# I need now E)a# I need r"6)# now "s a 0la(e w"#) so4e s0a(e <or a so8# land"n63 E)a# I need "s a wee w"#) no 4en No no no@@ DonA# yo! dare #ell Eendell w)ere I a4 I8 yo! do% IAll #ell #)a# 0"40ly 7oy a# S#ar7!( s Yo! wan# )"s 7a7y3 I swear I w"ll% Daney3 T)a#As 7e##er3 Now 7e s!re #o #)an ?a##)ew 8or le##"n6 4e s#ay )ere E)a#B No# ?a##)ewB H"s na4eAs no# ?a##)ewB I#As Bre##B T)en w)y do I ee0 (all"n6 )"4 ?a##)ewB I 4ean Bre## "snA# e;en (lose #o ?a##)ew3 Blonde 4o4en#3 D!)@ E)a#e;er3 All I now "s I donA# wan# #o see Any To4s% D"( s% Harrys% Eendells% Bre##s Or ?a##)ews3 I don'# wan# any re4"nders #)a# "#'s Valen#"ne's Day3 T)a# 4eans no 4en3 No# )ere3 No# now3 (HE enters with an old beat up suitcase and an old beat up attach" case# HE is $ery surprised to see her% unpleasantly so!

7 SHE(Cont!1 G) Daney3 Daney@ A 4an H!s# wal ed "n3 E)a#B No% IA4 no# 4a "n6 #)"n6s !03 IA4 #ell"n6 yo! a 4an H!s# wal ed "n )ere3 And )e )as a ey and a s!"#(ase3 (SHE holds up her key# HE holds up his key# They are e&actly the same! H"s ey loo s H!s# l" e 4"ne3 Daney% #)"s "s no# 6ood3 T)"s "s no# 6ood a# all3 HE1 (Glares% takes out cellphone and speedials! D!s# 6o# )ere3 E)a# #)e )ell 6";esB


SHE1 Daney% )eAs (all"n6 #)a# Bre## 6!y3 HE1 E)oAs #)e ()"( B I a4 #ry"n6 #o "6nore )"43 lo!d3 O) r"6)#% )er3 O) o)3 SHE1 B!# )eAs lo!d3 Really really

HE1 E)addaya 4ean% IO) r"6)#% )erBJ

SHE1 I H!s# wen# 8ro4 a ()"( #o an Io) )er3J

HE1 Yo! 7e##er )a;e a 6a4e 0lan% d!de3 O) o)3 SHE1 Now #)eyAre )!ddl"n63

HE1 Ne6a#";e3 S)e (anA# s#ay )ere3 No way3 I 6o# #)e 7ar eKa4 on T)!rsday3 I need a7sol!#e >!"e# #o s#!dy3 SHE1 G))) Daney% d"d Bre## a(#!ally l" e OC3 So #ell 4e #)"s3 now I was (o4"n6B

HE1 E)ereAs s)e 6onna slee0B

8 SHE1 E)a# do yo! 4ean% )e !) "nda

G))))3 No way3


HE1 IA4 no# res0ons"7le3 E)a# "8 s)e 6e#s 0re6nan#B

SHE1 (Holds up key! So yo!Are say"n6 #)"s "s S)erylAs HE1 E)a# "8 s)e )as a d"seaseB


SHE1 G)))% Daney% H!s# w)o eKa(#ly "s S)erylB HE1 Do yo! )a;e "ns!ran(eB S)erylAs )"s eKB All I Do I SHE1 S)eryl "s Bre##As eKB

HE1 now "s% "#As yo!r ass "8 & & now #)"s S)erylB SHE1 D"d I e;er 4ee# )erB

HE1 (Brandishes a signed contract! D"d s)e s"6n a (on#ra(#B SHE1 ?on"(a nows S)erylBBB HE1 (Brandishes a deposit receipt! D"d s)e 0ay a de0os"#B Does s)e )a;e a de0os"# re(e"0#B SHE1 E)o "s ?on"(aB HE1 I#'s an o0en&and&s)!# (ase3 S)e )as no le6al s#and"n63

9 SHE1 ?on"(aAs "n yo!r In#erne# ()a# 6ro!0BB HE1 S)eAs a da4n #res0asser3 SHE1 ?on"(aAs "n yo!r (y7er ()a# 6ro!0BBB HE1 ?o;e )er ass o!# o8 )ere3 SHE1 A (y7er ()a# 6ro!0BBB No@ No way% 4an3 HE1 I#'s no# 4y Ho73 Yo! e;"(# )er3

Daney% do yo! l" e a(#!ally I Yo! I now 4y r"6)#s3

SHE1 now #)ese 0eo0leB HE1 SHE1


now #)e43 HE1

now #)e law% d!de3 "nda donA# SHE1 now #)e43

And yo!

HE1 And w)en I 8"n"s) w"#) yo!% yo!All 7e ea#"n6 do6 8ood #"ll #)e day yo! d"e3 SHE1 Daney swee#"e3 Hel0 4e on #)"s3 Bre##As 0)one n!47er3 Ne6a#";e3 Do yo! 7y any ()an(e )a;e

HE1 IA4 no# #ell"n6 )er any#)"n63

10 SHE1 ('rites number on paper! T)an s% Daney3 And #ell S)eryl% ?on"(a and #)e o#)er (y7er()a##ers )"3 E)a# "8 s)e's a n!#(aseB HE1 E)a# "8 s)e's a #error"s#B

SHE1 (Hangs up! T)"s "s 6e##"n6 really really "nsane3 Ne6a#";e% 4an3 HE1 S)e (anA# !se 4y 0)one3


SHE1 ((ials Brett)s phone number! Bre##3 Bre##3 R"n63 R"n63 R"n63 I

HE1 No7ody 7rea#)es on 4y 0)one3 E)a# "8 s)e )as a ;"r!sB )a;e a $0C Tea Par#y Eal a#)on on <r"day3 SHE1 R"n6"n63 R"n6"n63 Please )old3 "40or#an#3 Yadda yadda yadda3 Yo!r (all "s ;ery

HE1 I donA# (are )ow yo! do "#3 D!s# )andle "#3 E)a#B Yo! )a;e ano#)er (allB HoldB Yea) w)a#e;er% IAll )old3 (He continues to hold phone to ear! HelloB HelloB SHE1 Is #)"s Bre##B ?"s#er Bre## Ya44erB HE1 Gn&8rea "n6&7el"e;a7le3

One #a7le3

Two ()a"rs3

SHE1 ?"s#er Ya44erB Bre##B T)"s "s Al"son3 Al"son Cr"77s3 Yea)@ T)e 6"rl a# #)e 7ea() )o!seB Yea)% #)a#As 4e3

11 HE1 No# e;en a 7ed3 D!s# a 4a##ress on #)e 8loor3 8rea "n6&7el"e;a7le3


SHE1 O) yes3 T)a#As so so r"6)#3 O) yes3 Yes3 Yes3 Yo!Are r"6)#3 Yo!Are so ;ery ;ery r"6)#3 I#As 7een one really really 7"6 7"6 7"6 sna8! o!# )ere3 HE1 (*ooks out window! And #)e 7ea()3 Tras) 8ro4 #)e s!44er s#"ll o!# #)ere3 One 7"6 0"le o8 (ra03 Gn&8rea "n6&7el"e;a7le3 SHE1 R"6)#3 Really really really 8or s!re3 S)eryl s)o!ld )a;e #old yo!3 I really #o#ally #o#ally a6ree3 HE1 Please )old3 Yo!r (all "s ;ery "40or#an# #o !s3 yadda 8rea "n6 yadda3 Yadda

SHE1 O)% so really a(#!ally )ones#ly #r!e% Bre##3 Yo! are so so r"6)# on #)e 4ar 3 Co44!n"(a#"on 7e#ween a (o!0le "s a sa(red (ross yo!r )ear# )o0e #o d"e o7l"6a#"on3 I 4ean% "# "s so really really ey #o a n!r#!r"n6 (ar"n6 lo;"n6 )!6s and "sses rela#"ons)"03 HoldB S!re3 O8 (o!rse I w"ll3 (She continues to hold the phone to ear! HE1 So "s s)e lea;"n6B E)addaya 4ean% )old yo!r )orsesB E)a#B Yo! wan# #o now w)a# s)e loo s l" eB@ Eell% le#As see3 Ea"# a 4"n!#e@ E)addaya wanna now #)a# 8orB O 3 O 3 D!s# )an6 on3 S)eAs !444 )4444 no# 7ad loo "n63 G4443 C"nd o8 7londe3 A l"##le on #)e )ea;y s"de 4ay7e3 SHE1 =eeF% s#ar#"n6 #o so!nd l" e a 4ea# 4ar e# "n )ere3 B!# I 6!ess I wo!ldnA# "( HE1 )er o!# o8 7ed3

12 SHE1 =od 8or s4all 7less"n6s3 Yea) 6o a)ead3 HE1 E)a# #)e )ell3

T)an HoldB

SHE1 Please (on#"n!e #o )old3 Yo!r (all "s3 HelloB HelloB Bre##B O) #)an yo!3 Eell% "#As l" e 4y na4e3 L" e "# or no#% IA4 s#!( w"#) Al"son3 O)% #)a#As so really "nd o8 yo!3 Yo! now% I #)"n Bre## "s a really really 4as(!l"ne na4e3 Yes% I really do3 I#As so so !4444 )ands on #a e ()ar6e so!nd"n63 Yes3 <or s!re3 I do #)"n yo! so!nd #)a# way3 I really really do3 Say% do yo! l" e ()"l" do6sB Yo! doB Eell% I now #)"s really really nea# l"##le 0la(e3 Do yo! l";e (lose 7y% 7y any ()an(eB ReallyB Eell% #)a# "s a(#!ally so ;ery (on;en"en#3 Please (on#"n!e #o )old3 HE1 Yo!r (all yadda 8rea "n6 yadda3

SHE1 (+acks her gear at a panic pace! Bre##3 Do yo! now #)e Trader Doe's on ?o!l#on Par wayB OC3 IAll 4ee# yo! #)ere3 Eell% IA4 6o"n6 #o #ell yo!3 IAll 7e #)e 6"rl w"#) #)e d"r#y 7londe )a"r and #)e 7"6 s4"le and% o) yea)% IAll 7e dr";"n6 a 7l!e VE Bee#le3 E)a#B Yo! )a;e a 7l!e Bee#leB So 4!() "n (o44on already3 ?ay I as yo! a really really 0ersonal >!es#"onB E)a#As yo!r lon6 d"s#an(e (o40anyB Ver"FonB O) ?y =od% 4"ne #oo@ T)"s "s so really really dee03 I#As l" e 8a#e% l" e "s4e#3 Really really loo "n6 8orward #o 4ee#"n6 yo!% Bre##3 (Hangs up# Starts to lea$e# Stops# Turns! N"(e #al "n6 #o yo!3 Ha00y Valen#"ne's Day3 (She e&its! T)e End



Cas# o8 C)ara(#ers Doan999999<e4ale% a6e 4"d 20As Ton"999999<e4ale% a6e early 20As Syno0s"s Doan and Ton" are a7o!# #o )a;e #)e"r Co44"#4en# Cere4ony3 B!# 8"rs#% so4e !n8"n"s)ed 7!s"ness3 Te()n"(al Re>!"re4en#s A so8a% a ()a"r% 2 doors% so!nd&e88e(# o8 a 0ar#y "n neK# roo43 No#e1 Thank ,ou )ad 0rod!(#"ons "n Hollywood and O88& Broadway and a s#a6ed read"n6 a# Edward Al7ee's Las# <ron#"er T)ea#re Con8eren(e3 Also% "# was a 8ea#!red 0lay on S(r"7d3(o4 "n 20$$3

14 ( nside a room# Sounds of a party in the ne&t room# Two doors# -ne door leads to party# The other leads to a bathroom# .-/0 paces% drink in her hand# She sips ner$ously% glances at watch! DOAN1 Ton"3 Co4e on3 Please% Ton"3 Please donA# 7e la#e3 Please donA# 7e la#e 8or #)"s3 Ton"% (o4e on3 I need yo!% Ton"3 Co4e on% Ton"3 Ton"% wal #)ro!6) #)a# door3 Now3 (1imes sending telepathic message to door! Door o0ens3 Ton" en#ers3 Doan s"6)s3 (Snaps finger% sees nothing has changed! Darn@ ,S"#s% takes out cellphone! Lo;e s#"n s3 So4e#"4es3 ((ials# *istens! Ton"% w)ere are yo!B Ton"% 0lease 0"( !03 Peo0le are wa"#"n63 IA4 wa"#"n63 ?"#() "s wa"#"n63 No% darn yo!@ I3 I w"ll no# lea;e a 4essa6e@ ((oor opens% laughing $oices% clinking glasses# Enter T-0 % dressed Goth2 ndustrial% with drink in hand! TONI1 T)eyAre ser;"n6 (!7a l"7res o!# #)ere3$ Eell% )" s#ran6er3 DOAN1 Ha00y Valen#"ne's Day and & &

TONI1 So3 Yo! were #ry"n6 #o (all 4eB DOAN1 Yes3 TONI1 Los# 4y 0)one3

,0rono!n(ed LCOO&7!)&LEE&7rayL. (on#a"ns 2 #o : o!n(es o8 (ola% #)e H!"(e and )!ll o8 one l"4e% $ o!n(e r!4% )al8 an o!n(e o8 6"n% and #wo das)es o8 7"##ers3

15 DOAN1 Los# yo!r 0)oneB Yea)3 HowB TONI1 D!nno3 I# was #)ere one 4"n!#e and3 ((rains glass! Do6 a#e "#% I 6!ess3 (*aughs at 3oke# Holds up empty glass! O) o)3 E40#y3 =o##a 6o re8res)3 DOAN1 Ton"3 TONI1 Yea)B DOAN1 ( ndicating T-0 )s glass! No 4ore a8#er #)"s3 TONI1 Yea)3 R"6)#3 DOAN1 No 4ore a8#er #)"s one3 Yo! now =onFo3 TONI1 L" e "n#o #)"n a"r3 DOAN1

I 4ean "#% Ton"3 )ow yo!3

TONI1 L"s#en% I donA# need #)"s 8ro4 yo!3 I wor 8!( "n6 )ard3 I earned 4e so4e R M R3 Now 7a( o883 DOAN1 I now yo! wor )ard3 TONI1 No% yo! donA#3 And donA# say yo! do w)en yo! donA#3 And donA# 6"44e no s0ee()3

16 O ay3 S!re3 =o3 DOAN1 =o re8res)3 TONI1 <!( "n6 A3 (-pens door% laughing $oices% clinking glasses# T-0 e&its! DOAN1 ('alks to an imaginary mirror# 1imes brushing her hair! Ee 6e# one s!0re4ely 4a6"(al n"6)# and we s0end #)e re4a"nder o8 o!r days #ry"n6 #o res!rre(# "#3 A 0ar# o8 !s says% 8or6e# "#% #)e e88or# "s 8!#"le% w)"le ano#)er 0ar# #)"n s o!r (ase 4"6)# 7e #)e !n">!e one3 T)e eK(e0#"on #o #)e r!le3 So we ee0 on ee0"n6 on% )o0"n6 a6a"ns# )o0e3 T)a#As )ow "# "s w"#) 4a6"(3 E;en so% yo! (o!ld )a;e sa"d so4e#)"n63 I# wo!ldnA# )a;e (os# yo! #o say so4e#)"n63 I w"s) yo! )ad3 I# )!r# yo! d"dnA# no#"(e I 7o!6)# a 0re##y (o( #a"l dress3 And a 0re##y 0a"r o8 )eels3 I re(all I was dressed l" e #)"s #)e n"6)# we3 (Trails off# / short silence while she collects her thoughts! I so wan# #)"n6s #o 7e 0er8e(# #on"6)#3 I so wan# yo! #o 7e 0ro!d3 E)y d"d yo! say no#)"n6B ((oor opens% laughing $oices% clinking glasses# T-0 re-enters carrying two drinks! TONI1 (Holds one drink out to .-/0! =o# yo! a 8res) S)"rley Te40le3 (Takes it# T)an yo!3 TONI1 (Holds her drink in front of her close to her# Co$ers top of glass with her hand! IA4 sorry3 DOAN1 Sips!



17 DOAN1 I#As o ay3 TONI1 No3 I#As no# o ay3 Loo % IAll H!s# #)"s one alon63 O ayB DOAN1 O ay3 N!rse3 8ro43 I donA# TONI1 N!rs"n6 a dr"n 3 I wonder w)ere #)a# (a4e DOAN1 now3 TONI1 Yo!Are #)e word 6"rl3 Yo! now #)e 4ean"n6s o8 all #)e words3 E)y we say w)a# we say3 D!s# #)o!6)# yo! 4"6)# now3 DOAN1 No3 Sorry3 TONI1 (Takes sip! Bo6ar# sa"d #)e worldAs always #)ree dr"n s 7e)"nd3 D"d yo! now #)a#B DOAN1 No3 (Silence# IA4 #)"n "n63 Yea)3 DOAN1 T)"n "n6 a7o!# New Yor 3 TONI1 Yea)% #)"n 3 Hey% I 6o# one3 we #)"n % we areBJ T)"n 3 E)o sa"d% IE)a# Then44! TONI1 "nd o8 n!rse

18 DOAN1 D"d yo! )ear 4eB TONI1 Yea)3 Yo! sa"d New Yor 7la 7la3 And I sa"d% Iw)o sa"d% Nw)a# we #)"n % we areBA 7la 7la3J DOAN1 IA4 #)"n "n6 a7o!# 6o"n6 7a( TONI1 =!ess3 DOAN1 I donA# wan# #o 6!ess3 TONI1 I sa"d 6!ess3 DOAN1 No3 TONI1 Da44"#% w)o sa"d% IE)a# we #)"n % we areBJ O) 8or =odAs sa e3 E)"() CennedyB I donA# I )eard3 now@ DOAN1 Ton"% IA4 6o"n6 #o New3 TONI1 EeAre no# 6o"n6 #o New Yor @ DOAN1 No% IA4 6o"n63 TONI1 No% yo!Are no#3 E)y are yo! say"n6 noB DOAN1 Yo! donA# wan# 4e3 DOAN1 Cennedy3 TONI1 #o New Yor 3

T)ree #"4es3

19 TONI1 T)"s "s )ow "# s#ar#s3 E)en s)e wan#s #o 4"K "# !0% s)e s#ar#s w"#) #)e yo! donA# wan# 4e3 DOAN1 Yo!Are dressed l" e weAre 6o"n6 #o a =o#) (l!73 Yo! (anA# #o!() 4e w"#)o!# 6e##"n6 dr!n 3 I 7ore yo!3 TONI1 And #)en s)e says 7ored3 S)e doesnA# now 7ored3 I now 7ored3 Yo! wan# 7oredB HereAs 7ored3 Tr";"al P!rs!"#3 D"s(o3 S!s)"3 T)a#As 7ored3 E;ery#)"n6 else "s a 8!( "n6 )!6e 6ala(#"( eK#ra;a6anFa% so aweso4e "# 4a es 4e (o4e H!s# #)"n "n6 a7o!# "#3 DOAN1 I drea4# I was "n a (a6e3 And yo! were wa#()"n6 4e3 I sa"d% Ton"% #o!() 4e and yo! loo ed away3 TONI1 T)en s)e #ro#s o!# #)e drea4s and #)e 0sy()"( s)"#3 #o!() )er3 So4e#"4es I #o!() )er3 SeeB (Touches .-/0)s arm# She 3erks her arm away! Yo!Are no# 6o"n63 DOAN1 Yes3 No3 I a43 TONI1 Case (losed3 DOAN1 Yo! wonA# s#o0 4e3 TONI1 B!dd)a@ DOAN1 I 4ean "#3 TONI1 I# was B!dd)a@ I

20 DOAN1 T)"s "s dy"n63 T)"s #)"n63 T)"s #)"n6 we )a;e3 dy"n63 IA4 dy"n63 Yo!Are dy"n63 EeAre dy"n63 I#As

TONI1 Loo a# 4e3 Do I loo l" e IA4 dy"n6B I# was B!dd)a3 B!dd)a sa"d% IE)a# we #)"n % we are3J Now B!dd)aAs a s#!0"d&loo "n6 8a# 8!( 3 A s#!0"d&loo "n6 8a# 8!( w)o s"#s and Ha( s o883 Loo )ow )e s"#s3 Crossle66ed on #)e 8loor3 E"#) #)a# s)"#&ea#"n6 6r"n3 T)a#As #)e Ha( o88 0os"#"on3 B!# e;ery so o8#en% #)e 8a# 7oy (o4es !0 w"#) a 6e43 So4e#)"n6 s"40le3 So4e#)"n6 (lean3 E)a# we #)"n % we are3 (Takes a sip# Sees her glass is half-full! Hey% 6!ess w)a#B I #)"n IA4 a dr"n 3 IA4 6onna )a;e #)e4 "nd o8 #o0 4e o883 Yo! o ay w"#) #)a#B (Starts to e&it! Please% Ton"3 DOAN1 Please donA# !0se# ?"#()3

TONI1 Bro#)er ?"#() (an 7"#e 4e3 (T-0 opens door% laughing $oices% clinking glasses# T-0 e&its! DOAN1 ('alks to imaginary mirror# Takes out handkerchief and dabs her makeup! I wen# #o see ?"#() las# wee 3 I d"dnA# #ell yo!3 I wan#ed #o see )ow we s#ood3 HeAs no# l" e yo! say% Ton"3 HeAs n"(e% )eAs a 6en#le4an% )e 4a es yo! 8eel "40or#an# w)en )eAs #al "n6 #o yo!3 And )e l"s#ens3 I l" e #)a#3 He sa"d% #)an yo!% Doan3 I was #a en 7a( @ T)an yo!B T)an yo! 8or w)a#B T)an yo!% )e sa"d% 8or 7r"n6"n6 so4e san"#y #o 4y s"s#erAs l"8e3 T)an yo!3 Eow@ T)a# was a s)o( er3 I#As 7een a w)"le s"n(e anyone sa"d #)an yo! #o 0oor Doann"e3 ((oor opens% laughing $oices% clinking glasses# T-0 enters carrying two drinks!

21 SeeB S#"ll so7er3 TONI1 =o# yo! a 8res) S)"rley Te40le3

DOAN1 I H!s# donA# wan# yo! 7e"n6 s"( 3 TONI1 DonA# s#ar# on 4e% Doan3 ?"#() says we 6o "n #en3 DOAN1 No3 O ay% 8"ne3 No3 TONI1 E)a# do yo! 4ean% noB DOAN1 I3 I 4ean3 TONI1 No way yo!Are s#and"n6 4e !0 w"#) ?"#() o!# #)ere3 T)a# d"( )ead wo!ld r"de 4e #"ll 4y dy"n6 day3 Ton"3 Ton"% 0lease3 DOAN1 Le#As H!s#3 TONI1 ?a e "# #wen#y3 DOAN1

TONI1 No@ EeAre 6onna do #)"s3 No "s no# an o0#"on3 Yo!Are 6onna 7a( 4e !03 Re4e47er% yo!Are on 4y s"de3 ((rinks half her glass! EeAre 6onna 6o o!#% )and "n )and% H!s# l" e we sa"d3 IA4 6onna loo a# yo! and s4"le and say 7la&7la&7la3 DOAN1 (Starts slowly backing toward the bathroom! No3

22 TONI1 (/d$ancing toward her% hand outstretched! Yo!Are 6onna s4"le and 8l!##er yo!r eyelas)es3 DOAN1 (Backing away! No3 TONI1 (/d$ancing! Yes3 ?"#() "s 6onna 6r"n 8ro4 ear #o ear3 All #)e 6!es#"e&6!es#s are 6onna 6o% awwww% a"nA# #)a# swee#B DOAN1 (Backing away! No3 TONI1 (/d$ancing! Now (o4e on% le#As do "#3



Le#As roll3

DOAN1 (Slips inside bathroom! No3 TONI1 Hey (o4e on3 DonA# do #)"s #o 4e3 (.-/0 closes bathroom door# *ocks it! O) s)"#% s)e d"d "#3 (5nocks on door! Doan3 Co4e on3 Co4e on o!#3 Doan% 0lease% we 6o# #o do #)"s #)"n63 Ee 6o# #o do #)"s #)"n6 r"6)# now3 ?"#() "s 6e##"n6 e;ery7ody ready3 Ee 6o##a 7e #)ere3 Ca!se #)"s "s 8or !s3 T)ey (anA# do "# w"#)o!# !s3 So 0lease3 (+ounds on door! Da4n "#% Doan@ Yo! (anA# lea;e 4e alone and na ed@ Yo! 6e# yo!r ass o!# )ere and s#and 7y 4e3 (Silence% then44! Ee )a;e 6ood #"4es3 So4e#"4es3 =ood #"4es3 <!n #"4es3 ?ay7e no# l" e we !sed #o3 B!#3 Eell3 Now #)ereAs #)"s one #)"n63 S)e wan#s 4e #o 6o #o 4ee#"n6s3 S)e wonA# 6o3 Says IA4 #)e one w"#) #)e 0ro7le43 So I )a;e #o 6o3 Eell% #)ey3 T)ey wan# yo! #o 6o #o6e#)er #o #)ese #)"n6s3 So4eoneAs 6onna say%

23 TONI(Cont!1 w)ereAs yo!r 4a#eB And see% IAd )a;e #o "n;en# so4e#)"n63 Eell% IA4 no# 6o"n6 #o do #)a#3 I donA# 4a e !0 s#or"es3 T)a#As no# 4y way3 (5nocks softly on bathroom door! G) loo % IA4 sorry3 Sorry IA4 a 7"# dr!n 3 Sorry I ra"ned on yo!r 0arade3 I now% I now3 DonA# )a;e #o say "#3 IA4 l" e one o8 #)ose Her s w)o dan(es w"#) )"s w"8e 4ay7e on(e e;ery #en years and )as #o 7e s)"#8a(ed #o do "#3 IA4 (l!4sy% aw ward3 I 8all o;er s#!883 I donA# now )ow #o a(#3 S!re% I ad4"# "#3 L" e a 7!ll "n a C)"na s)o03 All #)!47sB Yea)% #)a#As 4e3 A s#!47lerB A 7!47lerB Yo! 6o# 4y n!47er3 B!# yo! 6o##a re4e47er% Doan3 Yo! 0"( ed 4e3 O!# o8 all #)e wo4en yo! (o!ld )a;e 0"( ed% yo! 0"( ed Ton"3 And% le# 4e #ell yo!% I wan# #o #)an yo!3 I now I donA# s)ow "# so 6ood% 7!# I wan# yo! #o now "#As an )onor #o 7e w"#) yo!3 To now 0eo0le are say"n6% IYo! see )erB T)a#As Ton"3 Her and #)a# Doan ()"( 6o# a #)"n6 6o"n63J T)ey all #al a7o!# )ow Doan "s so (ool% so reser;ed% so (on#rolled3 And I )a;e #o #ell yo! "# dr";es 4e a l"##le (raFy so4e#"4es3 L" e I donA# now )ow #o a(# aro!nd yo!3 IA4 l" e #)e no"se and #)e ra( e# on #)e #)e ed6e o8 yo!r (al43 I need yo!r (al43 I need yo! #o!()"n6 4e so I now "#As o ay3 I need so4e r!les so I donA# a(# s#!0"d3 I donA# need so4eone #o s#and 7a( and wa#() 4e 8all on 4y 8a(e and say% ID!s# loo a# )er3 T)a#As Ton"% #)a# d!47 7"#()3J IA4 s(ared% Doan3 I need yo!3 I need yo! w"#) 4e3 I need yo! neK# #o 4e3 I need yo! now3 ((oor opens# Say3 .-/0 enters!

DOAN1 Yo!Are Ton"% arenA# yo!B TONI1 IA4 Ton"3 )a;e so4e#)"n6 6o"n6B

Yea)% #)a#As 4e3

DOAN1 DonA# yo! and #)"s Doan ()"( Yea)% we s!re do3

TONI1 S)eAs so4e 6e43

24 DOAN1 T)a#As w)a# I )eard3 I )eard s)eAs a 6e43 yo! #wo are do"n6 #)e #)"n6 #on"6)#3 TONI1 Yo! )eard #)a#B DOAN1 E;eryoneAs )eard3 Tal o8 #)e #own3 (o44"#4en#s are s0e("al3 Yea)3 TONI1 T)a# was DoanAs "dea3 Valen#"ne's Day I )eard

S)eAs s4ar# #)a# way3 I )o0e IA4

S)e 4!s# 7e3 no# la#e3

DOAN1 Eell% I H!s# )ad #o (o4e3

TONI1 (-ffering arm! Yo!Are r"6)# on #"4e3 I#As H!s# a7o!# #o s#ar#3 =ra7 on#o 4e3 IAll es(or# yo! "n3 Yo!All 6e# #)e 7es# sea# "n #)e )o!se3 DOAN1 (Takes arm! T)an yo!3 TONI1 O)% say3 DOAN1 YesB TONI1 N"(e dress yo! )a;e on3 N"(e s)oes #oo3 DOAN1 T)an yo!3 (They walk together arm in arm# T)e End Blackout! Real (lassy3



Cas# o8 C)ara(#ers ?"()ael99999999994ale3 '0&so4e#)"n6 An6el9999999999998e4ale3 '0&so4e#)"n6

Syno0s"s Two ()ea#"n6 lo;ers wa e !0 "n a )o#el roo4% 7!# one o8 #)e4 "s dead3 No#e1 /nni$ersary )ad 0rod!(#"ons a# <"rs#S#a6e and a# #)e Er"#e A(# Re0er#ory3


T)e T"4e1

T)e 0resen#3

T)e Pla(e1 In a 7ed "n a )o#el roo43 (/t 6ise7 early morning% about 879: a#m# Subdued lighting# 1 CH/E* and /0GE* asleep% lying back to back# Silence e&cept for 1 CH/E*)s breathing# +resently 1 CH/E* begins mo$ing% slowly at first# Then we see him mo$ing more% tossing about# Then he starts waking up by degrees# He props himself up to get his bearings# He switches on light! ?ICHAEL1 An6el3 An6el3 Ea e !0% An6el3 soa ed3 Ea e !03 (Silence# T)e (!s)"on "s

/0GE* does not mo$e!


?ICHAEL1 (/ little louder! Ea e !03 An6el@ (Silence# /0GE* does not mo$e!

?ICHAEL1 (+rods /0GE* with hand! An6el3 An6el3 Are yo! o ayB Are yo! s"( B An6el 0lease3 An6el3 Ea e !03 Please wa e !03 (His face close to her lips! Yo!Are no# 7rea#)"n6% An6el3 E)a#As #)e 4a##er% An6elB O) =od% An6el% no3 Please% An6el3 Please 7e o ay3 Please3 E)a# do yo! do w)en #)ereAs no 7rea#)"n6B T"l# )ead 7a( 3 Yes@ T"l# )ead 7a( @ (He rolls /0GE* onto her back# Tilts her head back! E)a#As neK#B E)a# do I do neK#B L"s#en 8or 7rea#)"n63 Yes@ L"s#en 8or 7rea#)"n63 (He listens! O) =od% yo!'re no# 7rea#)"n63 Brea#)e% An6el3 Co4e on% 7rea#)e3 (He listens!

27 ?ICHAEL (Cont!7 E)a# neK#B G)3 P"n() nose% (o;er

No 7rea#)"n63 4o!#) and 7low3 (He does this! No#)"n63 O) =od3 O) =od3 (He does it again! No#)"n63 O) =od3 O) =od3 O) =od3 An6el% 0lease3 (He straddles her body% starts pressing on her chest% speaking panicky encouragement through grunts! Co4e on% An6el3 Please s#ar# 7rea#)"n63 Yo! (an do "#% An6el3 Le#As see yo! s#ar# now3 Co4e on3 In3 O!#3 In3 O!#3 Brea#)e% An6el% 7rea#)e3 Do l" e #)"s3 In3 O!#3 In3 O!#3 Co4e on3 Do "# 8or 4e3 Do "# 8or ?"()ael3 Please% An6el3 Brea#)e3 Brea#)e3 Co4e on% An6el3 Brea#)e3 Brea#)e3 Brea#)e3 O) =od% =od% "#As no# wor "n63 (Stops# He is out of breath# He puts hand in front of her nose! No#)"n63 (Then he slowly gets off her# Then he stands% stares down at her% running his hand through his hair in dismay# Silence# Then suddenly he blurts out44! ?y =od% An6el3 Yo!Are99yo!Are dead3 Yo!Are99dead3 AN=EL1 Yes3 ?ICHAEL1 I3 I (an'# 7el"e;e #)"s3 AN=EL1 I'4 sorry% ?"()ael3 Yo! now% yo!Are3 0erson3 ?ICHAEL1 Yo!Are 4y 8"rs#3 ?y 8"rs# dead

28 AN=EL1 H"s 8"rs#3 He always does #)a#3 He's 7"6 on 4a "n6 l"s#s and 0r"or"#"F"n6 #)"n6s3 <"rs#% se(ond% #)"rd% e#(3 L" e "# 4eans so4e#)"n63 ?ICHAEL1 And3 And I donA# now w)a#As s!00osed #o )a00en neK#3 E)a# are #)e r!les w)en3 E)en yo! wa e !0 and yo! 6e#3 T)"sB AN=EL1 HeAs as "n6 4eB He #)"n s I nowB Bel"e;e 4e% ?"()ael3 T)"s wasnA# 0lanned3 Yo!All H!s# )a;e #o 8eel yo!r way alon63 ?ICHAEL1 I read so4ew)ere3 Peo0le ?a6aF"ne% I #)"n 3 I read3 T)a# 0eo0le w)o3 Yo! now3 Peo0le w)o !)3 L" e3 D"eB T)e"r so!ls donA# lea;e r"6)# away3 T)ey !)3 Yo! now3 T)ey s#"( aro!nd 8or a w)"le3 AN=EL1 Yes3 T)a#As r"6)#3 IA4 s#"ll )ere3 So4e o8 #)e (ell 6ro!0s #a e a w)"le #o sw"#() o883 I s#ay !n#"l all #)e sys#e4s are down3 T)en I 6e# #o #!rn o88 #)e l"6)#s3 ?ICHAEL1 Yo! )a;e s!() a 7ea!#"8!l 7ody% An6el3 AN=EL1 S0ea "n6 o8 w)"()3 No# #o so!nd (r!de% 7!# IA4 "nd o8 ly"n6 )ere "n 4y own 0ee3 I# wo!ld 7e n"(e "8 so4eone 4o;ed 4e3 ?ICHAEL1 I w"s) I (o!ld #a e yo! "n 4y ar4s r"6)# now3 AN=EL1 Yes3 Please3 Please do3 IA4 as "n6 yo! #o3 "n yo!r ar4s% ?"()ael3 ?ICHAEL1 B!# #)e 0ol"(e3 Ta e 4e

29 AN=EL7 Darn@ ?ICHAEL1 T)eyAll wan# no#)"n6 d"s#!r7ed3 <"ne3 O ay3 AN=EL1 E)a#e;er3

(Silence# Then 1 CH/E* starts weeping! AN=EL1 O) 6os)% w)a# nowB ?ICHAEL1 (Sobbing! All I wan#ed3 All I e;er wan#ed was a s"40le% !n(l!##ered o88"(e ro4an(e3 AN=EL1 I w"s) )e wo!ldnA# do #)a#3 I (anA# deal w"#) a (ry"n6 4an3 I8 any7ody s)o!ld 7e (ry"n6% "#As 4e3 ?ICHAEL1 (Blubbering! All #)e o#)er 4ana6ers )a;e s"40le !n(l!##ered o88"(e ro4an(es3 AN=EL1 All #)e o#)er 4ana6ers are s"40le !n(l!##ered 0r"( s3 O) =od@ D"d I H!s# say #)a#B ?ICHAEL1 I H!s# wan#ed #o 7e l" e #)e 6!ys3 AN=EL1 ?"()ael% yo!Are a lo# o8 #)"n6s% 7!# yo!Are no# l" e3 L" e #)e43 ?ICHAEL1 Eas "# so wron6 8or 4e #o wan# an !n(o40l"(a#ed rela#"ons)"0B

30 AN=EL1 Is #)"s a r)e#or"(al >!es#"onB ?ICHAEL1 A rela#"ons)"0 !n(o40l"(a#ed 7y & & AN=EL1 Gn(o40l"(a#ed 7y yo!& now&w)a#3 O)% s!re3 E)a#As lo;e 6o# #o do w"#) "#B ?ICHAEL1 I# was s!00osed #o 7e a7o!# seK3 R"6)#3

And no re6re#s3

AN=EL1 EKa(#ly3 Lo;e ne;er says% IO) 6ee% w)a# "8 s)e 6oes and 6e#s all e4o#"onal and s#ar#s 4a "n6 #)"n6s (o40l"(a#edBJ ?ICHAEL1 No a0olo6"es3 EKa(#ly3 AN=EL1 Lo;e ne;er says% IOo0s% sorry a7o!# #)a#3J ?ICHAEL1 No se(ond #)o!6)#s3 AN=EL1 R"6)# a6a"n3 Lo;e ne;er says% IG)% (an we 4ay7e 6o 7a( and% l" e% !ndo w)a# we d"dBJ ?ICHAEL1 No #ears3 No 8ears3 AN=EL1 No re(r"4"na#"ons3 Lo;e ne;er says% IYo!Are wear"n6 4e o!#3 Yo!Are s!88o(a#"n6 4e3 How a7o!# le#As H!s# 7e 8r"ends 8or a w)"leBJ (He pulls himself together% dabs his eyes% blows his nose on a 5leene&# Silence% then###! Yo! ?ICHAEL1 now% "#As 8!nny3

31 <!nnyB AN=EL1 Yo! )ear 4e la!6)"n6% ?"()aelB

?ICHAEL1 Today's o!r ann";ersary3 O!r one&year ann";ersary3 O) reallyB AN=EL1 I wasnA# aware3 I #o#ally 8or6o# #)a#3

?ICHAEL1 Valen#"ne's Day3 A year a6o3 ?e6an was o!# o8 #own ;"s"#"n6 rela#";es3 I was wor "n6 la#e on a re0or#3 Yo! a6reed #o s#ay and )el0 6e# "# #y0ed !03 O) yes3 Yes@ AN=EL1 I do re4e47er3

?ICHAEL1 Valen#"ne's Day 4eans no#)"n6 #o ?e6an3 S)e's no# #)e sen#"4en#al #y0e3 S)e's a 0ra(#"(al% 7y&#)e&n!47ers 0erson3 S)e & & AN=EL1 Yes3 Yo! des(r"7ed )er as (l"n"(al3 As 0ass"onless3 ?ICHAEL1 No# #)a# I'4 (o40la"n"n6% 4"nd yo!3 S)e's a 6ood 4o#)er3 A wonder8!l )o!se ee0er3 AN=EL1 T)ose are% o8 (o!rse% 8"ne >!al"#"es3 ?ICHAEL1 And as 8or #)"s 7e"n6 o!r ann";ersary% I 6!ess "#As a 4oo# 0o"n# now3 AN=EL1 ?oo#3 E)y do 4ana6er #y0es !se #)a# wordB eKa(#ly "s a 4oo#B E)a#

(He picks up a wrapped present% holds it up! ?ICHAEL1 I was 6o"n6 #o s!r0r"se yo!3

32 Eell3 AN=EL1 T)"s "s de8"n"#ely a s!r0r"se3

?ICHAEL1 Ha00y ann";ersary% An6el3 Ha00y Valen#"ne's Day3 (He sets the present on the bed! AN=EL1 T)an yo!% ?"()ael3 ?ICHAEL1 I donA# 4"nd ad4"##"n6% I';e 7een #)"n "n6 lon6 and )ard a7o!# !s% a7o!# #)"s3 T)"s #)"n6 we )a;e3 Had3 Se;eral #"4es I (a4e "n#o wor w"#) a s0ee() all 0re0ared3 AN=EL1 Yes3 ?e% #oo3 Se;eral #"4es I was 6o"n6 #o 7rea "# o883 I was 6o"n6 #o say so4e#)"n6 l" e3 (Clears her throat! ?"()ael% I lo;e yo!% 7!# I (anA# do #)"s3 I (anA# loo a# 4ysel8 "n #)e 4"rror and & & ?ICHAEL1 (Clears his throat! An6el% I lo;e yo!% 7!# I (anA# do #)"s #o ?e6an3 (anA# loo )er "n #)e eye any4ore3

(They are both suddenly silent# Then###! ?ICHAEL1 Yo! now% s#!d"es s)ow o88"(e ro4an(es (an res!l# "n a3 A d"sr!0#";e wor 0la(e3 AN=EL1 D"sr!0#";eB He s)o!ld (o!n# #)e #"4es I wor ed o;er#"4e ALONE #o sa;e )"s 7a(on@ ?ICHAEL1 And #)ereAs always #)e a00earan(e o8 s)ow"n6 !nd!e 8a;or"#"s43

33 AN=EL1 E)o 4ade s!re all )"s 8"les were !0 #o da#eB E)o wa#()ed )"s 7a( B E)o 4ade s!re no one 7l"nds"ded )"4B E)o #old )"4 w)oAs (o4"n6 "n la#e% w)oAs lea;"n6 earlyB ?ICHAEL1 Pl!s I )a;e 8a4"ly o7l"6a#"ons3 AN=EL1 And I donA#B ?ICHAEL1 Yo! )a;e a (a#3 AN=EL1 E"ns#onAs no# H!s# a (a#3 E"ns#onAs no# l" e3 O ay@ O ay@ ?ICHAEL1 Yo! now3

AN=EL1 Yo! don'# )a;e #o say "# a6a"n@

?ICHAEL M AN=EL1 No# l" e ?e6an and #)e #w"ns3 AN=EL1 I wan# yo! #o 0ro4"se 4e3 Pro4"se 4e #)a# yo!All (are 8or E"ns#on3 ?ICHAEL1 I don'# wan# yo! #o worry a7o!# E"ns#on3 IAll 6o 6e# )"43 IAll #a e )"4 #o a s)el#er3 AN=EL1 No@ ?ICHAEL1 IAll 4a e s!re "#As done #o4orrow3 HeAs an old (a#3 AN=EL1 T)eyAll 0!# )"4 #o slee03

34 ?ICHAEL1 HeAll 8"nd a n"(e )o4e3 Read 4y l"0s3 AN=EL1 No7ody wan#s an old (a#3

?ICHAEL1 Yo! now IAd #a e )"4 "n a )ear#7ea#% 7!# #)e #w"ns need a "##en3 And I don'# #)"n ?e6an wo!ld & & AN=EL1 So #)"s "s )ow "# ends3 D!s# #oss !s o!#3 <"le and 8or6e#3 I 4!s# (on8ess I always )a#ed Valen#"ne's Day3 I'd see #)e ads on TV o8 a 4an 7r"n6"n6 )"s lo;er a 0earl ne( la(e or a d"a4ond 7ra(ele# and I'd (ry o!#% IE)a# a7o!# 4eB E)a# do I 6e#BJ E)a# "s #)ere 8or a wo4an w"#) a (a# w)o's 4arr"ed #o )er Ho7B <or6";e 4e% ?"()ael3 I#'s #)e wron6 #"4e 8or 4e #o 7e ;en#"n63 (*ong silence# Then444! /0GE* ;uietly sobbing#

?ICHAEL1 E)en ?e6an 8"nds o!#% I donA# do3 AN=EL1 ?e6anAs a 0ro!d wo4an3

now w)a# s)eAs 6o"n6 #o

?ICHAEL1 I#As 8"8#y&8"8#y s)eAll #a e 4e 7a( 3 AN=EL1 ?ore l" e s"K#y&8or#y a6a"ns#3 ?ICHAEL1 I#As a #oss!03 AN=EL1 ?ore l" e a #oss o!#3 Be s!re #o ee0 a 7a6 0a( ed3 I'll

?ICHAEL1 IAll #ell )er "# was H!s# one o8 #)ose #)"n6s3 say "# d"dnA# 4ean any#)"n63 P!rely 0)ys"(al3

35 AN=EL1 No 0ro7le4 #)ere3 D!s# seK% no re6re#s3 E;ery wo4an !nders#ands #)a#3 No#)"n6 #o worry a7o!#3 O) =od3 ?ICHAEL1 E)a# a4 I say"n6B S)eAs 6o"n6 #o "ll 4e3

AN=EL1 I read so4e#)"n6 a7o!# ()ea#"n63 I #)"n "n Peo0le ?a6aF"ne3 A lo# o8 4en end !0 ()ea#"n6 a8#er a (o!0le o8 years% 7e(a!se #)ey 8eel #)eyAre 4"ss"n6 o!# on so4e#)"n63 I#As a "nd o8 8r!s#ra#"on #)"n6 and #)ey need #o 6e# "# o!# o8 #)e"r sys#e43 A8#er w)"()% "n se;en o!# o8 #en (ases% #)ey (o4e 7a( % renewed and re()ar6ed3 Tell )er #)a#% ?"()ael3 S)eAll al";e3 "ll 4e3 ?ICHAEL1 No do!7# a7o!# "#3 S)eAll s "n 4e

AN=EL1 IA4 sorry3 I w"s) I (o!ld 7e #)ere 8or yo!% ?"()ael3 O) =od@ Here "# (o4es3 IA4 s#ar#"n6 #o s#"88en3 ?ICHAEL1 An6elB AN=EL1 (Trembling% scared! YesB ?ICHAEL1 IA;e ()an6ed 4y 4"nd3 IAll #a e (are o8 E"ns#on3 AN=EL1 O) #)an yo!% ?"()ael3 T)an yo!3 Yo!A;e 4ade 4e ;ery )a00y3 T)an yo!3 (/ sudden tremor% her $oice shaking! O) =od@ Co;er 4e% ?"()ael3 I donA# 4"nd yo!r loo "n6 a# 4e% 7!# 0lease% no# #)e o#)ers3 (He co$ers her with a sheet# He picks up the phone and dials and waits while it rings at the other end!

36 AN=EL1 (<rom under the sheet% struggling to speak! IA4 lea;"n6% ?"()ael3 =ood 7ye3 =ood3 Bye3 ?ICHAEL7 ?e6anB H"3 Yes% I now "#As early3 Yes% IAll3 IAll 7e 8ly"n6 )o4e #on"6)#3 <l"6)# +223 Yes% #)e !s!al 8l"6)#3 L"s#en% I )a;e so4e#)"n6 #o #ell yo!3 So4e#)"n6 ;ery 7ad )as )a00ened3 So4e7ody d"ed3 (Blackout! T)e End

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