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Programs Designed by Abdullah Mufti Room N.O.


Foreword I have designed and checked all of the programs they are working If you want to be a good programmer then dont copy my Programs design your own, however if you need help you can have a look but do not cram my programs. Few of the Questions I had to omit, due to insufficient data. Regards Abdullah Mufti

Programs Designed by Abdullah Mufti Room N.O.-----E206

PROGRAM IMPLICIT NONE integer I DO 10 I=1,300,3


write(*,*) I,I+1,I+2



Programs Designed by Abdullah Mufti Room N.O.-----E206

Programs Designed by Abdullah Mufti Room N.O.-----E206

Programs Designed by Abdullah Mufti Room N.O.-----E206

Already done

Programs Designed by Abdullah Mufti Room N.O.-----E206

The value Become so big that it goes out of bound

I used the real data type because the data range goes out of bound for integer data type

Suppose there is an array of 100 Numbers. We will compare each and every number to find smallest and largest number from that array

Programs Designed by Abdullah Mufti Room N.O.-----E206

Fig 4-21(A) NOT AVAILIBLE 440 is omitted intentionally

Programs Designed by Abdullah Mufti Room N.O.-----E206

Programs Designed by Abdullah Mufti Room N.O.-----E206

Programs Designed by Abdullah Mufti Room N.O.-----E206

4-45,4-46 are omitted intentionally

I Dnt know what is example 4.5 But here is the formula for finding out prime numbers

Programs Designed by Abdullah Mufti Room N.O.-----E206

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