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% from abhishek % matlab program for generating ask fsk psk a=3*ones(1,50); %please not that clock can

be made from other % other methods also,this is the latest method b=ones(1,50); clock=[a b a b]; % any clarification pls call me t=linspace(0,4,200); carrier=cos(50*t); subplot(2,2,1); plot(t,clock); title('binary information signal'); axis([0 4 0 4]); ylabel('amplitude'); xlabel('time'); subplot(2,2,2); ASK=carrier.*clock; plot(t,ASK); title('ASK signal'); axis([0 4 -4 4]); ylabel('amplitude'); xlabel('time'); subplot(2,2,3); FSK=cos(20*t.*clock); plot(t,FSK); title('FSK signal'); axis([0 4 -1.3 1.3]); ylabel('amplitude'); xlabel('time'); subplot(2,2,4); PSK=cos(50*t+clock); plot(t,PSK); title('PSK signal'); axis([0 1.5 -1.3 1.3]); ylabel('amplitude'); xlabel('time');

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