Bone Chapter

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Osteochond dritis dissecan .

Osteocho ondritis dissecans ( /s sti.okndra dsknz often abbr ts z/), a joint disorder in which cracks form in the articular cartilage a the under m and is caused by blood dep privation in the subchondra bone. This loss of blood e al bone to die in a proces called avas ss scular necrosis. The bone is then reabs articular c cartilage it sup pported prone to damage. The result is fragmentatio e and bone, and the free movement o these osteo e of ochondral frag gments within
3][4] and furthe damage.[2][3 er

Although rare, it is an important cau of joint pa in physica active ado use ain ally bones are still growing, adolescents are more like than adult to recover f e s ely ts adolescen can be att nts tributed to the bone's ability to repair da e amaged or de a process called bone remodeling.W s While OCD ma affect any joint, the kne ay commonly affected, y OCD usua causes pa and swelling of the affe ally ain ected joint wh hich catches a

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and symptom ms

In osteoch hondritis disse ecans, fragments of cartila or bone b age become loose and inflam mmation. Thes fragments are sometim referred to as joint mice se mes o ofosteoch hondrosis in which a lesion has formed w w within the car rtilage layer it inflammat tion. OCD mo commonly affects the k ost y knee, although it can affect h or the elbo [18] ow. People wi OCD report activity-rela ith ated pain that develops gra t adually. Indivi of mechan nical symptom including p ms pain, swelling catching, locking, poppin g, primary presenting sym mptom may be a restriction in the range of movemen e n e present w within the initia weeks of st al tage I; howeve the onset of stage II oc er, little time f diagnosis. The disease progresses rapidly beyon stage II, as for e nd from stable cysts or fissures to unstable fragmen Non-spec symptoms nts. cific
19] such as sprains and strains, can delay a definitiv diagnosis.[1 ve

Physical e examination typically revea an effusion, tenderness and crepitu als s, spread, but often rever to a well-defined focal p rts point as the le symptoms with commo maladies, a s on acute osteoch hondral fractu tendernes in the affec ss cted joint, but is usually ass sociated with significant pathologic gait or charact t g teristic alignm ment abnorma

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