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1. Who were the good friends in the story? a. Damon and Pythia b. Damon and Pythias c. Ramon and Pythias d. Damon and Mathias

2. What did Damon do so Pythias could visit his family? a. He volunteered to be imprisoned while Pythias went home to visit

his family.
b. He killed the King. c. He offered money to the King. d. He begged for Kings mercy.

3. Why did Pythias arrive late? a. His cow died. b. His daughter got sick. c. His wife didnt allow him to go back. d. His horse got killed.

4. Why did Damon want to die for Pythias? a. Because he Pythias has wife and children and he was alone.


b. His life was meaningless. c. He never owned a land. d. He was afraid of the king. 5. What did the King do when he heard that the good friends were willing to

die for each other?

a. He set them free. b. He gave them his wealth. c. He wanted to befriend them. d. He killed both of them.

6. What is the lesson of the story? a. love your friend b. have a word of honour c. be kind d. all of the above

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