Coffee and Infertility

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Coffee & Infertility

La Lura White, M.D. Monday, August 1st, 2011 Chicago, Illinois

Starbucks is the meeting place of the coffee elite half, non-fat, double espresso, triple shot.. They have their own language but after satisfying the palate, what price do we pay. Here are a few statements from the medical literature: 1) Caffeine can interfere with the contractions of the muscles in the fallopian tube, so the egg stops getting transported. British Journal of Pharmacology, 2011. 2) Caffeine makes it more difficult for insulin produced in the body to control the blood sugar leading to insulin resistance and this can cause a woman not to ovulate. Diabetes, 2005. 3) Drinking at least three cups of coffee a day lowered the chance of conceiving a child by 27 percent. American Journal of Epidemiology, 1993 4) A diet abundant in caffeine may result in delayed conception, infertility and increased risk of osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease and cancer later in life. Journal of Human Nutrition & Dietetics, 2008. A pregnancy occurs when the egg released from the womans ovaries joins the sperm from the male partner. This union occurs in the fallopian tubes. Those tubes need to contract to bring the egg and sperm together. Once joined this newly formed union called a zygote is brought into the womb where it can implant and begin the growth of a new baby. The caffeine in that cup of coffee might relax these muscles in the fallopian tubes and cause them not to contract as well. This could result in a miscarriage, the pregnancy getting stuck in the tube (ectopic pregnancy) or the pregnancy cant implant in the womb at all. So you might want to take a look at your caffeine intake, especially if you have had problems with infertility or currently undergoing treatment. Caffeine is a plant-based stimulant that is chemically similar to drugs like morphine, nicotine, and cocaine. It has also been shown to cause nausea, irritability, jitters, anxiety, fast heartbeat and depression. In addition to coffee, caffeine is also found in other things like chocolate, cocoa, tea, caffeinated sodas and even some medications.

We always encourage anyone trying to conceive to eat well, reduce stress, comfortable exercise and reduce habits like smoking and alcohol intake. Now maybe its a good idea to take a look at your caffeine intake too. However, there are still conflicts within the medical literature, as other studies have not proven a relationship between caffeine and infertility. More research needs to be done. Also the inability to get pregnant can come from many different reasons like a mechanical blockage in the tubes, lack of ovulation or low sperm counts. But this is something you can control and at least think about. Many researchers suggest limiting caffeine intake to less the 200 mg per day. It is worth giving yourself the best chance to have a healthy pregnancy and you may possibly save a little money too.
Milligrams Restaurant Coffee Gourmet Coffee Brewed Coffee Single Shot of Expresso Coffee Cappuccino Instant Coffee Decaffeinated Coffee Brewed Tea Iced Tea Instant Tea Coke Diet Coke/Can Sprite & 7Up are caffeine free Chocolate Cocoa Pain Relievers 350 Mg 175 Mg 115 Mg 100 Mg 100 Mg 57 Mg 5 Mg 20 110 Mg 70 Mg 30 Mg 30 56 Mg 38 45 Mg --10 50 Mg 4 Mg 1 Tablet is 30 Mg & up Ounces 8 Ounces 8 Ounces 5 Ounces --8 Ounces 6 Ounces 5 Ounces 6 Ounces 12 Ounces 7 Ounces 12 Ounces ----2 Ounces 6 Ounces ---

U.S. FDA and National Soft Drink Association How do we compare to other countries: Average daily caffeine intake:

United States, 280mg Denmark, 707 mg Germany, 353 mg Poland, 278 mg Northern Italy, 286 mg Southern Italy, 256 mg Spain, 199 mg

The European Study Group on Infertility and Subfecundity

La Lura White M.D. is a dedicated Obstetrician/Gynecologist and Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialist, with over 25 years of personal and professional experience in providing quality health care services to women.

With rising health care cost, personal time restrictions and limited access to medical care, Dr. White realized that it was imperative to empower women with the ability to take a more forward role not only in their own lives, but greatly affect the well-being of their partners, children as well as creating a significant impact on today's work force. She also realizes the importance of combining nutrition, education, prevention and exercise, with welldeveloped personal health programs, in order for women to achieve a complete, healthy lifestyle. Second Opinion 2 is dedicated to assisting women to understand their personal health care needs. Only you can make the decisions that will keep you healthy, and Second Opinion 2 is here to help guide you towards a healthier lifestyle. Let us put our years of dedication and experience to work for you. It's like always having your doctor with you. Please visit us on the web at Contact us:

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