Executive: The Banking and Insurance Industries Have Changed Rapidly Inthe

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Executive Summary

The Banking and Insurance industries have changed rapidly inthe

changing and challenging economic environment throughout theworld. In this

competitive and liberalized environment everyone is tryingto do better than others and

consequently survival of the fittest has comeinto effect. This has given rise to a new form

of business wherein two bigfinancial institutions have come together and have

integrated all their strength and efforts and have created a new means of marketing

and promotin g their products and services. On one hand it is the Bankingsecto

r which is very competitive and on the other hand is Insurance sector which

has a lot of potential for growth. When these two join together, itgives birth to BANCASSU

RANCE.Banc assurance is nothing but the collaboration between a bank and an

insurance company wherein the bank promises to sell insurance pro

ducts to its customers in exchange of fees. It is a mutual relationship b etween the

banks and insurers. A relationship which amazinglyco mplements each others

strengths and weaknesses.It is a new buzz word in India but it is taking roots slowly andgradually.

It has been accepted by banks, insurance companies as well asthe customers. It

is basically an international concept which is spreadingall around the world and is favored by

all.Taking all these things into consideration I would like to present my project

BANCASS URANCE (an emerging concept inIndia). The project flashes some

light on Bancassuranc e and how it is perceived by people in India. It deals with

the conceptual part of Bancassura nce as well as its practical applications in

India.The main focus of this project is on benefits and importance of Bancassura

nce in India. The regulations governing Bancassuranc e arealso dealt with in

this project. SWOT analysis is also done so as toidentify the various opportunities

and threats for Bancassuranc e in India.


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