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Each running stride comprises 4 phases:

Forward support Drive Recovery Swinging

recovery phase : leg doubled up Swinging phase: Knee raised forwards and upwards

Forward support phase: Land on the ball Drive phase: Ankle, knee hip joints extend fully

4 phases:
On your marks position Set position Drive off from the block Acceleration body slowing rising

Front block 2 foot lengths behind starting line Rear block 1 foot lengths behind front block Set front block flatter than rear block

Arms support body weight Shoulders above and slightly ahead of hands Raise buttocks:
front knee is at an angle of 90o Buttocks slightly higher than shoulder

Drive forward from front leg Lift hands from ground at the same time Pull left leg rapidly forwards Total knee and hip extension on completion of drive

Drive forwards, rapidly and forcefully, from the ground Maintain body position Slowly straighten trunk


Teaching Steps
Quick reactions Development of coordination Acceleration

Progressive activities Leg power and acceleration

Sprint Starts


Shadow run

Run freely A tries to shake off B B tries to remain in tagging distance throughout

Reaction & Acceleration Drill

1st runner sprint around cone, tag the next runner

Shuttle Relay

1st member of Group A sprints to cross the line Tags the 1st member of Group B, who sprints back

Chase & Tag

All members of Team A run slowly to the line, touch the line then accelerate back to the starting line Members of Team B attempt to tag their opponents after the line has been touched

Pendular Relay

Sprinter 1 sprints the distance, circles around the back of the team, tags Sprinter 2 from rear Sprinter 2 sprints, Sprinter 3 shifts into Sprinter 1s position to receive tag from Sprinter 2

Circle Relay

Runner 1 sprints around the outside of the circle and tags the 2nd member

Sprint Technique

High-Knee Marching

March forward slowly Arms bent at 90o at the elbow Lift each thigh to horizontal Work arms forward and backward Push up vigorously onto toes with each step

Marching with Lower Leg Extension

Keep vision directly forward, relax shoulders Arms held at 90o at the elbow Lift thigh as close to horizontal as possible

Skipping with Lower Leg Extension

Concentrate on legs Started by skipping in place Rhythm: up-extend, up-extend Add arm action

Running with Lower Leg Extension

Set up rhythm while running in place Look forward, arms working hard forward & backward throughout

Seat Kicks

Start running in place, kicking heels up easily Moving slowly forward, kicking heels up higher Concentrate on getting heels up

Sprint Arm Action

Pull elbows back and upward Relax hands and muscles of face, let jaw hang Look directly ahead, lean forward slightly Concentrate on the arms

Running Follow by Acceleration

Keep upper body upright Lean forward and drive powerfully Work arms forward and backward vigorously Look straight ahead, dont lean back

Drills to Improve Leg Power and Acceleration

Distance Hopping

Swing arms forward and upward Drive powerfully Make each hop the same size Drive for distance

Bounding for Distance

Lean forward slightly, jump long & low Make each bounding stride same size Drive forward & upward with arms

Over Low Obstacles

Dont high jump the obstacles Use the drive of legs and arm lift to float

Running, Backward-Forward

Knees high and fast Rhythm Backward: Lean upper body slightly backward Forward: Tilt body forward

With Partner Resistance

Give just enough resistance Lean backward: right amount of resistance

Up stairs

Keep eyes on steps Drive powerfully Swing arms Rest & breath deeply when reach the top

Rolling Sprints

Running Inclines

Continuous Relays

Interval Sprints

Repetition Sprint from Flying Start

Repetitive Relays

Starting Practice

Touch the Ground Drill

Developing Explosive Drive

Running Lines

Partners as Starting Blocks

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