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Building Bridges: An European Learning Community

This Project started in November 2010. All of us met in a meeting in Bilbao, Spain. There, in Bilbao, we decided to make a common project about our culture and environment. After a lot of paperwork we started the project with our first meeting in Austria, this took place on 14th to 19th of November 2011. To this first meeting every country had to work about a topic. In our case was Sports and Games. *First of all what we did, was an initial quest about Austria. What do you know about Austria?. They filled ten questions about Austria with their parents . *Our youngest pupils about traditional games. We teach the parts of the body, and colours. made a work used this topic to clothes, numbers

*Pupils on first cycle, 6 to 8 years, played four traditional games that you can play in Austria and Spain.The games played were: Hopscotch, Battle of the cloth, Hidden and sike and Apple run. *What sports can we Children on second searched informartion fantastic research practice in Austria? and third level, about it. They made a work.

This first meeting was a fantastic experience. After a lot of months making internet communication, finally we could meet all of us in Austria. It was a very good opportunity to know about other culture, to meet other teachers and see how they work and to share experiences. In my personal opinion we are a great group with a fantastic project. See you in next meeting:

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