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ECM 722 Information Theory & Teletraffic Assignment 1

Name Id Programme

:MAHATHIR BIN JOHAR : 2009417052 :EE770

Three-Stage Switch Designs for Blocking Probabilities of 0.002 and Inlet Utilization of 0.1 N=[128 512 2048 8192 32768 131072] %Switch size n=[8 16 32 64 128 256] K=[5 7 10 15 24 41] p=0.1 % Inlet Utilization B=0.002 % Blocking Probability beta = K./n % calculate beta Nc=(2*N.*K)+(K.*((N./n).^2)) % Number of crosspoint Ncb= (2*N.*(2*n-1))+((2*n-1).*(N./n).^2) % No of Crosspoints in Nonblocking Design data = [N' n' K' beta' Nc' Ncb']; f=figure('position',[180 180 380 180]); dat=data; cnames={'Switch Size(N)', 'n','k','beta','No of crospoints','No of crosspoints in Nonblocking design'}; rnames={'First', 'Second', 'Third','Fourth', 'Fifth', 'Sixth', 'Seventh'}; t=uitable('Parent',f,'Data',dat,'ColumnName',cnames,'Position',[300 110 700 150]);

Table 1: Three-Stage Switch Designs for Blocking Probabilities of 0.002 and Inlet Utilization of 0.1

Three-Stage Switch Designs for Blocking Probabilities of 0.002 and Inlet Utilization of 0.7 N=[128 512 2048 8192 32768 131072] %Switch size n=[8 16 32 64 128 256] K=[14 22 37 64 116 216] p=0.7 % Inlet Utilization B=0.002 % Blocking Probability beta = K./n % calculate beta Nc=(2*N.*K)+(K.*((N./n).^2)) % Number of crosspoint Ncb= (2*N.*(2*n-1))+((2*n-1).*(N./n).^2) % No of Crosspoints in Nonblocking Design data = [N' n' K' beta' Nc' Ncb']; f=figure('position',[180 180 380 180]); dat=data; cnames={'Switch Size(N)', 'n','k','beta','No of crospoints','No of crosspoints in Nonblocking design'}; rnames={'First', 'Second', 'Third','Fourth', 'Fifth', 'Sixth', 'Seventh'}; t=uitable('Parent',f,'Data',dat,'ColumnName',cnames,'Position',[300 110 700 130]);

Table 2: Three-Stage Switch Designs for Blocking Probabilities of 0.002 and Inlet Utilization of 0.7

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