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Derin Ireyomi ; 103091992 ; Wednesday 26th, 2011 OHNO Swim Club: Organizational Governance And Mission.

Step 1 Statement of the Problem There happened to be several problems, which managed to be solved. The First was hiring someone who was not a U.S. citizen immediately instead of waiting five months. Secondly, it would cause a temporary increase in expenses, without causing an increase in revenue. Thirdly, they would have to hire an additional coach for the beginners, since the foreign professional coach is not for beginners. Also this coach would be paid more than all the other coaches, which could result in morale problems. Another problem was there was no guaranteed financing source after the $6000 was used up. It also appeared that this kind of hiring would move the club away from its original mission. And finally, it felt uncomfortable for such a young, small club to be financially obliged by one family. The Main Problem is that after they were able to solve the above problems, and they started the club all over again. They were back at Square one, with no fundings, and not enough enrolled swimmers to join the club. The Problem is how do they bring up the number swimmers at the club; rebuild membership, without going into financial debt. Step 2 Analysis of Alternatives The Cause of Problem is mostly because of the downfall from three months ago, when they decided to hire an international professional swim athlete as a coach, without considering the legal issues, and the fees that would be incurred. If all the hasty decisions that were made didn t happen, the swim club wouldn t be back at square one. Alternatives Brian Welliver could use the original approach that was used 3 years ago. By introducing children in the three suburbs to competitive swimming before they reached the junior and senior level, he should also provide an off-season training for high-school swimmers, and encourage individual accomplishments and improvement rather tan focus on swim meet results. The Goals of the Club was to introduce the children to competitive swimming, develop their stamina, and improve their techniques, without burning out the children on the sport. - This will be Good for them, because they would have some faithful members, who would be willing to enroll their children. Since the enrollment fees isn t costly. - Swimming is identified as a priority sport within the Strategy for Sport and Physical Activity. - Some parents might be discouraged, after the first downfall that had happened. They would have trust issues, and begin to question their leadership skills. - At this point they only have one coach, and need more preferably with accounting experience to avoid a temporary out of balance in one their books. This would take some time to find someone in short period. This causes an increase in Wages Expense.

Derin Ireyomi ; 103091992 ; Wednesday 26th, 2011 Brian is committed to coach/volunteer development and training. In addition to using the original approach; he should considering hiring a professional swim athlete, with good leader skills, and willing to coach the club at a fair wage. Brian should encourage a good management team, and have positive board of directors, who will be involved in the taking the club to higher level. They should host Award Ceremonies. He has the opportunity to increase participation, and increase the number of people with swimming qualifications. With the help of a professional swimmer, it will motivate the rest of the club and coaches to work harder. - It will attract a lot of parents, and encourage them to enroll their children since there is guaranteed improvement in their children swimming skills. - It will promote corporation and limit conflicts, and failures in the club. - It might cause jealousy among the coaches, because the other professional athlete will obviously be paid higher than others. It could possibly cause the other coaches to feel neglected and they wouldn t work as hard as they ought to. I think he should implement the second alternative, because it gives the opportunities and new experiences that will attract members. Step 3: Decision and Support To Implement the Second plan, a bunch of resources will be required. A lot of advertisement is required. Website, Flyers, Word of Mouth should be done to promote the club. The Sports Development Team The team has 3 members who can organize and coordinate the work of the plan. They can help to develop school club links and encourage clubs to offer competitive opportunities. Lottery Fund They host funding ceremonies, and chances for people win gifts, and it will encourage them to join the club. Host Fundraisers increases chances and gives the club an opportunity to promote the benefits of the club and share their goals with others. Make Sure Their Aims and Objectives are stated clearly. AIM OBJECTIVE - To develop and improve the swimming To ensure that the council swimming facilities facilities are maintained and upgraded to enhance utilization - To develop a program of swimming To provide an effective structure for the activities that increase participation development of swimming, coach opportunities education program - To maximize funding opportunities for Identify possible funding opportunities the development of swimming to ensure implementation of the swimming development plan

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